Apollo motorhomes taps into Trump's pro-growth drive

Apollo Tourism has 9 per cent of the US rental motorhomes market and is aiming to tap into a more buoyant US economy ...
Apollo Tourism has 9 per cent of the US rental motorhomes market and is aiming to tap into a more buoyant US economy under the Trump administration. afr

Apollo Tourism and Leisure's chief executive says the motorhome industry is excited about the election of Donald Trump as US President.

The company has a fleet of 600 motorhomes in the United States and chief executive Luke Trouchet says the entire industry is happily anticipating the prospect of supercharged US economic growth under the Trump administration.

Apollo, which listed on the ASX on November 4, 2016, is trading at more than 30 per cent above its $1 issue price and Mr Trouchet said on Monday that the company was "right on track" with its plans to open new offices in Florida and New York to capture more of the east coast motorhome market in the United States.

Apollo has 9 per cent of the motorhomes rental market in the US.

Mr Trouchet said that, while a large number of customers in the US hiring "RVs" – or recreational vehicles as they are known in the industry – were from Europe and it was unclear whether those tourist numbers would be affected, locals were also hiring their vehicles.


A step-up in domestic economic growth in the US could flow on to higher demand for motorhomes, he said, adding: "The whole RV sector is quite excited."

"If the US economy does become more buoyant, that will mean more rentals and more demand," Mr Trouchet said.

Mr Trump has outlined ambitious goals of doubling economic growth in the US to 4 per cent through a combination of tax reform, a major infrastructure building program and winding back trade deals.

Mr Trump has warned that his domestic and international policies will have at their core an "America First" approach where local economic growth and creating more jobs for Americans will be the top priority for the administration.

Travel and tourism represents about 2.7 per cent of total GDP in the United States, which is the highest proportion of 184 countries, according to Apollo.

Shares in US motorhome manufacturer Winnebago are up more than 16 per cent on the New York Stock Exchange since Mr Trump won the election.

Mr Trouchet said on Monday that the firm's new offices on the east coast in the United States, at Orlando in Florida and in New York, would help it to take advantage of rising demand.

Planning is in the final stages for May openings, which have been designed to tap into the peak holiday season. "We're right on track," he said.

Apollo had been concentrating on the west coast of the country.

Apollo's US business also sells ex-rental RVs, and Mr Trouchet said there was likely to be a flow-on in demand for these vehicles in a more prosperous US if higher economic growth projections were realised by the new administration.

The Trouchet family still holds around 65 per cent of the company's shares.