Trump spoils the TPP party but trade is not dead

President Trump signs three executive orders

One thing you have to now give Donald Trump credit for is that several days into his presidency he is turning rhetoric into reality.

The US President has made good on at least one of his election promises by signing an executive order confirming the United States' withdrawal from the 12-country Trans-Pacific Partnership.

While the move was flagged by Trump months ago, it is confirmation that Australia must pursue an alternative trade strategy in the region. Australia's relatively small domestic population means it will continue to rely heavily on exports to Asia, which means multilateral and bilateral trades are crucial for the country's economic health.

It is easy to criticise the federal government for clinging on to hopes that Trump would not axe US involvement in the deal. The problem for politicians such as Trade Minister Steven Ciobo trying to respond to anything Trump says is that it is hard to be 100 per cent sure what the entrepreneur-turned entertainer-turned President will do next.

US President Donald Trump signs an executive order reinstating the gag rule prohibiting receivers of aid from discussing ...
US President Donald Trump signs an executive order reinstating the gag rule prohibiting receivers of aid from discussing abortion. Bloomberg

The government did the right thing to keep the door open in case Trump's statements on the important trade deal were nothing more than bluster. It turns out they weren't and now Australia can choose to abandon the TPP altogether, wait it out and hope Trump changes his mind, pursue alternative trade deals or try and stitch something minus the single biggest member of the 12-nation block.

"In the end it will be an issue of resources and where do you focus negotiators' efforts," says Andy Crane, the boss of grains exporter CBH, who sits on a trade taskforce advising G20 countries on trade.

"If you are trying to do TPP and adding in India and Indonesia, why not look at the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) which is ASEAN plus China, India and South Korea already together. What does that give us?

"There is still a lot of work to be done – from an Australian point of view that is our backyard. That is where our products go and that's where the market is growing."

The RCEP agreement is being negotiated with the 10 ASEAN governments alongside Australia, China, India, Japan, New Zealand and South Korea.

David Rowe

There is no dressing up the fact this is not the outcome the Turnbull government wanted, but it also makes sense to salvage something from the ruins. The obvious losers will be the agriculture sector, particularly the sugar and dairy industry, which would have benefited from arrangements that removed tariffs on some products. The grain sector does not rely as heavily on exports to the US.

The plan B approach, which the government can now discuss openly, has been coined "TPP 12 minus one". While Australia and New Zealand want to push ahead, it is unclear whether other countries will want to remain without US involvement. Japan has already expressed doubts.

The 12 members would have accounted for 40 per cent of the world's GDP. Other countries included Japan, New Zealand, Canada, Chile, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Singapore, Vietnam and Brunei.

There is now more urgency than ever to secure a regional trade deal. Trump's decision will have far-ranging implications for America's role in the global economy while allowing China to fill a void in global trade.

In a speech at the World Economic Forum, China President Xi Jinping said pursuing protectionism is like locking yourself in a dark room. "China will keep its door wide open and not close it."

The Chinese rhetoric is the polar opposite of Trump's and underscores the bizarre shifts of global politics in the past year.

There is no doubt pulling out of the TPP means the US will have less influence in Asia. The Washington Post compares the move to delays by US lawmakers in backing 2010 changes to the International Monetary Fund, which created a window for China to create the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.

The TPP has been hugely divisive because it reduces barriers to traditional trade goods while setting up new regulatory standards. Critics did not want the US setting the rules to look after its own companies.

Crane, who says free trade is only good for jobs in a country such as Australia, says the real issues for industry have been non-tariff barriers, such as regulatory hurdles and technical standards and how they are harmonised across the region.

"Our track record shows our progress with bilaterals in the last few years that we have the relationships and the skills to establish these free trade agreements, so we should keep pushing along with a modified TPP or the RCEP," he says.