Julie Bishop does Hollywood Walk of Fame with Brett Ratner

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop is in Los Angeles for G'Day LA.
Foreign Minister Julie Bishop is in Los Angeles for G'Day LA. Jesse Marlow

Barely a fortnight since it emerged that Julie Bishop charged taxpayers to attend the Portsea Polo in January 2016 "in her official capacity as Minister for Foreign Affairs and Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party", she's in Los Angeles air-kissing and ribbon-cutting at G'Day USA, self-defined as "the most important public diplomacy program promoting Australian capabilities in the US". The annual festival is "public diplomacy" just like our alcoholism is "research".

Fairly or otherwise, Bishop's more cynical colleagues delight in mocking her enthusiasm for all things showbiz, particularly in contrast with her handle on domestic policy (for example, her unhappy stint as shadow treasurer and her inability to explain the government's transition to retirement scheme to 3AW's Neil Mitchell during last year's election campaign). Although, if the definition of an intellectual featherweight is someone who prefers selfies with Bambi Northwood-Blyth at the Boom Boom Room over a Reserve Bank roundtable on global bond yields at the Rydges on National Circuit, then the shoe fits us too!

Clearly unfazed, JBish has taken her starf---er notoriety to a whole new level, attending the unveiling of film director Brett Ratner's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame late last week. The indefatigable foreign minister has spent the past week in California on annual leave ahead of G'Day's grand January 26 commencement. She paid for her own flights.

Johnny Depp is a member of Julie Bishop's posse. Depp's ex-wife Amber Heard isn't. Neither are her dogs Pistol and Boo, ...
Johnny Depp is a member of Julie Bishop's posse. Depp's ex-wife Amber Heard isn't. Neither are her dogs Pistol and Boo, sworn enemies of Barnaby Joyce. Jordan Strauss

Ratner, the Rush Hour director, is one half (presumably the non-money half) of film co-investor RatPac Entertainment with James Packer. You wouldn't expect the Minister for Women – whether it's Michaelia Cash or her predecessor Tony Abbott [suppressed giggle] – to bend over backwards for Ratner, given his colourful history.

In 2011, responding to unflattering revelations about him in actress Olivia Munn's memoir, Ratner admitted: "I banged her a few times, but then forgot her."

Munn, of The Newsroom fame, had written about an incident in Ratner's trailer in which he gorged himself on shrimp cocktail using one hand while masturbating with the other. The rest of the story is unprintable in a non-shrink wrapped publication.

Ratner was also sacked as producer of the 2012 Oscars after declaring that "rehearsing is for fags".

Mind you, Ratner is now making movies for the United Nations (many of whose member states don't much like fags either). And Bishop's famous friends are a veritable shoebox of misfits. She even fraternises with Johnny Depp, donating a dinner with Edward Scissorhands as an auction item at the Canberra Press Gallery's Midwinter Ball last year. And Johnny's recent behaviour towards his nearest and dearest has been, well, rather headstrong! And no, we're not talking about Pistol and Boo…

The original version of this article incorrectly stated that Julie Bishop attended the Hollywood Walk of Fame "in an official capacity". As amended, the minister is on personal leave and paid for her own travel. We apologise for the error.