Let the Hunter (Hall) games begin

Tangled web: Hunter Hall International  founder Peter Hall and Wilson Asset Management's Geoff Wilson.
Tangled web: Hunter Hall International founder Peter Hall and Wilson Asset Management's Geoff Wilson. David Rowe

The consequences of Peter Hall's shock decision to sell a stake in the funds management company he founded at a third of its market value is now playing out via a three-way tussle for control of Hunter Hall International.

Hall's resignation just after Christmas and his decision to sell a 19.9 per cent stake to Washington H. Soul Pattinson and Co for $1 a share left the company vulnerable to opportunistic acquirers and has sparked a bizarre bidding war for the company.

Hunter Hall now has two offers on the table after Pinnacle Investment Management launched a rival offer for the company on Monday.

Like Soul Patts' $1-a-share offer, Pinnacle's $1.50-a-share offer substantially undervalues the company. Some shareholders are understandably unimpressed with both offers given Hunter Hall shares closed at $2.23 on Tuesday.

But this is no ordinary takeover battle. Hall, who still owns a 24 per cent stake, is the key to the whole thing. He had previously agreed to sell that stake to Soul Patts in the absence of a superior offer. Whether Pinnacle's offer is "superior" or not could be open to interpretation by Hall, who was keen to sell quickly and to a shareholder he believed was genuinely supportive of the company he built.

Pinnacle has been looking at the company for a while but was forced to move quickly by raising capital and coming up with a counter offer.

Playing out on the sidelines is the separate tussle by high-profile funds manager Geoff Wilson to force the board of Hunter Hall Global Value (HAVV) – a listed investment company that is the most valuable asset in the Hunter Hall stable – to agree to his request for an equal-access share buyback.

Wilson's argument is that a buyback at net tangible asset value (NTA) for all shareholders gives everyone a chance to exit the company at a fair price. Wilson Asset Management is the biggest investor with an 11 per cent stake and has threatened to call an extraordinary general meeting to roll the board if that does not happen.

The HAVV board formally rejected that proposal on Tuesday. HAVV chairman Paul Jensen says Wilson's proposal does not cut it because there is already enough liquidity for shareholders to get out.

To get a fair price for an equal-access buyback, HAVV says it would have to liquidate the portfolio, which results in transactions costs. Jensen also notes Wilson was selling shares in the December quarter before increasing its holding again this month.

The Hunter Hall saga is going to get messier before there is a resolution.

Shareholders would be crazy to accept either of the two offers on the table. Hunter Hill should grant both bidders due diligence in the hope of extracting a higher offer for the company.

Pinnacle is offering to increase its offer to $2-per-share on several conditions, including being able to get a 50 per cent stake or more. It is also dangling the carrot of a higher offer if it is granted due diligence and likes what it sees.

The deal makes strategic sense for Pinnacle but it would need both Hall and Soul Patts to sell it their stakes if its offer has any hope of getting off the ground.

Both Soul Patts and Pinnacle seem confident Hall will sell his stake to them and both claim the strongest credentials and investment performance record to run Hunter Hall.

Everyone is claiming to be acting in the interests of the small shareholders in Hunter Hall.