Apple and Samsung battle intensifies as Australian smartphone sales slow

Telsyte's statistics for 2015 showed iPhones remain by far the most popular individual handset.
Telsyte's statistics for 2015 showed iPhones remain by far the most popular individual handset. Bloombergh

Australians bought 1 million fewer smartphones last year than in 2014, as higher prices, market saturation and an off year for Apple's iPhone saw Google's Android operating system retain its local dominance.

The annual Australian Smartphone and Wearables Devices Market Study from research firm Telsyte also found sales of smart watches – led by the Apple Watch – remained sluggish, but the adoption of fitness-related wearable technology was taking off.

In smartphone circles, odd years are always slower, particularly from Apple's perspective, which tends to launch minor upgrades of 'S' models of existing phones, rather than new models. This was the case in 2015 when it launched the iPhone 6S in September; despite this, Apple remained the best-selling handset maker, followed by Samsung.

Telsyte managing director Foad Fadaghi said there was a huge gap between the top two smartphone brands locally and the third place, which last year, surprisingly, was Huawei, largely due to the Nexus 6P that it makes for Google.

Samsung's Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge have been very well received by reviewers.
Samsung's Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge have been very well received by reviewers. Supplied

Slow year

Telsyte found local smartphone sales declined 11 per cent last year, with 7.9 million units sold, in comparison with 8.9 million in 2014.

Sales in 2015 were hampered by the falling Australian dollar, which forced up the prices of premium handsets at a time when local telecommunications providers were also reducing subsidies for handsets. Lower-cost operators such as Oppo have also entered the market with competitive devices, giving phone buyers reason to reconsider the need to buy top-of-the-range phones.

However, with Apple due to hold an event on March 21 – in which it is expected to unveil a smaller screen option for the iPhone – and an iPhone 7 due to arrive later this year, Telsyte is tipping sales to increase this year by 6 per cent to 8.4 million.

It will certainly be a year of more intense competition with Samsung's Galaxy S7 phones already unveiled to rave reviews ahead of Apple's new offering.

Telsyte's Australian smartphone sales statistics.
Telsyte's Australian smartphone sales statistics. Telsyte

"The Samsung Galaxy 7 phones will be well received by existing Samsung users as it improves on the previous model and re-introduces key features such as upgradable memory, however it is priced significantly higher than the average Android phone," Mr Fadaghi said.

"For Apple, there is a large base of users on older, smaller-form factor devices such as the iPhone 5S or earlier, which the company will need to address in the next 12 months or it risks losing them, as devices come close to end of life. It might be impossible for Apple to regain bragging rights given the rise of Android, however it retains a strong existing user base, with high repeat purchase intentions – still higher than other brands."

Android strong

Telsyte's statistics for 2015 showed that while iPhones remain by far the most popular individual handset, Google's Android operating system is used on so many different brands it is comfortably the most commonly used operating system. Apple sold 3.43 million iPhones in Australia in 2015, in comparison with a combined total of 4.0 million Android-based phones sold.

Telsyte managing director Foad Fadaghi says there is a huge gap between the top two smartphone brands locally and the ...
Telsyte managing director Foad Fadaghi says there is a huge gap between the top two smartphone brands locally and the third place.

The battle between the operating systems is little changed from a year earlier. Android has 50.6 per cent of the market, Apple's iOS has 43.4 per cent, while Microsoft's Windows is disappointingly flat at 5.3 per cent, despite the emergence of the Windows 10 operating system.

Mr Fadaghi said pre-orders for Samsung's Galaxy S7 phones were already looking promising, and its strategy of pairing its phone with a virtual reality headset looked like paying dividends. He said smart accessories are starting to influence purchase decisions, including smart watches and VR units, with more bundling expected to be a feature of devices sold in coming years.

At Mobile World Congress in February, as well as Samsung, Alcatel announced that its Idol 4 phone would come encased in a VR headset, HTC announced pricing and availability for a new headset called the HTC Vive and LG announced a VR headset known as the LG 360 VR, which will be a companion device for its new G5 flagship phone.

Telsyte earlier predicted that 110,000 VR units, including devices such as Google Cardboard, Sony PlayStation VR and Facebook's Oculus Rift, will be sold in 2016. "VR will help drive the sale of premium handsets, particularly Samsung, as consumers look to upgrade to use VR features," Mr Fadaghi said. "However, getting consumers to pay for mobile VR as an accessory might be a bit harder than bundling it with a new handset. The mobile VR experience is not as advanced as VR on PCs or games consoles."

Samsung's Galaxy S7 is compatible with Samsung's Gear VR virtual reality headset.
Samsung's Galaxy S7 is compatible with Samsung's Gear VR virtual reality headset. Supplied

Wearable tech

Elsewhere, Telsyte found the wearable tech market is still dominated by smart wristbands such as Fitbit. Fitness bands sold about 76 per cent of the 944,000 wearable technology devices sold in the second half of the year. Fitbit was the market leader, followed by the Apple Watch and then a band from Garmin.

Mr Fadaghi said his firm estimated that 35 per cent of Australians would be wearing a smart wearable device regularly by 2020, compared with about 12 per cent today.

The launch of the Apple Watch in April 2015 was greeted with great fanfare, but sales appear to have been steady rather than spectacular, and buyers appear to be largely within the tech early adopter demographic, rather than the general populace.

In a bid to understand consumer behaviour, Telsyte conducted lifestyle and attitudinal surveys, finding smart watch users are twice as likely to want to "stand out in a crowd", five times more likely to feel pressure to buy the latest gadgets and three times more likely to always keep up with the latest technology developments.

"Some of the initial hype surrounding the Apple Watch wore off in the second half of last year, however, it remains the market leader in the smart watch category. The trouble with the Apple Watch seems to be category-wide, with smart watches not yet capturing the imagination of the mainstream," Mr Fadaghi said.