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L City Jan 25
Beautiful. We should all come together for every single issue Trump admin threatens and march for it.
Impeach Donald Trump Jan 25
We must fight back against the elimination of common sense!!
Jonathan Jan 25
WHY? Did anyone actually vote on November 8? Women didn't vote. Scientists didn't vote? Only illegals and the dead voted?
OhReally Jan 25
lol, must be getting ready for the funding gravy train to come to a end. There is not much demand for a Scientist these days.
Kevin Ernste Jan 25
Another approach: collectively refuse to do any science until they agree to listen to reason. And by that I mean actual *reason*.
Mark Treinen Jan 25
I was aiming for levity and NOT a political statement. Based on those who hearted the tweet, I missed badly. Oops.
Hmph🇺🇸 Jan 25
clearly you aren't a scientist or know what a scientist does...
OhReally Jan 25
clearly Dumbcuck Azzwipe
Minister Tony Hayble Jan 25
Who else? Police officers?
BlackandBlondeMedia Jan 25
"The Great Climate Swindle" How to enslave . Elite progressive Democrat's new