Jack Ma, the face of modern China, plans to take Alibaba to the world

David Rowe

Picture the scene. A 15-year-old boy is standing outside the Shangri-La Hotel in the regional Chinese city of Hangzhou, hoping to chance upon a friendly foreign tourist on whom to practice his English.

It’s the summer of 1980 and Hangzhou, with its West Lake and proximity to Shanghai, has become a destination for foreign visitors wanting a peek into modern China. Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution is just four years gone and that slightly built boy with lively eyes and an angular face is Ma Yun, who would later take the English name Jack Ma.

Despite a limited grasp of English, Ma is sufficiently confident to strike up a conversation with an Australian boy by the name of David Morley, who’s holidaying in China with his family. They agree to meet up the following day and, in a triumph of long-term planning, Ma and the Morley family become penfriends.

“Dad saw something in him right from the start,” Morley recalls via phone from his home in Newcastle, NSW. Morley’s late father, Ken, also noticed that Ma had an edge. On first impression he described him as a “barrow boy”.

Donald Trump meets Jack Ma at Trump Tower in New York in January.
Donald Trump meets Jack Ma at Trump Tower in New York in January. Evan Vucci

Who is Jack Ma, really?

This idea of Ma as an opportunistic chancer who always had one eye on the future has endured for the nearly 37 years the Morley family has known him. Ma might have founded China’s biggest internet company, Alibaba, but he’s more salesman than tech-introvert, more hustler than business stiff. Indeed, the 52-year-old has never written a line of code and by his own admission is barely numerate.

Ma is a deal maker, the operator who’s driven Alibaba’s success. He had sufficient front to take on eBay in its prime, squeeze Yahoo! out of its most prospective investment, and break the monopoly enjoyed by China’s giant state-owned banks. He casts himself as a maverick, yet all the while has remained deferential to the ruling Communist Party.

“It’s a high-wire act for Jack, but at this stage he’s still up there,” says Duncan Clark, a China-based investment banker who wrote the book Alibaba: The House Jack Ma Built.

Such dexterity has allowed Ma to transform Alibaba into a $US229 billion ($306 billion) company listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Alibaba accounts for 26 per cent of all e-commerce globally – double that of Amazon, according to data compiled by industry publication Internet Retailer.

Jack Ma visiting Sydney in 1985.
Jack Ma visiting Sydney in 1985.

What is Alibaba, really?

But Alibaba is far more than China’s version of Amazon. While its Tmall site is like other e-commerce retailers, the company’s early success was built around Taobao, an enduring version of eBay’s marketplace. Its affiliate Alipay is the biggest provider of mobile payments in China, while Alibaba has extensive interests in media, traditional retail, funds management and disruptive technologies such as ride-hailing apps. All this has given Ma a personal fortune estimated by Forbes at $US27 billion, and seen him ranked variously in first or second spot on China’s annual rich list.

More than anything, though, Ma is the face of modern China, the country’s most valuable soft-power asset – who lunches at the White House, who met with Donald Trump in January, and who has rare access to the highest levels of power in Beijing.

Now, having conquered China and captured the world’s attention, Ma wants to take Alibaba global. As part of that drive the company is in the process of opening an Australian head office in Melbourne. “China needs to import more things,” Ma said during a visit by Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to Alibaba’s Hangzhou headquarters in September. In this quest, he said, Alibaba was looking to Australia for food and agricultural products, noting there were already 1300 Australian brands on the company’s platforms. “Australia is such an important market for Alibaba,” he said.

Jack Ma rubbing shoulders with the rich and powerful at a meeting in 2015 at Microsoft’s main campus. Front row, left to ...
Jack Ma rubbing shoulders with the rich and powerful at a meeting in 2015 at Microsoft’s main campus. Front row, left to right: Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, JD.com’s Liu Qiangdong, Cisco’s John Chambers, Ma, IBM’s Ginni Rometty, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Microsoft’s Satya Nadella, China’s Internet czar Lu Wei, Apple’s Tim Cook, Tencent’s Pony Ma, and Amazon’s Jeff Bezos.

In reality Australia will provide a small amount of high-value goods for China’s growing consumer class. The real game in going global is to have shoppers in emerging markets buying on Alibaba’s platforms. This is already starting to happen in places such as Russia and Africa.

Beyond e-commerce

If Ma is successful in making Alibaba one of the world’s dominant internet companies, he will be the first Chinese entrepreneur to create a truly global brand. To achieve this he has moved beyond Alibaba’s e-commerce marketplaces, Taobao and Tmall, which he says are “fast becoming traditional businesses”, and into logistics, entertainment, financial services and media.

Duncan Clark, who worked closely with Ma in the early days of Alibaba, argues that the company has already gone global, just not in the traditional sense of tackling developed markets in the US or Europe. “They are not going to take on Amazon, that is a lazy Western world view,” Clark says. “The opportunity for Alibaba is in emerging markets where the company is already having a big impact.”

Alibaba’s aim is to service 2 billion customers a year by 2020, which Ma believes will connect 10 million businesses with consumers and create 100 million jobs. It had 434 million active users in the June quarter.

“We believe the commerce infrastructure we have created in China – marketplaces, payments, logistics, cloud computing and big data, all working in concert – can be applied on a global scale,” Ma said in his annual letter to shareholders in October.

SEC investigation

The issue for Ma is that the same hustle or aggression that got him so far in China is starting to cause problems abroad. Alibaba is facing an investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission in the US, where it’s listed, for the way it reports sales during its annual Singles Day shopping event. It has also been heavily criticised for perceived efforts to co-opt a US lobbying group which had been critical of Alibaba’s lack of action in removing fakes from Taobao.

This willingness to say or do whatever’s necessary to win is highlighted in Clark’s book. He cites a 1995 incident in which Ma attributed to Microsoft founder Bill Gates the quote: “The internet will change every aspect of human beings.” Gates never actually said such a thing, but when that fact emerged, Ma was unrepentant. “I believe that Bill Gates would definitely say it one day,” was his retort.

Ma’s towering success and wealth is all the more compelling given where he came from. Unlike most Chinese entrepreneurs of his generation, in the early days Ma had none of the political and business connections so crucial for securing financing and approvals in China.

Equally, he neither studied abroad nor attended a top local university. These days Ma likes to make light of his failure – twice – to pass China’s Gaokao, the punishing university entrance exam. He scored just one out of 120 in maths at his first attempt and 19 the second time around. On his third attempt he was still below the required university entrance level, but was allowed into what he has described as a “third-rate” teaching college as it had spare places for male students.

Language and timing

Ma did, however, have two big advantages. He spoke English, the language of the early internet. And he came of age at the very time China was opening up after four decades of isolation under Mao. Opportunities to play catch-up were there for those brave and driven enough to embrace the new world of Chinese capitalism.

“From an early age, if you needed something done, Jack was the guy who could make it happen,” says Morley, who along with his mother and siblings visited Ma in Hangzhou before Christmas. “He was always a great networker and I guess a sign of his motivation was that he would go to that hotel day after day to practise his English with foreigners.”

This hustle and ability of Ma’s to get things done is complemented by a rare ability to hold an audience, whether in English or Chinese. It’s been called “Jack Magic”. These often unvarnished performances, which jump about between subjects, provide a stark contrast with the typical Chinese chairman or political leader, who rigidly sticks to the script for fear of being taken out of context or making headlines.

Ma is the opposite. He loves making news and in the early 2000s, when the world was looking for a voice to explain what was happening in China, he stepped up. He was funny, articulate, a product of the Chinese education system who spoke English and was trying to build a business in an emerging industry. That combination delivered Ma a giant profile – he was the first mainland entrepreneur to make the cover of Forbes.

In the early days of Alibaba this profile was crucial, affording the company opportunities beyond its size and helping it to secure financial and business partners including Yahoo’s Jerry Yang and the founder of Japan’s SoftBank Group, Masayoshi Son. In recent years Ma has become less available for interviews and speaking engagements – he declined an interview request from The Australian Financial Review Magazine for this piece – but is no less controversial.

Reading between the lines

Like the “barrow boy” Ken Morley identified on their first meeting, Ma’s comments invariably come with an edge. During Turnbull’s visit to Alibaba’s headquarters, Ma joked about being rejected for an Australian visa seven times before being allowed to visit the Morleys at their Newcastle home in 1985. “Australia means a lot to me,” he said. But his six-minute speech contained more than just platitudes about the landscape and friendliness of the locals. “I was educated that China was the best and richest country in the world in the 1970s and ’80s. When I arrived in Australia I saw that the world was so different … and since then I have always used my own mind to think about things.”

His insinuation that China’s education system had brainwashed an entire generation might lead some to see Ma as a strong critic of the Communist Party. This is not the case, even though he has dared to speak about subjects such as the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre and on sensitive issues like China’s chronic air pollution.

“Our water has become undrinkable, our food inedible, our milk poisonous, and worst of all, the air in our cities is so polluted that we often cannot see the sun,” he said in late 2013. Such direct criticism of China’s senior leadership and its failures on the environment has won Ma huge public support, but while his comments were edgy they were not out of step with government actions at the time to combat air pollution.

This is Ma’s other great skill – painting himself as a critic of the Party yet at the same time forging deep connections with senior leaders. One insider, who has observed first hand Ma’s political manoeuvrings, says one of his strongest Party connections is Li Qiang, previously the governor of Zhejiang province, the capital of which is Hangzhou. Li has since been promoted but during his time in Hangzhou he was deputy to China’s now President Xi Jinping. “This is his link to the very top,” says the insider.

Influential investments

Ma has also cultivated other connections and gained influence through the purchase of media assets in all corners of the country. While some of these purchases are strategic plays, such as stakes in social media companies Weibo and Tudou others foster connections with senior Party officials.

The insider points to Alibaba’s 2015 investment in Watching News, a news media company in the far western province of Xinjiang, which is part-owned by the provincial government. The news service has little connection with Alibaba’s business interests but put Ma in direct contact with then Xinjiang Party Secretary, Zhang Chunxiang. Zhang has since moved to a more senior job in Beijing and is a member of the Politburo, China’s second-ranked leadership body. He’s a contender for further promotion to the Standing Committee later this year.

Even for a business figure as omnipresent as Ma, such connections are vital in China, where the Party is the sole vessel of power, controlling everything from the legal system to licensing and loans from state-owned banks. But unlike most business contemporaries, Ma’s political links don’t come through the typical channels. He’s not a Party member, nor does he sit in the country’s rubber-stamp parliament, the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.

This has allowed Ma and Alibaba to claim that the company relies on markets, not connections. “We didn’t have them before, we don’t have them now, and in the future we won’t need them!” the company said after The New York Times identified some well-connected people on its share register. This idea that Alibaba does not play the guanxi, or relationships game, is part of Ma’s dexterity, helped by his refusal to trot out the latest government talking points on the economy or reform. But his claim to being above politics was largely exploded after Alibaba purchased the South China Morning Post, Hong Kong’s main English-language newspaper in December 2015.

Favourable media coverage

“That purchase was hard to justify on commercial terms,” says Clark. The paper, once owned by Rupert Murdoch, had long vacillated between China-friendly coverage and more critical views. More recently, as Beijing became unwilling to countenance even the mildest of rebukes, it had become a problem for China’s leadership. “Ma’s buying of the Post solved a problem for Beijing,” says the insider. “President Xi is highly pragmatic and he welcomes anyone who can fix a problem for him.”

Ma’s stated aim in buying the paper was to address “biased” foreign news coverage of China and to change perceptions about the mainland across the Anglosphere. In practice this has translated into more pro-Beijing coverage, such that the paper is now described as “pro-establishment”, a tag it never had before.

While acknowledging the Post deal had been criticised by many, Clark says Alibaba is not just looking to find favour with Beijing but also seeking to play the system off against itself. “Jack will do what he is asked [by China’s leadership] but at the same time he’s trying to shake up the system,” says Clark. “But, as always, he is flying close to the sun.”

There is perhaps no better example of Ma’s proximity to the sun than Alipay, which accounts for more than 60 per cent of China’s $US235 billion mobile payments market. This market is now bigger than its equivalent in the US, largely due to Ma, who used Alipay to smash the financial services monopoly enjoyed by China’s state-owned banks.

By offering better deposit rates and a more convenient payments system, Alipay has become a virtual bank and is responsible for beginning the process of deregulating China’s financial system. That Ma was ever allowed to establish Alipay speaks to his ability to play the anti-establishment consumer advocate all the while having sufficient connections in the Party to effect change.

Disrupter or barrow boy?

Alipay could be seen as the two sides of Ma’s famously complex personality. On the one hand it represents Ma the disrupter, the guy “shaking up” the system. But the deal which saw him grab control of the payments company epitomises Ma the “barrow boy”; it emerged in May 2011 that he transferred Alipay’s assets into a separate company controlled by himself, thereby removing Yahoo and Japan’s Softbank as shareholders in a company now valued at $US60 billion and preparing to list in either Hong Kong or Shanghai.

Ma justified the appropriation of assets from the main Alibaba holding company by saying it was the only viable option, as foreign parties are not permitted to own shares in a Chinese payments company. It was an explanation the critics didn’t buy, especially after other foreign invested companies were subsequently granted a payments licence.Local business magazine Caixin said Ma had “violated contract principles” and damaged China’s international reputation by transferring the assets to a company he controlled “for a price too low to be fair”.

Ma was typically defiant in the face of global criticism, at one stage comparing his decision on Alipay to that of former leader Deng Xiaoping sending troops to put down the 1989 student protests in Tiananmen Square. “As the top decision-maker of the country, he [Deng] needed stability and had to make this cruel decision,” Ma told the South China Morning Post in July 2013. “This is not a perfect decision but it is the correct and right decision at the time.”

That Ma could make such a comparison highlights both his lack of a filter and desire to put himself in historical context. But it also shows how he became China’s most recognisable entrepreneur, one who continues to dwell close to the edge. Many predict he’ll one day tumble over that edge but it’s more likely that Ma will become one of the enduring business figures of his generation. Who knows, he may even succeed in his goal of having Alibaba last for 101 years.

The AFR Magazine Innovation issue is out on Friday, January 27, inside The Australian Financial Review.

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