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‘A Dog’s Purpose’ movie is being investigated for potential animal abuse on set

  • A Dog’s Purpose is facing considerable controversy over a video TMZ released Wednesday.
  • In the video, which TMZ reported was shot in November 2015, a German Shepherd is repeatedly forced into turbulent water, despite being visibly frightened. The dog attempts to escape the water several times before ultimately being pushed deeper.
  • The video ends after the dog becomes submerged in the water and the filmmakers yell to cut. 
  • PETA is asking moviegoers to boycott the film. Read more
Source: mic.com a dog's purpose animal cruelty tw animal cruelty dog arts movies film news


Betsy DeVos has no idea what the difference between proficiency and growth is

  • Department of Education secretary nominee Betsy DeVos’s Senate confirmation hearing was Tuesday. 
  • Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) described an experience contrasting proficiency to growth and used that to ask DeVos for her views on the debate. DeVos couldn’t answer the question. Read more

Betsy DeVos cites danger of “grizzlies” as reason to allow guns in schools

  • Also during her confirmation hearing, DeVos cited grizzly bears as why the federal government not to take action against guns in schools.
  • DeVos said in Wyoming, “I’d imagine there’s a gun in the school to protect from potential grizzlies.”
  • One Wyoming teacher explained to Mic that fences and bear spray are used to ward off bears. Read more

Teachers union chief says Betsy DeVos “is a trainwreck waiting to happen”

  • Lily Eskelsen Garcia, president of the National Education Association, said in an interview that DeVos is unqualified and has the wrong vision for the nation’s schools.
  • “I don’t think you will find one human being who could actually point to something who could say, ‘Because she did this, it really improved those traditional, neighborhood public schools,” Garcia said. “What you’re seeing here is a trainwreck waiting to happen.”  Read more

Update: DeVos “never believed” in conversion therapy, but donated millions to organizations that do

  • After being questioned about gay conversion therapy by Al Franken, DeVos said, "Senator Franken, I’ve never believed in that.“
  • Though DeVos claims she doesn’t believe in the harmful practice, her actions contradict her words. 
  • The DeVos family were among the largest donors to the right-wing groups that advocate for conversion therapy. Read more
micdotcom Source: mic.com Betsy DeVOs conversion therapy homophobia LGBTQ politics news identities

Chrisette Michele may be playing Trump’s inauguration

  • A Wednesday report from New York Daily News has revealed Chrisette Michele, Grammy-winning R&B artist, has signed on to the inauguration, according to “sources close to the festivities.”
  • Essence received confirmation from Michele’s team that the reports are true, though the magazine noted Michele’s managers “seemed a bit taken aback by the news and was unable to give further comment.”
  • Questlove, who has collaborated with Michele, has gone as far as offering to pay her to not perform. Read more
Source: mic.com Chrisette Michele Trump Trump inauguration music news
Obama transferred $500 million to a climate fund three days before Trump takes office• With just three days left in his term Obama is taking steps to safeguard the historic Paris climate agreement — to the tune of $500 million.
• On Tuesday, Obama...

Obama transferred $500 million to a climate fund three days before Trump takes office

  • With just three days left in his term Obama is taking steps to safeguard the historic Paris climate agreement — to the tune of $500 million.
  • On Tuesday, Obama transferred the sum to the Green Climate Fund, a trust created in 2010 to allow wealthy countries to financially assist developing nations in reducing emissions.
  • The United States has pledged a total of $3 billion to the fund. Combined with an earlier $500 million payment made in March 2016, the U.S. still owes $2B — a debt of which President-elect Donald Trump has pledged to pay none. Read more
Source: mic.com Obama climate change paris climate agreement Green Climate fund world climate science global warming news politics

LGBTQ activists are throwing a queer dance party outside Mike Pence’s house

  • At the end of this week, Mike Pence and his family will be moving out of their temporary residence in D.C.’s Chevy Chase neighborhood and into the posh Naval Observatory. 
  •  Before he leaves, one group is going to give him one good look at the queer side of America he will soon have to represent.
  • Over 700 people have confirmed their attendence to the Queer Dance Party at Mike Pence’s House.
  • The party is a protest action organized by WERK for Peace and DisruptJ20, designed to send a message to “Daddy Pence” that “homo/transphobia is not tolerated in our country,” according to the event’s Facebook page. Read more
Source: mic.com LGBTQ Mike Pence protest protest action queer dance party LGBTQ activists activism news politics identities

State attorneys general are leading the resistance against Donald Trump

  • Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey has been seeking to calm residents of her state, saying she’ll use her role as the Bay State’s top law enforcement officer to fight any of Trump’s policies that she feels either violates the Constitution or bodes ill for Massachusetts residents.
  • In New York, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman challenged Trump throughout his election campaign, including opening a fraud inquiry into Trump University that helped past attendees earn a massive $25 million settlement and investigating alleged impropriety at the Trump Foundation.
  • In California, Attorney General nominee Xavier Becerra — who looks poised to succeed Sen. Kamala Harris in the role — vowed during his confirmation process to take on Trump if he seeks to carry out mass deportations, implement a Muslim registry or attack environmental protections. Read more
Source: mic.com attorneys general attorney general trump resistance politics news Massachusetts California New York

New Hampshire bill would require “corroboration” in sexual assault cases

  • It could soon become far more difficult for sexual assault survivors to prove their cases in New Hampshire.
  • NH Legislators are considering a bill that would require “corroboration” for victims’ testimonies if their alleged attacker has no prior record.
  • The bill’s supporters claim the legislation will help cut down on supposed false accusations and wrongful convictions. 
  • Republican Rep. William Marsh, who filed the legislation, hopes it protects adults from the lies of children.
  • Sgt. Sean Ford of the Concord Police Department termed it “the nation’s first pedophile protection act.” Read more
Source: mic.com sexual assault New Hampshire rape molestation assault corroboration news politics identities

Obama will leave office as one of the most popular presidents in history

  • Obama will leave office on Friday as one of the most popular presidents since FDR, according to a spate of new polls released Wednesday.
  • Obama ends his two terms with a 60% approval rating, according to surveys from CNN and ABC/Washington Post — his highest since 2009.
  • That 60% approval rating makes Obama the fourth most popular outgoing president in modern history, behind Roosevelt, Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan. Read more
Source: mic.com Obama approval ratings politics news Barack Obama President Obama

Betsy DeVos has no idea what the difference between proficiency and growth is

  • Department of Education secretary nominee Betsy DeVos’s Senate confirmation hearing was Tuesday. 
  • Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) described an experience contrasting proficiency to growth and used that to ask DeVos for her views on the debate. DeVos couldn’t answer the question. Read more

Betsy DeVos cites danger of “grizzlies” as reason to allow guns in schools

  • Also during her confirmation hearing, DeVos cited grizzly bears as why the federal government not to take action against guns in schools.
  • DeVos said in Wyoming, “I’d imagine there’s a gun in the school to protect from potential grizzlies.”
  • One Wyoming teacher explained to Mic that fences and bear spray are used to ward off bears. Read more

Teachers union chief says Betsy DeVos “is a trainwreck waiting to happen”

  • Lily Eskelsen Garcia, president of the National Education Association, said in an interview that DeVos is unqualified and has the wrong vision for the nation’s schools.
  • “I don’t think you will find one human being who could actually point to something who could say, ‘Because she did this, it really improved those traditional, neighborhood public schools,” Garcia said. “What you’re seeing here is a trainwreck waiting to happen.”  Read more
Source: mic.com Betsy DeVos Trump education Al Franken guns grizzly bears department of education schools politics news

Mike Enoch, the neo-Nazi blogger behind (((echoes))), has a Jewish wife

  • Over the weekend, unnamed activists leaked the true identity of Mike Enoch, the neo-Nazi behind TheRightStuf.biz and co-host of its Daily Shoah podcast.
  • According to the Medium post, which has since been taken down for rules violations — but is still archived online — Enoch is actually Mike Peinovich.
  • Peinovich lives in New York City’s ritzy Upper East Side neighborhood, has a “lucrative tech job” and a “liberal family, rooted in the affluent suburb of Montclair, New Jersey." 
  • The Medium post noted that Peinovich concealed his true identity to enjoy the trappings of his liberal city lifestyle.
  • As news of his true identity spread, Peinovich — whose Right Stuff site popularized (((echoes))) — was forced to admit to fans his true identity — and that his wife is Jewish.
  • According to Salon, Peinovich’s wife appeared to be aware of her husband’s online identity — and even made several appearances on the podcasts. Read more
Source: mic.com Mike Enoch neo Nazi white supremiacists Mike Peinovich news hate alt-right anti-Semitism