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Is Trump a pathological liar? We asked a psychologistTed Cruz unleashed a stream of invective at Donald Trump on Tuesday. Among the now-departed candidate’s pronouncements: Trump is a “pathological liar." Could that be true? Mic asked a prominent...

Is Trump a pathological liar? We asked a psychologist

Ted Cruz unleashed a stream of invective at Donald Trump on Tuesday. Among the now-departed candidate’s pronouncements: Trump is a “pathological liar." Could that be true? Mic asked a prominent political psychologist. While Trump does have trouble with the truth, “pathological” is complicated.

Source: mic.com Donald Trump Trump pathological liar lies GOP Republicans psychology news

5 lies Hollywood taught us about Ebola and disease research 

The current outbreak of Ebola in West Africa continues to worsen. Nearly 700 people have died from the virus across Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone, including Sierra Leone’s top Ebola doctor.

Fortunately, the closest many of us will ever come to understanding the spread of hemorrhagic fevers is from Hollywood. Unfortunately, most of those dramatizations propagate entertainment at the expense of reality.

The Ebola crisis doesn’t line up with Hollywood

Ebola outbreak lies disease
Database tracks the 935 lies the Bush administration told about Iraq
“  935. That’s the number of lies the Bush administration told between 2001 and 2003 about America’s invasion of Iraq.
The falsehoods, which include accusations of weapons of mass...

Database tracks the 935 lies the Bush administration told about Iraq

 935. That’s the number of lies the Bush administration told between 2001 and 2003 about America’s invasion of Iraq.

The falsehoods, which include accusations of weapons of mass destruction and unsubstantiated links between al-Qaida and Iraq, were unveiled on Tuesday in a database put together by the the Center for Public Integrity (CPI), a nonprofit investigative journalism organization. It features every false statement officials made about the path to war, culled from speeches, testimonies and interviews.

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bush administration Iraq Iraq War lies politics

The 8 biggest lies Men’s Rights Activists spread about women

Unfortunately, despite their activist moniker, MRAs do not generally use their networks to create meaningful change. Instead, they often parrot the same talking points on the bottom of articles about women’s issues to prove that men are, in actuality, the more oppressed gender. The Southern Poverty Law Center describes their rhetoric as “dedicated to savaging feminists in particular and women, very typically American women, in general.”

These are just a handful of the most pernicious myths put forth by MRAs to convince the world that (white, cis, heterosexual) guys are the ones who really have it bad.

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MRAs feminism men's rights activists lies women

8 lies about abortion debunked by ‘Obvious Child’

Coming out of the theater following the widely acclaimed film Juno, I remember being furious. I left feeling betrayed by a so-called progressive film that depicted such backward views about women’s reproductive realities. More than that, I felt sickened by the fact that I had wasted $11 on a movie that inaccurately portrayed abortion as something scary or gross and perpetuated the myth that only women bear responsibility when it comes to babies.

Frustrated, I embarked on a mission to find people who agreed with me — but I couldn’t find any. That is, until Obvious Child, perhaps the first “abortion comedy” ever successfully made. It makes all the other films that “sorta” explore pregnancy, reproductive choices and women’s sexuality look like malarkey.

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Obvious Child abortion lies reproductive rights pro-choice

5 lies we need to stop telling about Net Neutrality

Net neutrality will kill innovation and jobs. It’s about subsidizing takers. It’s the government takeover of the Internet.

In the brewing storm around the FCC’s proposed open Internet rules (which detractors claim would gut net neutrality), there’s a lot of misinformation. Here are five of the most common myths floating around about net neutrality and how to counter them.

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Net Neutrality lies FCC ISPs Internet