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This is what it’s like to get an IUD 

A tiny T-shaped object that’s implanted into the uterus, the IUD is quickly becoming one of the most popular methods of reversible birth control among young women between the ages of 15 and 44. Unlike the Pill, you don’t have to remember to take it every day, and unlike condoms, it has a success rate of close to 100%. Despite the increasing popularity of IUDs, there’s still a fair amount of mystery surrounding the insertion process. Mystery no more.

Source: mic.com IUD birth control contraception Connections

This magical spray could one day replace condoms 

Michele Chu, a student at Pratt’s Munson-Williams-Proctor Arts Institute, is creatively envisioning a future in which we will be able to pick up a can of pregnancy and STD-repellent just as easily as we might grab some Off! before a camping trip. While just a concept right now, there is plenty of precedent for this to become reality.

Source: mic.com Condoms spray on condoms safe sex contraception birth control sex tech design Connections

Diaphragms haven’t been used in decades — but they may be posied for a comeback 

A Virginia-based women’s health company hopes to reinvigorate interest in an old form of birth control with Caya, the first one-size-fits-most diaphragm. Caya is the first contraceptive diaphragm to hit the market in more than 50 years. Despite the uphill battle, diaphragms may be perfect for low-income women and those looking for hormone-free alternatives.

Source: mic.com Diaphragm sex contraception birth control sex ed women connections safe sex

Only 3% of what Planned Parenthood does is related to abortion. Here’s the other 97%:

On Tuesday, the Center for Medical Progress — an organization that describes itself as “a group of citizen journalists dedicated to monitoring and reporting on medical ethics and advances” — released a video targeting Planned Parenthood. The organization claimed their “undercover footage” revealed the nonprofit organization selling tissue and body parts from aborted fetuses. 

Naturally, their claim was misinformed and inaccurate. Planned Parenthood is  literally saving lives.

Source: mic.com Planned Parenthood sex ed sex education birth control women's health health politics identities
A whopping 99% of sexually experienced American women have used birth control at some point in their lives, according to Planned Parenthood. Despite this widespread use, a 2010 survey cited by Planned Parenthood found that more than a third of female voters have struggled to afford prescription birth control at some point in their lives. Thankfully, the government may finally be catching up to this need.

A whopping 99% of sexually experienced American women have used birth control at some point in their lives, according to Planned Parenthood. Despite this widespread use, a 2010 survey cited by Planned Parenthood found that more than a third of female voters have struggled to afford prescription birth control at some point in their lives. Thankfully, the government may finally be catching up to this need.

Source: mic.com Birth control the pill reproductive rights contraception sex identities politics

Colorado made contraception free 6 years ago — and the results are spectacular.

Statistics show that when IUDs were readily available between 2009 and 2013, the abortion rate for girls 15 to 19 years old fell 42%, while birthrates saw a 40% decline among the same demographic. The state reported Colorado’s overall teen birthrate had declined more rapidly than any other state in the U.S. But that’s not the only way Colorado is reducing teen birth rates.

Source: mic.com Contraception Colorado IUD safe sex birth rates abortion rates sex birth control politics news identities

It’s been a year since Hobby Lobby — and guess what? Women still need birth control access

Contrary to what Mike Huckabee, Hobby Lobby and many conservatives believe, birth control access is hardly just about women’s (apparently) raging libidos, but in fact empowers women in a variety of ways. From a variety of medical conditions to basic economic reasons, birth control is about more than just sex.

Source: mic.com birth control the pill feminism health identities politics Birth control helped me

People are sharing the incredible power of birth control with #BirthControlHelpedMe 

Planned Parenthood launched the hashtag #BirthControlHelpedMe Monday to show the real impact of birth control. Countless people are participating, sharing the ways access has informed and benefitted their lives. Two tweets even point out how birth control makes better parents.

Source: mic.com BirthControlHelpedMe birth control birth control helped me women reproductive rights feminism the pill identities planned parenthood
The dark history of the pill you’ve never heard The pill. Freedom in a tablet. The cause célèbre of the women’s rights movement. More women (27.5%, 
according to recent data
 from the Guttmacher Institute) rely on the pill than any other type of 
contraception, yet public discourse suggests that most, on the pill or 
not, have no idea about its past anchored in eugenics, sexism and 
racism. The irony of the pill is that before being marketed predominately to white women in America as a symbol of independence, it was tested women of color — many of whom were forced to undergo sterilization.

The dark history of the pill you’ve never heard 

The pill. Freedom in a tablet. The cause célèbre of the women’s rights movement. More women (27.5%, according to recent data from the Guttmacher Institute) rely on the pill than any other type of contraception, yet public discourse suggests that most, on the pill or not, have no idea about its past anchored in eugenics, sexism and racism.

The irony of the pill is that before being marketed predominately to white women in America as a symbol of independence, it was tested women of color — many of whom were forced to undergo sterilization.

The Pill Birth control history women's rights woc sterilization eugenics sexism racism Identities
The rise of IUDs says something awesome about sex todayNew data released Tuesday by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and 
Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics found that use 
of long-lasting reversible contraceptives (LARC), such as intrauterine 
devices, has “increased nearly five-fold in the last decade among women 
ages 15 to 44.” Both millennials and doctors are using IUDs more than ever — and that’s great news.

The rise of IUDs says something awesome about sex today

New data released Tuesday by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics found that use of long-lasting reversible contraceptives (LARC), such as intrauterine devices, has “increased nearly five-fold in the last decade among women ages 15 to 44.” Both millennials and doctors are using IUDs more than ever — and that’s great news.

Source: mic.com IUDs sex sex ed contraception birth control science health news identities

The year’s worst mansplainers ranked

Ah, mansplainers: Men who must explain “difficult” topics to women because, duh, we just don’t get them. 

This was a banner year for mansplainers, who attempted — with varying levels of success — to take control of the dialogue on everything from judicial battles over birth control to increased media coverage of street harassment and sexual assault.

Here are some of the year’s most egregious examples.

Mansplainers mansplaining feminism feminist birth control reproductive rights rape sexual assault catcalling Identities
One illustration shows what it would look like if birth control logic was applied to men 

Slut! Whore! Baby-killer!
These are just some of the insults lobbed at women on a semi-regular basis, simply for taking control of their reproductive health. But what if the tables were reversed? Following a midterm election cycle that passed what might be the most restrictive anti-abortion measure in the country, it’s worth thinking about what would happen if men were tasked with family planning. 
The role-reversal is illuminating | Follow micdotcom

One illustration shows what it would look like if birth control logic was applied to men 

Slut! Whore! Baby-killer!

These are just some of the insults lobbed at women on a semi-regular basis, simply for taking control of their reproductive health. But what if the tables were reversed? Following a midterm election cycle that passed what might be the most restrictive anti-abortion measure in the country, it’s worth thinking about what would happen if men were tasked with family planning. 

The role-reversal is illuminating | Follow micdotcom

Birth control men condoms double standard women