Jim Lysaght


Grassroots organic went viral, became a Social Community, Movement, National Organization. Thanks for supporting ! Keep rising.


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  1. 釘選的推文

    I'm STILL shocked at the number. 1.5 BILLION impressions for organic in July!

  2. The last time Hamilton went up against a Vice President it didn't end up good for him. Or his son

  3. The will be significant for producers & profit-sharing actors, who are all about the benjamins. Idiots!

  4. BREAKING: NY Times gets contract to line bird cages .

  5. Put 10 Senate Democrats on the Endangered Species List. We're a going strong into 2018.

  6. Comparing the 2012 & 2016 election responses. fighting for Unity vs & Tears

  7. Democrat Who Destroyed Christian Bakery Just Got CRUSHED In Election

  8. Nah. No here. The League supports nutters who disrespect America's National Anthem. Straight up suckers -->

  9. Mainstream media and Blue Dem or RINO Big Govt attempts to will fail, miserably. People are waking up.

  10. Inaugural ten minutes of Terrific Tonight thus far and he's where he is meant to be. Great call .

  11. He's giving Donald Trump a chance --- > dynamic Dave Chappelle on and he's 100% right, and ALWAYS hysterically funny and relevant.

  12. Yes. Absolutely. must do his Victory Tour next week. Hit as many Red States as possible... finale in CHICAGO. Keep rising!

  13. Day 3 of President-Elect Trump and it is magnificent. Loving the meltdowns. Blue Dems are cratering.

  14. Jim Lysaght 已跟隨 、 及
  15. If you serve or have served, you are appreciated. Thank you for protecting our freedom |

  16. Watching on and he's possible Person of Year. outreach to grassroots conservatives post '12 L was '16 WIN.

  17. Gotta be for Homeland Security. of DC Insiders. Policing a real city IS homeland security.

  18. We would like to thank for working so hard to elect our next President

  19. We did it! Let's congratulate President-elect and VP-elect :


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