Federal Politics

Tom McIlroy

Tom McIlroy is a political reporter for Fairfax Media in the federal press gallery at Parliament House.

Supporters of LGBT and human rights wave rainbow flags during a rally supporting a proposal to allow same-sex marriage ...

Same-sex exemptions would be insulting, say LGBTI advocates

Allowing civil marriage celebrants, government employees and businesses exemptions from same-sex marriage laws would uphold discrimination and homophobic attitudes, advocates for gay and lesbian Australians have told a parliamentary inquiry.

Senator Rod Culleton.

Rod Culleton's last-ditch effort to stay in the Senate

Former senator Rodney Culleton has mounted an eleventh-hour effort to save his parliamentary career, seeking to appeal a Federal Court decision that rendered him bankrupt and demanding Senate President Stephen Parry immediately withdraw his declaration of a vacancy.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull delivered a strident defence of free trade.

Human Rights warning for Turnbull government and Trump

A leading international human rights advocacy group has slammed the Turnbull government's hardline and highly secretive offshore immigration detention regime and ongoing efforts to strengthen counter-terrorism laws in an annual review of practices in more than 90 countries around the world.