Malcolm Turnbull 'confident' US-Australia refugee deal will hold

Malcolm Turnbull and his Immigration Minister Peter Dutton announced a special one-off resettlement deal with the US in ...
Malcolm Turnbull and his Immigration Minister Peter Dutton announced a special one-off resettlement deal with the US in mid-November last year. Andrew Meares

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has attempted to douse speculation the government's refugee deal with the United States is in doubt after President Donald Trump's pledge to suspend accepting refugees from some Muslim-majority nations.

According to US media reports on the draft executive order, Mr Trump is expected to suspend accepting refugees from Middle Eastern and African countries such as Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Iraq, Iran, Libya and Yemen while the administration decides whether there is a need for more permanent changes.

In the dying days of the Obama administration the Australian government signed a deal to resettle refugees from Australia's offshore detention facilities on Manus Island and Nauru.

Considering many of these detainees hail from Syria, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iran and Iraq, speculation has been rife that the deal could be in trouble.

Last September, at Barack Obama's special UN refugee summit, Australia also agreed to donate $130 million in humanitarian aid and take refugees from camps in Costa Rica who have escaped from violence in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador as part of our annual intake.

Mr Turnbull said the government was in talks with the Trump administration and the deal would hold.

"I am confident we will maintain the arrangements we have entered into with the previous administration. They are in the interests of both parties," he said.

"All of these issues are ones that you have to revisit with the incoming Administration and we have done that. We're in extensive discussions with the Trump Administration, with whom we have very strong links and ties at many levels."

But both Mr Turnbull and Immigration Minister Peter Dutton have been unable to offer a rock solid guarantee, saying it was ultimately up to Mr Trump - meaning the pact could become collateral damage, be delayed or curtailed from Mr Trump's flagged actions.

"We entered into an arrangement with the previous administration...Ultimately it's a new administration, they'll make decisions that affect their administration and we respect that. Ultimately we respect that's a decision for President Trump," Mr Dutton said on 2GB radio, emphasising the role Australia plays in the alliance - such as in sharing intelligence.

White House spokesman Sean Spicer flagged that the President would soon sign other executive orders to apply "extreme vetting" of "people who are from a country who has a propensity to do us harm".

The US would take "appropriate steps", he said, to ensure that people from countries that "have a predisposition or a higher degree of concern" were "coming to this country for all the right reasons".

"The guiding principle for the President is keeping this country safe," Mr Spicer said in Washington.

The precise number of refugees slated for transfer has not been released by Mr Dutton. Republican politicians confidentially briefed on the plan have claimed it could be more than 2000, though the actual number is likely to be less.

The draft order also recommends suspending the visa interview waiver program, which allows some foreigner seeking a non-immigration visa to avoid an in-person interview.

Mr Trump has already disappointed Mr Turnbull this week by confirming the US would quit the 12-country Trans-Pacific Partnership, a trade deal that the Prime Minister has championed as vital to maintaining US influence in the Asia Pacific.

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop also suggested the Turnbull government differed from the US over Mr Trump's new executive order to reinstate the 'global-gag rule' where he ordered that US-funded global non-for-profits pledge not to "perform or actively promote abortion". Ms Bishop said access to reproductive health, particularly family planning, remains critical to gender equality which is central to Australia's aid program.

More positively for US-Australia relations, new US Defence Secretary James Mattis spoke by telephone to Defence Minister Marise Payne on Wednesday, to express thanks for "Australia's support to counter-ISIL operations in the Middle East, as well as for Australia's continued contributions in Afghanistan", the Pentagon said.

Secretary Mattis will make his first trip overseas to Japan and South Korea next week, signalling the Pentagon wants to be engaged in the Asia Pacific.

In an initial crackdown targeting illegal arrivals from central America, Mr Trump signed two executive actions on Wednesday in Washington to quickly begin building a big wall on the US-Mexico border to halt, what he called, the "unprecedented surge" of undocumented immigrants.

The new President insisted in a television interview that he would force Mexico to repay the estimated $US10 billion-plus cost of the wall, even though US taxpayers would initially fund the construction and Mexico's president has said he will not pay.The President signed the orders on the wall and deportation alongside Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly, whose 29-year old son died when he stepped on a land mine in Afghanistan in 2010.

US newspapers including The Wall Street Journal, citing anonymous Trump administration officials, said Mr Trump plans to cancel the Syrian refugee program.

The President has previously said the US would help set up safe zones around Syria for people fleeing the civil war involving President Assad and his Russian-backed troops, Islamic State fighters and anti-Assad rebels.

In December, the Obama administration's State Department said the referrals from Australia via the UN High Commissioner for Refugees would not change the size or scope of the US refugee admissions program and they would be subject to the highest level of security checks involving multiple security and intelligence agencies.

Separately, some influential Republican politicians have raised serious concerns about the US-Australia deal.

House Judiciary Committee chairman Bob Goodlatte and Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Chuck Grassley have labelled the agreement "unprecedented" and pressured the Obama administration to publicly release more details.

Mr Trump has several immigration sceptics on his team, including Islam-critic and national security adviser Mike Flynn, attorney general Jeff Sessions and senior adviser Stephen Miller.