Thought for the day 8 December 2016

A reader writes:

I'd applied for a graduate program and put all my eggs into one basket. I'd left my job and was ready to move across country - but I didn't get accepted. I read my horoscope. The message was 'go back, something needs rechecking'. So I called the admissions office. They were perplexed to see that my application had no markings like the others had. Somehow, they'd forgotten it! They were apologetic and sent it to the dean. The following day - I was IN. I was so happy. It felt miraculous!

Your 2017 Guide to the Future is ready. Find out about your next year in amazing detail. Every major (and minor) astrological influence that will affect you. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future and use the amazingly accurate predictions it contains to make your future, a better future. Get your 2017 Guide to the Future now!


Jan 21 - Feb 19


Traffic regulations don't exist to frustrate you personally. They're designed to share the frustration equally between all road users! But when misery arrives, is it a comfort to know that everyone else is sometimes miserable too? The true solace in road management can be found by trusting that someone, somewhere, is making us apply the brakes so our journey, along with our fellow travellers', is ultimately successful. There's a cosmic plan at work and, despite the stops and starts, your destination is sweet. Are you ready for 2017? Just enter your date and place of birth and let us tell you about all the good things that lie in wait for you next year. Read your Personal Horoscope 'Guide to the Future' Chart now.


Feb 20 - Mar 20


As the Sun prepares to conjunct Saturn, you're wondering what you're doing in a particular situation. You remember why you were once keen for things to change - but perhaps the novelty is wearing off, and you suspect you may have been over-eager or expected too much? Perhaps you pushed harder than needed? Perhaps things weren't so bad as they were? Or perhaps these doubts are all irrelevant. You are where you are. Stay the course a little longer and relax today. And the future? Well your 2017 Guide to the Future is ready so you can find out about your next year in fine detail. Every major (and minor) astrological influence that will affect you and what it will mean. Use the amazingly accurate predictions it contains to make your future, a better future. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future now!


Mar 21 - Apr 20


If life is a performance, when it slows down, we get to enjoy an interval. Freed from the usual song and dance, we can revert to our natural facial expression. Faces, when at rest, might not look particularly happy. This is simply evidence that the engine controlling our features has had its power redirected. Today, brings an opportunity to step away from the chaos you're coping with. If you can allow your engine to take you to somewhere restful, you'll find you're back on track and smiling tomorrow. Now, you should read your 2017 Guide to the Future. Inside it you'll find page after page of insights and predictions all about you and what's in store for you in the year ahead. Make your future a wonderful future. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future here.


Apr 21 - May 21


As the Sun conjuncts Saturn this weekend, you may feel that someone else is more powerful than you. Are they calling all the shots, leaving you to accept whatever they choose? Are things really so simple? This person would almost certainly tell you that they don't feel in control, and are merely reacting as wisely as possible. There's no one at the end of the line who can be blamed or praised for what has happened. But, with Venus's change of sign, there may yet be many who can benefit from it. Are you ready for 2017? Just enter your date and place of birth and let us tell you about all the good things that lie in wait for you next year. Read your Personal Horoscope 'Guide to the Future' Chart now.


May 22 - June 22


You don't need to know everything about a person straight away. What may feel like a healthy curiosity to you, can feel like an interrogation to others. When someone doesn't like being the centre of attention, is it fair to put them on the spot? With enough time, people reveal themselves. Life's asking you to take your seat aboard a steady ship, and settle in next to someone for the long haul. You may not feel as if you're moving much, but look behind you. See how far you travel when you move inch by inch. And the future? Well your 2017 Guide to the Future is ready so you can find out about your next year in fine detail. Every major (and minor) astrological influence that will affect you and what it will mean. Use the amazingly accurate predictions it contains to make your future, a better future. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future now!


Jun 23 - Jul 23


You can't change everything in an instant. Processes take time. Sure, do what you can to hurry it all along, but if you push too hard, you'll work against your own best interests. As the Sun prepares to conjunct Saturn, some factors in your personal world are taking longer to alter than you might like. Others seem to be full of promises that somehow, never get fulfilled. Go steady. Stay calm. With Mercury and Neptune aligning positively, you'll find the best target to aim for, and the right pace to go at. Now, you should read your 2017 Guide to the Future. Inside it you'll find page after page of insights and predictions all about you and what's in store for you in the year ahead. Make your future a wonderful future. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future here.


Jul 24 - Aug 23


Some people love going to parties. They seem to be an ever-present part of the 'scene', joining in the revelry and mischief. Yet often, the people who shine in this environment, never host their own soirees. Their pleasure comes from being part of the crowd. Other people need to be leading the celebrations and taking command in companionship. It's not always a comfortable place to be in, but life now calls you to assume this role. You have the talent, capability and character to pull it off. Are you ready for 2017? Just enter your date and place of birth and let us tell you about all the good things that lie in wait for you next year. Read your Personal Horoscope 'Guide to the Future' Chart now.


Aug 24 - Sep 23


As your ruler makes an encouraging link to Neptune this weekend, somewhere in your heart, an alluring and generous voice is singing. And yet, as the Sun conjuncts Saturn, somewhere in your head, a raucous yell can be heard. Which do you prefer? Why, then, allow the negative form of expression to take up so much attention? You have a choice. Currently, the need to exercise that right to choose is particularly strong. You've got so much to receive if you allow your heart a higher place on the priority list. And the future? Well your 2017 Guide to the Future is ready so you can find out about your next year in fine detail. Every major (and minor) astrological influence that will affect you and what it will mean. Use the amazingly accurate predictions it contains to make your future, a better future. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future now!


Sep 24 - Oct 23


Moments of fortune don't always have an immediate impact on us. They may not even appear obviously advantageous but, if we're receptive to positivity, we're more likely to remember that the most wondrous sights in the world lie at the end of the bumpiest roads. This weekend, if progress feels slow, or if the going gets rough, remind yourself of where you're travelling. If you can shift the focus from what you're doing to how you're feeling, you'll see opportunities coming your way. Now, you should read your 2017 Guide to the Future. Inside it you'll find page after page of insights and predictions all about you and what's in store for you in the year ahead. Make your future a wonderful future. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future here.


Oct 24 - Nov 22


You want me to write about the future, but, today, I feel more inclined to talk about the past. Not because I want to annoy you. I'm just keen to remind you of something important. The past and future are connected. You may care to argue that the future is something you can change, whereas you have no such power over the past. But Venus's journey through a new sign suggests that you can now change how you think about the past. And in doing this, you can vastly increase your power to shape your future. Are you ready for 2017? Just enter your date and place of birth and let us tell you about all the good things that lie in wait for you next year. Read your Personal Horoscope 'Guide to the Future' Chart now.


Nov 23 - Dec 21


How are you? It's a common question at many a meeting. Often it's posed just to initiate a conversation, to be polite or to elicit a response. Usually, when asked, we give a non-committal response. We say we're 'fine' or 'not so bad, thank you'. But, it seems as though you've got plenty to get off your chest, as though you're just waiting for the right person to ask so that you can unload some of the weight you've been carrying. But you don't need anyone's permission. Shed some concerns today. And the future? Well your 2017 Guide to the Future is ready so you can find out about your next year in fine detail. Every major (and minor) astrological influence that will affect you and what it will mean. Use the amazingly accurate predictions it contains to make your future, a better future. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future now!


Dec 22 - Jan 20


With the Sun's coming conjunction to Saturn, and Mercury making an encouraging link to Neptune, your life may never be the same again. It's not that you're about to go through dramatic processes that bring change via a sudden sweeping turn of fortune. It's as if you're quietly going through profound personal revelations. They're showing you the full extent of who you have the capacity to become and how to make that happen. Don't expect an easy ride. But don't be surprised to be delighted. Now, you should read your 2017 Guide to the Future. Inside it you'll find page after page of insights and predictions all about you and what's in store for you in the year ahead. Make your future a wonderful future. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future here.