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Summary on Opinion of Anarchist Brazilian Coordination (CAB) on actual brazilian conjuncture and the recent coup d'etat

category brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana | miscellaneous | opinion / analysis author Tuesday September 06, 2016 17:24author by translation and summary by tucum - 1 of Anarkismo Editorial Group Report this post to the editors

The outcome of the coup among the powerful that ousted President Dilma Rousseff, marking the possible end of the cycle called "neo-developmentalist", led in recent decades by PT [Worker’s Party]. The crisis and political instability on the top floor, next to the power struggles and the interests of national and international capital governments have created a very opportune time for a political, legal and media coup on the PT by the Brazilian elite, faithful doormat of the international market interests.

In all this, our anarchist opinion wants to demarcate position without any illusion in state conspiracies, opinion which seeks to be from our popular base to give combat to the violent suppression of rights and the brutal adjustment that is being applied.

Artigo completo em português


1- The outcome of the coup among the powerful that ousted President Dilma Rousseff, marking the possible end of the cycle called "neo-developmentalist", led in recent decades by PT [Worker’s Party]. The crisis and political instability on the top floor, next to the power struggles and the interests of national and international capital governments have created a very opportune time for a political, legal and media coup on the PT by the Brazilian elite, faithful doormat of the international market interests.
The factors that are inter-related in this process, and those we can mention as very important:
The media campaigns againts PT,
The big deals between political parties,
The manipulation of the juridical process (personalized in the figure of Moro, transformed by the elite in "anti-coruption hero"),
The rise of a strong anti-PT sentiment, inflated not only by the right but also by those that was disappointed with the PT government's lack of progress on social rights, as also the attacks and suppression of other rights.
The lurches to the right of PT, as well as the able leadership of the PMDB fox, Eduardo Cunha, were also determining factors in this outcome.
So is this that we arrived to this mega political-legal farce called impeachment. We know that this kind of revanchist stance in Brazilian politics is nothing new because the historical constitution of the country have gone through different coups of different shades and shapes to name them.

2 - The PT searched the governability operating a policy of alliances that attracted and divided oligarchic sectors of the right. So, it was pushed to the mass grave of lobbying, bribes, slush, among many public funds deviations and private business favoritism schemes. In society, pitched a social pact policy that made arrive governance mechanisms on both ends of the class structure. Made growth policy in the gains of financial system and of the bigs capitals and, next to it, met with social programs the poor who are abbandoned by public policy. But left intact the structures of concentration of wealth and power, and has for much of the budgets for payment of public debt. That is, the so-called "progress" had a high price for the country, where the belly of the powerful became more full.
We remember that the adjustement (that we call coup on the rights) began to be implemented within the PT government. It was strongly defended by the president Dilma on his defense in the Senate and by the ex-president Lula. In a speech held on October 29, 2015, Lula said that the party's priority was to "create political conditions to allow the approvation of measures of fiscal adjustment forwarded by Dilma Rousseff." And when the model of the social pact is immured by the recession and the high cost of living, is on the cut of public policy that the government uses as unic exit, with the excuse of improving the economy.
The adjustement on nacional budget led to the brutal dismantling of education, which was answered by the occupation of schools in numerous regions of the country in a very massive struggle led by the students, marked by autonomy and direct action.
Public health its on panic with epidemics transmitted by the mosquito which breeds in poor areas that lacks on basic sanitation. But the banks do not stop to celebrate their winnings, in the collection of the public debt.
No respect for the environment, and the agrobusiness and mining companies imposed or imposes their deadly model to indigenous peoples, quilombolas, riparian and other poor people in the field.
The Dilma government was the lowest administration on the demarcation of indigenous land and on settlement of landless peasants, chosing to be aside of the large landowners and opening the country to pesticides (on Brazil a person consumes in one year 7,3 L of pesticides per year) and giving large amount of money to the projects of hydropowers like Belo Monte, and allowing the indiscriminate killing of indigenous in the lands of the Guarani-Kaiowà population.
On the slums, Dilma reforced and approved in alliance with the PMDB, the occupation and killings by police and the army, increasing the genocide of the black people
On what concern issues of gender and sexual diversity, it will remain a common agenda of conservatism, with the veto on the distribution of the “kit anti-homophobia” on schools and criminalizing abortion.
Only before his departure from the government, Dilma decided to symbolically invite some social movements to some government defense ceremonies in the government palace, trying to keep a dialogue around the defense of "democracy" with those movements. But truth must be told, the PT government never ruled with any movement.
At the extreme pressure that has received from imperialists capitals, the government of the PT opened auction of exploration fields, yielding increasingly to the easing advancing the privatization of public oil reserves of the pre-salt layer. Finally, the financial system managed to impose, with the final approval of the Presidency, this Anti-Terrorism Act that launch a precedent on the social protest, which escapes from his control, a massive attack of criminal-repressive legislation.
Therefore, the calculation is to be government at any cost, just following the natural logic of bourgeois democracy. An example is that in municipalities where the PT maintains coalition with the PMDB there is no embarrassment.

3 -Moved from the state apparatus, the PT leaders bring to the movements the illusion that the coup operated by reactionary sectors have no relation with the misshapen practices that PT committed. So they prepare the 2018 elections and a new social pact with the bourgeoisie (now in opposition) that pretend to use the movements and trade unions, again as a ladder to a flawed political design.

4- In all this, our anarchist opinion wants to demarcate position without any illusion in state conspiracies, opinion which seeks to be from our popular base to give combat to the violent suppression of rights and the brutal adjustment that is being applied.
It is time to reaffirm the class independence of the workers against the economic adjustment; it is time to oppose the corrupt system of representation of bourgeois politics, with direct democracy and grassroots people's organizations; it's time to generalize the struggle in the streets, strikes and occupations outside the bureaucratic controls and electoral calculations.
Nossa posição militante põe energia no trabalho de base, na forja de espaços organizativos solidários e de ação direta, com autonomia, com federalismo libertário das lutas e articulações, reconstruindo perspectiva de independência de classe dentro dos movimentos, das comunidades e dos sindicatos. É certo que o caminho para estas tarefas é longo, mas também é certo que o socialismo e a liberdade que defendemos não vêm, nem nunca virão, de dentro do Estado.
Our militant position puts power in the grassroot work in forging organizational spaces of solidarity and direct action, with autonomy, with libertarian federalism of struggles and articulations, rebuilding class independent perspective inside the movements, communities and trade unions. It is true that the path to these tasks is long, but it is also true that socialism and freedom that we defend not come, nor ever will come from the state.

Againts the coup on the rights!
Fight and win outside the urns!

Againts the electoral farse and the suppression of rights!
Only the popular struggle decide!

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Brazil/Guyana/Suriname/FGuiana | Miscellaneous | en

Wed 26 Oct, 10:45

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