Prepare for power surge

The future challenge is producing reliable power with low carbon emissions, as the population increases and people and ...

Australian's vision of a decarbonised power supply is bold but it reveals the conundrum at the heart of energy planning.

Around 60 per cent of the world's mining computer software is being developed here.

Mining services companies under stress

The mining equipment, technology and services (METS) sector continues to feel the pressure of the slump, and no-one is expecting the situation to improve in 2016.

Australia is preparing to increase the production of natural gas, most of which may head to Asia.

LNG is changing the rules

The future of Australia's natural gas resource is one of incredible growth but a corresponding volatility in price and usage.

The storage sites will store waste from Australia's nuclear medicine industry and from activities at ANSTO's Lucas ...

Storage not warehousing required

While the South Australia Royal Commission into the Nuclear Fuel Cycle continues its hearings, the federal government has made its own inroads into the nuclear debate.

Weighing the nuclear option

The current South Australian Royal Commission on nuclear energy announced by Premier Jay is a paradox for many environmentalists. The 'nucle...