ATO does not know how much super guarantee is underpaid

The ATO concedes it does not have a reliable estimate for how much superannuation is underpaid.
The ATO concedes it does not have a reliable estimate for how much superannuation is underpaid. Andrew Quilty

Despite repeated recommendations by external scrutineers, the Australian Taxation Office does not yet have reliable estimates of the extent of underpayment of superannuation, deputy commissioner James O'Halloran has conceded.

Even so, he doubted non-compliance by employers was as extensive as calculated by Industry Super Australia, which claims as many as 30 per cent of employees are missing out on compulsory super payments.

"We believe that the recent industry reports overstate the number of employees who are underpaid," Mr O'Halloran told the Senate Economics References Committee on Wednesday.

"In our experience - noting that the 2 per cent ATO sample data file has been used - even with our access to the complete ATO data file, it does not provide sufficient client-level information to construct a targeted audit program, without the risk of auditing in excess of 50 per cent of employers, who are likely to be compliant."

The ATO believes somewhere between 2 per cent and 11 per cent of employers are non-compliant.

"From an an average of 20,000 ... cases per year, we identify underpaid or late paid superannuation payment in 65 per cent of cases which are generated from employees and in 82 per cent of cases generated from ATO selected case work," Mr O'Halloran said.

Mr O'Halloran said a considerable amount of work had been done on "tax gap analysis" of the superannuation guarantee but the calculations needed further refinement. But asked if he had a well developed estimate, he said "no".

Members of the committee expressed surprise about the delayed gap analysis given recommendations by the Inspector-General of Taxation in 2010 and the Australian National Audit Office in 2015.

Some were also surprised to learn about a previously unpublicised government-initated working group examining super under payment.

That committee is due to provide an interim report by the end of the month was revealed in Wednesday's The Australian Financial Review.

The working group was set up by Revenue and Financial Services Minister Kelly O'Dwyer in December, staffed by representatives of the ATO, Treasury, Department of Employment, Australian Securities and Investments Commission and the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority.

It has been charged with expediting the development of practical options to improve super guarantee compliance.

Seeking to put pressure on the government to deal with SG non-compliance, Industry Super Australia late last year released research showing unscrupulous employers, sham contracting and the cash economy were responsible for the underpayment of $3.6 billion.

ISA public affairs director Matt Linden told the committee the government working group was a surprise to him and he did not believe anybody in the industry had been told of its existence, let alone been asked to contribute expertise.

In 2014-15 approximately 880,000 employers made superannuation payments of $85.7 billion on behalf of about 11.7 million employees.