Current Tropical Cyclones

About tropical cyclone warning services | Preparation & safety | About tropical cyclones | FAQs

There is 1 active system

Map of Australian region showing the location of any current active tropical cyclones Tropical Low 1

Details for: Tropical Low 1

Tropical Cyclone information is also available in MetEye.

Tropical cyclone warning services

A summary of the types of warnings that are issued by the Bureau, when and where they are issued and samples of the individual warnings.

Preparation & safety

Guides and checklists for cyclone safety and preparedness.
Check your local emergency agencies for more information.

About tropical cyclones

An overview of how tropical cyclones form, where they occur, what characteristics they have and the impacts experienced.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is there anything you'd like to know about tropical cyclones?

About the map

Symbols show the current location and intensity level.
Map legend

Related Information

Warning Services

Emergency Agencies

International warning centres

Plotting a cyclone track