
What We Do

UNDP supports Liberia's national development agenda within the framework of achieving the Millennium Development Goals. Our work focuses on engendering national initiatives and strategies that help facilitate long-term development transformation in the lives of the people of Liberia. We offer global perspectives, complementary support and ideas on strategic development projects and capacity building in continued efforts to promote and protect human rights and improve environmental management.

Our Goals

UNDP works closely with national institutions and local communities to promote, advocate and contribute to good governance, peace and security. In Liberia, UNDP plays a strong, supportive and coordinated role, with the UN Integrated Mission in Liberia, the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) and other agencies in promoting and putting into practice the principles of “Working Together” and One UN approach.

Voters' Roll Update

The Voters' Roll Update Exercise was conducted by the National Elections Commission with Support from UNDP. The aim was to provide an opportunity to new eligible voters to get their names registered as well as give chance to others whose locations have changed to update their information.more

Our Stories

Residents of Latia demonstrating the use of the traditional method of cooking using bundles of wood

Eco-ovens helping to combat coastal erosion while boosting income in Liberia

The United Nations Development Programme in partnership with the Government of Liberia, launched a project to develop defense mechanisms against the effects of climate change that cause sea erosion. more 

Residents of Buchanan and surrounding Counties regularly access services at the County Service Center

County Service Center Relieves Stress

The Government of Liberia, through a European Union Grant contribution, is facilitating the actualization of County Service Centers (CSCs) in eight counties.more 

Millennium Villages Development Project (MVDP) seeks to provide a “proof of concept” that extreme poverty can be reduced in impoverished rural African villages through broad-based, community-led development strategies.

Kokoyah boasts of Successes

Thousands of residents now have access to several development Initiatives in Kokoyah.more 

Bulk of the Residents in Buchanan depend on fishing as a source of livelihood

Breakwater Construction reduces threat of sea erosion to Port City

The coastal project being managed by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) with funds from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) is very critical to the residents of Buchanan in Grand Bassa County and the people of Liberia. more 

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Projects and Initiatives

  • Climate Change Adaptation Agriculture Project

    The Climate Change Adaptation Agriculture Project serves as a vehicle for implementation of one of the priority actions coming out of the Liberia National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA)and is aimed at increasing resilience of poor, agriculturally-dependent communities and decrease vulnerability of the agricultural sector to climate change in Liberia.more 

  • Kokoyah Millennium Village Project

    The Kokoyah Millennium Village Project aims at transforming subsistence livelihoods into small-scale commercial entrepreneurship and provides an example of how villages can achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by the 2015 target date. more 

  • Justice and Security programme

    The Programme aims to ensure that justice and security policies and systems are in place to deliver effective and timely services to citizens in line with Liberia’s international and national obligations with particular attention to women, persons with disabilities and other vulnerable people.more 

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