New UN regional programme signed and launched in Jamaica

UNDP joins 22 other UN agencies in Jamaica to launch the first joint UN Programme for the Caribbean

The fight against corruption begins with 'YOUth'

Anti Corruption Day 2016 makes a rousing call to Jamaica's young people to stand against corruption; they whistle their approval

Job seekers app wins UNDP Jamaica's first Technology Innovation Competition

UNDP Jamaica's inaugural Technology Innovation Competition showcases innovative solutions to advancing the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Secretary-General António Guterres appeals for peace

"Let us make 2017 a year for peace"| The new Secretary-General on his first day in office

Gender Equality Seal gaining support among private sector companies in Jamaica

Jamaica is on target to become the first country in the English speaking Caribbean to pilot the globally recognized Gender Equality Seal certification programme

Jamaica to tap global and domestic markets with underutilized mineral deposits

ACP-EU support will transform the island’s significant deposits of underutilized minerals into everyday goods and much needed infrastructure

Caribbean Human Development Report (HDR) 2016 launched in Jamaica. Download your copy

The 2016 Caribbean HDR focuses on human resilience, and builds on the 2016 Regional Human Development Report for Latin America and the Caribbean

Jamaica's Protected Areas now promoted on public buses

Moving billboards promoting National Protected Areas are now on public transportation buses traveling Jamaica’s Corporate Area and western parishes.

ACP-EU Development Minerals Programme Implemented in partnership with UNDP

The programme is an initiative of the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States, financed by the European Union and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and implemented by UNDP. Read the programme overview.