Treasurer Scott Morrison has to raise his $500b credit limit this year

Former Treasurer Joe Hockey got rid of the debt ceiling as we knew it.
Former Treasurer Joe Hockey got rid of the debt ceiling as we knew it. Andrew Meares

It's been almost three years since Australians had to think about the debt ceiling but it is almost a certainty that some time in 2017 the Treasurer will have to use the powers of his office to waive the $500 billion debt cap.

Few people might realise we even have one. More memorable was the turn of events that led to former Treasurer Joe Hockey striking an unexpected deal with the Greens back in December 2013 to get the then-$300 billion debt ceiling abolished entirely. The Greens (or "economic fringe dwellers" in Tony Abbott's words at the time) demanded more meaningful disclosures around Australia's debt situation and detailed projections in the budget and MYEFO as part of the bargain.

The forecasts in MYEFO helpfully show that by June 30 of this year the projected value of Australian bonds on issue is $496 billion or 28.3 per cent of gross domestic product. The following year, 2017-18, that figure rises to $539 billion or 29.7 per cent of GDP. If that timeline proves correct, some time not far after July 1, 2017, Scott Morrison will have to lift his own credit limit.

It's not unreasonable to think that could come within three months of a sovereign rating downgrade following the May federal budget. That will potentially be a difficult period for the Treasurer and the coalition government.

When the legislative cap was triumphantly ditched, it ended up being replaced by an authority, a development that was only quietly reported. On December 11 2013, the Treasurer directed that the maximum face value of commonwealth government securities that can be on issue is $500 billion. Face value means how much is owed to investors and excludes the vagaries of movements in yields.

(Even before this financial year ends, the outstanding balance of securities will get as high as $498 billion according to MYEFO forecasts; that figure rises and falls depending on the sequence of debt issuance and redemption going through the AOFM, the organisation tasked with selling our government bonds to the world.)

Farcical event

Morrison won't need to go through the theatrics of getting parliamentary approval, an almost farcical event under the old system which escalated into a stand-off and saw the threat of a Washington-style shutdown of government services invoked. But nor should what has been reduced to a procedural task by the Treasurer go unnoticed.

The AOFM dutifully maintains disclosures showing that as of December 19, 2016, bonds on issue totalled $462.3 billion. So the Treasurer has some time ahead of him, or about $40 billion of runway, before any action is required.

A sensible point economists made at the time when arguing in favour of getting rid of the ceiling was that while (in theory) the government can control how much money it spends, volatility in commodity prices means it has no control over how much money comes in as revenue. To a point, that meant legislating around a slippery watermark.

That's not to be confused with the merits of having a regular debate around the national debt, although the lack of budget repair since the hand-wringing of 2013 suggests the merits of such a debate are wildly overstated.

Earlier stoushes around the debt ceiling risk looking petty in the context of Australia's mounting debt burden. By mid-2011, Labor had been forced to hike the limit to $250 billion from $200 billion which the coalition seized upon as evidence of economic irresponsibility, until the roles were reversed, that is. The first Rudd government introduced the ceiling in 2007 at $75 billion but it was not until after the financial crisis that it became such a curious political force in that it was both a hot issue and a hugely ineffective tool at managing the national debt.

The comfort of foreign investors was the most important argument in favour of raising the debt ceiling to $500 billion from $300 billion (which was Hockey's initial plan in 2013 before the Greens agreed to support abolishing it altogether). Little did anyone know back then that we were in the great bond market bull run and Australian yields would keep falling for the next two and half years, swept up in extraordinary global monetary stimulus and rate cuts. All those global bond fund managers expending energy over Australia's deteriorating fiscal situation need not have worried.

That's another thing that's different this time.