Are the stars aligning for a US rate hike in March?

Jeffrey Gundlach, founder and chief executive officer of DoubleLine Capital LP, says that Trump's election victory has ...
Jeffrey Gundlach, founder and chief executive officer of DoubleLine Capital LP, says that Trump's election victory has stirred animal spirits Scott Eells

Will the US Federal Reserve be jolted out of its torpor amid signs that the US economy is roaring back to life?

That's the big question for investors after the US factory sector enjoyed a 'bumper start' in 2017, as a flood of new orders spurred a sharp rise in production.

Markit's flash US purchasing managers' index (PMI) jumped to 55.1 in January, from 54.3 in December as US factories ramped up activity and hiring as new orders jumped to the highest level in 28 months.

At the same time, however, companies reported that higher raw material costs had forced them to raise selling prices for the fourth month in a row.

Larry Fink: "While we certainly support returning excess capital to shareholders, we believe companies must balance ...
Larry Fink: "While we certainly support returning excess capital to shareholders, we believe companies must balance those practices with investment in future growth." Eric Thayer

Markit's chief business economist Chris Williamson predicted that "with such strong growth being signalled and price pressures rising, speculation around the next Fed rate hike will intensify".

The surprisingly strong rise in US factory output in January gives some support to the argument that Donald Trump's surprise electoral victory last November has helped to revive US 'animal spirits', boosting US business and consumer confidence, and encouraging US companies to boost their investment and hiring. 

BlackRock warns of the backlash against globalisation

The latest letter from BlackRock boss Larry Fink to the chief executives of S&P500; companies provides another indication of a huge shift in US business psychology.

In his annual letter, Fink warned US company bosses that BlackRock - the world's biggest fund manager and one of the most important shareholders in most US companies - will look carefully at how they use the cash they bring back from overseas under Trump's proposed tax reforms. Trump has suggested a one-off tax cut to encourage big US companies to bring back hold more than $2.6 trillion in profits they hold offshore.

Jeffrey Gundlach, founder and chief executive officer of DoubleLine Capital LP, says that Trump's election victory has ...
Jeffrey Gundlach, founder and chief executive officer of DoubleLine Capital LP, says that Trump's election victory has stirred animal spirits Scott Eells

Fink urged US companies not to simply use this cash bonanza to fund share buybacks. "While we certainly support returning excess capital to shareholders, we believe companies must balance those practices with investment in future growth."

In his letter, which was made public overnight, Fink also urged US company bosses to adapt their corporate strategies to take account of the backlash against globalisation, that triggered the Brexit vote and Trump's election win.

The changed political backdrop will be all too evident to the bosses of Detroit's three car makers - Ford, General Motors and Fiat Chrysler - who are facing intense pressure from US President Trump to bring more jobs back to the US.

In a meeting with the three car makers overnight, Trump promised to create a more favourable US business environment, with lower corporate taxes, and streamlined regulations, including looser environmental standards. But he also repeated his threat that US companies will pay a heavy price if they ignore his 'America First' message, including a hefty border tax if they shift production to low cost foreign countries.

Highly regarded bond investor, Jeff Gundlach, argues the boost to business and consumer confidence in the wake of Trump's victory could allow US economic growth rate to reach 3 per cent, well above its long term pace of 2 per cent.

Gundlach, who runs the $US100 billion DoubleLine, said in a webcast earlier this month that "clearly, the animal spirits have been stirred by the election of a businessman and the perceived pro-business administration."

He predicted that the Fed would raise rates two or three times this year, and warned that the US central bank "needs to be less relaxed" because inflation is picking up momentum.

Yellen holds steady

So far, Fed boss Janet Yellen has signalled she intends to retain her customary caution when it comes to raising rates. In a speech last week, she said she did not see that the US economy was at risk of overheating, adding that it was unlikely that economic growth would pick up "markedly" in the near-term.

Still, she did suggest that the Fed did not want to let inflation get out of control by waiting too long to hike rates. She noted it would likely be "prudent to adjust the stance of monetary policy gradually over time". The Fed raised interest rates last in December, and indicated that it expected to make three rate hikes this year. 

But some analysts warn that the Fed may be forced into a more aggressive stance, given that the US labour market running close to full strength, at a time when Trump administration is promising tax cuts and increased spending. Against this backdrop, any recovery in animal spirits could be enough to tip the Fed's hand.