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Madonna King: Consider Pauline our payback


Madonna King

Queensland's election payback - Pauline Hanson 2.0.

Queensland's election payback - Pauline Hanson 2.0. Photo: Tertius Pickard

Queensland's message to Malcolm Turnbull last Saturday was simple: TURN off the BULL.

It's easy to make light of our State's contribution to federal politics; after all, Queensland delivered the Joh for PM push, Clive Palmer, Pauline Hanson and now Pauline Hanson 2.0.

We are also responsible for Kevin Rudd, Peter Slipper, Bob Katter and Campbell Newman (who never left the State, but by the end of his innings, many voters were desperate to see that happen).

But here's the thing. We smell BS a mile away, and this election was full of it - everywhere you turned.


Take the Liberals for example. First, having not learnt it can be unwise to do-over a sitting prime minister, they got rid of Tony Abbott, and turned the mute button on many of his right-wing supporters.

That had an effect in the electorate. All of a sudden, to many dyed-in-the-wool Liberals, the voice of the Party's right, had disappeared -  to be replaced by this moderate called Malcolm, who supported same sex marriage, the Republic, and God forbid, even climate change.

But then the Party's moderates, who sipped champagne on the back of Malcolm's elevation, wondered when he would do something. Anything.

He couldn't, and he didn't. Despite reducing the voice of the Party's right-wing, he was unable to deliver on any moderate agenda - because of fear the Right would rise up, and perhaps kill off another sitting prime minister.

As the starter's gun fired on the longest election campaign in living history, Malcolm Turnbull was stuck in the middle.

His campaign was a policy vacuum, and he couldn't even tell his supporters whether MPs, voting on same sex marriage, would reflect their own views, or the views of their electorate.

Enter William Richard "Bill Shorten", the Opposition Leader few gave much of a chance of winning the keys to the Lodge. (And to be honest, all things being equal, that's still a far-fetched scenario - even though he's got within an MP's superannuation payment of it).

Shorten worked like he was paying off his first car. Electorate after electorate. State after State. A blitz of marginal seats.

It was a good old-fashioned Labor campaign, led by someone who couldn't quite win voters over to his side.

Queensland voters, when they make a decision, do it in force. Ask John Howard. Or Paul Keating. The swings here can dwarf those interstate, and often do.

But this time, in July 2016, voters couldn't take to Malcolm's bull or bond with Bill.

So they turned to Pauline Hanson, delivering her in Queensland more than 9 per cent of Senate first preferences. That result was higher outside the State's south-east.

(A rider here: I've not met anyone, so far, who wants Pauline Hanson having the final decision on any policy - and if you've followed her comments in recent days, you'll understand why).

Queensland voters simply determined they would use July 2 to show that neither Party nor leader could deliver what was needed.

Consider Pauline Hanson our payback.

69 comments so far

  • Our payback? If voting for someone like Hanson was anybody's idea of payback, then I sure hope they're not rolling around town with one of those "Smart State" number plates ...

    Date and time
    July 07, 2016, 12:34AM
    • "But here's the thing. We smell BS a mile away, and this election was full of it"
      Absolute rubbish. If Queenslanders could smell BS they would never have elected any one of Hanson, Palmer, Katter, Newman or (especially) Hanson 2.0. That is as fine a list of BS artists as you could find in a month of Sundays. Slipper, for all his personal faults was a good MP and a bloody fine Speaker, and replacing Lazarus with Hanson is a glaring example of BS triumphing over substance.

      Paul D
      Date and time
      July 07, 2016, 3:31AM
      • The "average" voter couldn't identify BS if they fell over and face planted in a pile of it! The "average" voter believes whatever they fear the most. On Saturday there were any number of fears up for grabs. None larger or more full of BS than the Mediscare campaign. It didn't have to be true; it just had to plant a tiny seed of doubt in voters minds and they would vote against the LNP. The fact that the LNP took the moral high ground and expected voters would see it for the lie it was demonstrated just how out of touch with "average" voters they were.

        South Brisbane
        Date and time
        July 07, 2016, 10:38AM
      • Sorry but I can understand Lazarus not getting back in. He was a fair-weather pollie - jumped on any cause that looked popular but had no real position of his own.
        At least you know where Hanson stands.

        Date and time
        July 07, 2016, 10:43AM
      • You sir exhibit the very same Hubris and contempt of the politicians being rejected.

        All your points are merely "your opinion" they are not fact. Just because you think your opinion is worth more than everyone elses does not make it so.

        It is typical Australian PC BS that anyone prepared to even talk about slowing immigration to protect our culture, jobs, etc is labelled a 'racist' when it is a flagrant misunderstanding of the word.

        You know I don't much like the woman but now I hear her pushing for a Royal Commission into Banks I'm thinking to myself ... voting for these outliers within the framework of a hung parliament actually gets things done. Both major parties have ignored the "bankster" issue for a decade and she gets a result in 5 minutes.

        Augustine Heights
        Date and time
        July 07, 2016, 10:48AM
      • @David. What result exactly has she got on the banks issue? A bit of press coverage, nothing more. The facts are that the ALP and the Greens have been pushing for an RC into the finance sector for quite some time now, but that fact doesn't suit your narrative so you choose to not just ignore but actually deny it. And FWIW I am a firm believer that independents holding the balance of power in the senate is a very good thing, and voted accordingly, below the line. But the execrable Ms Hanson was not one of the 12

        Paul D
        Date and time
        July 08, 2016, 4:46PM
      • @Andrew. While it may not be true that the conservatives have a stated policy to privatise Medicare the unstated truth is that their long-term plan is to disband it completely using death by a thousand cuts.

        Paul D
        Date and time
        July 09, 2016, 1:59AM
      • I agree. If Queenslander's could smell the BS there is no way the ALP would've gotten so many votes with their Mediscare campaign

        Date and time
        July 11, 2016, 8:39AM
    • What a load of codswallop. How does 9% of the vote equate to a payback by the population of QLD?

      Date and time
      July 07, 2016, 4:45AM
      • Its not only this State but there is a chance that she will pick up at least 4 seats which shows the establishment they are failing the people.

        Isis Central
        Date and time
        July 07, 2016, 9:34AM

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