ACLU NationalCompte verificat


The ACLU is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, legal and advocacy organization devoted to protecting the basic civil liberties of everyone in America.

All 50 states
Unit: febrer de 2008

@ACLU està blocat

Segur que vols veure aquests tuits? No es desblocarà @ACLU per mirar-te'ls.

  1. fa 8 hores

    Texas GOP congressman slams Trump’s wall as “the most expensive and least effective way to secure the border”

  2. fa 8 hores

    President Trump today signed orders directing the federal government to fund construction of a wall along the U.S. border with Mexico.

  3. fa 12 hores

    execs must be celebrating this language in Trump EO. "[A]ll legally available resources" for detention = $$$$$

  4. fa 11 hores

    Here’s Why the ACLU Is Demanding a Second Confirmation Hearing for Attorney General Nominee Jeff Sessions. via

  5. fa 8 hores
  6. fa 8 hores

    President Trump today signed orders directing the federal government to fund construction of a wall along the U.S. border with Mexico.

  7. fa 16 hores

    Trump Says ‘Serves the National Interest,’ Yet It Threatens Indian Rights and the Drinking Water of 18M People

  8. fa 9 hores

    No hate, no fear; immigrants are welcome here. Happening right now at Washington Square Park.

  9. fa 9 hores

    People are asking about the rights of government employees to continue speaking to the public. We have some answers.

  10. fa 11 hores

    NYC making noise against visa bans, walls, racism + xenophobic policies in Washington Square RN.

  11. fa 9 hores

    Tonight we joined , and other concerned New Yorkers to protest anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant exec orders

  12. fa 10 hores
  13. fa 10 hores

    Torture is "absolutely" illegal and immoral, and we will fight any attempts to bring it back

  14. fa 10 hores

    WATCH: & filed a class action suit to for kids.

  15. fa 10 hores

    Tell Governor Burgum to keep water protectors safe from police violence.

  16. fa 11 hores

    Dean Westwood has a physical disability. He was isolated in prison and denied medical services.

  17. fa 11 hores

    Federal government employees: Know your First Amendment rights.

  18. fa 15 hores

    MUST WATCH <2min video: Reactions yesterday to Executive Order from those on the ground, including Ladonna Allard and 's

  19. fa 14 hores

    Many refugees come to the US to escape persecution based on their sexual orientation/gender identity. We must welcome them.

  20. fa 12 hores

    The border wall and defunding sanctuary cities are a bleak reminder of Trump’s police-state mentality.

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