49 new biomass heating systems, including 20 solar collectors, will be installed in 2017 using the European funds of the Energy and Biomass Project

49 new biomass heating systems, including 20 solar collectors, will be installed in 2017 using the European funds of the Energy and Biomass Project. As well, 27 kindergartens - beneficiaries of the first phase of the project - will be equipped with solar water heaters that will operate in conjunction with the biomass heating system. 34 schools and kindergartens with straw bale-fired heating plants will be additionally equipped with tractors for bale transportation and loading in the boiler.

Young people from Rusestii Noi volunteer to raise funds for a cleaner village

Young people from Rusestii Noi organized a snow-clearing event and shoveled the snow in 20 households of older and lonely persons. The local campaign „LA URAT PE CURAT” (CAROLING IN A CLEAN ENVIRONMENT) provides an opportunity to encourage native persons who migrated to donate for the purchase of a tractor for garbage disposal, snow clearing and road maintenance in their village.

SYSLAB Moldova alumni united in the mission to improve the labor market in the Republic of Moldova

The 5 Centers of Career Innovative Development SYSLAB took stock of their activities, together with graduates of employment and entrepreneurship programs from 2013–2016. Thus, over 200 project beneficiaries, 137 women and 66 men, met former colleagues, who currently are employed or have started their own business.

UNDP 2016 #YearinReview

In 2016, UNDP has pledged for the adoption of a law that establishes a 40% minimum representation quota of one sex in governmental offices and on the electoral lists for local and parliamentary elections.

[PHOTO ESSAY] The Sliced apple journey

The apples used to make the "cool apple" snack have their origins in the Izvoare village, Orhei district. They are harvested by a local farmer and belong to 3 varieties of apples : Golden Delicious, Florena and Idared. While waiting for their glorious transformation, the apples are stored at 3-4 C degrees and 75% humidity. If the photos could carry also the smell of that room, you would not scroll further.

Interactive Map: What are top five issues raised by women at national forums with MPs?

Main results and impact of 15 national parliamentary forums "Dialogue with citizens", which served as a platform for discussion between women from vulnerable groups (women from ethnic minorities, women with disabilities, rural women with low incomes, elderly women, single mothers, etc.) and members of the Parliament, are now illustrated in an interactive map.

Over 600 public agents from 25 districts were trained to prevent corruption risks

During September – December 2016, over 600 town halls from 25 districts learned how to prevent corruption risks. The trainings were organized by the National Anticorruption Center (NAC), in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), in the framework of a project financed by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The security of storage facility of the national army of the Republic of Moldova was strengthened with EU support

The handover ceremony of security upgrades performed through the support of the European Union to the storage facility of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Moldova took place on 21 December 2016 at the Bulboaca storage site.

[SUCCESS STORY] Away from home, but volunteers

“Whenever I am away from home, I am overwhelmed with homesickness and returning home is the most beautiful and emotional moment for me. I left my home village, but it’s time for me to help it with the skills and expertise I have gathered”, says Tatiana. This summer, Tatiana spent full 8 working days of her short vacation on creating an architectural plan of the community centre to serve the inhabitants of the village for various purposes.

[SUCCESS STORY] It takes a village: Pensioners demand justice in Moldova

After the break-up of the Soviet Union, the archives of enterprises, or even of entire villages, perished. Thousands of people have paid social contributions, but as pension reform in Moldova drags on, their pensions remain minimal. Others can’t officially prove they worked their entire lives; they await retirement with despair.

[SUCCESS STORY] Moldova: The Orhei National Park – from neglect to World Heritage recognition

Not long ago, the Republic of Moldova – lacking both mountains and coastlines - was considered to be bereft of tourist attractions. Even its own people did not really realize that there is an exceptional cultural-natural treasury right in the middle of the country, just 50 km from the capital city.

[BLOG] High-class IT system brings transparency and credibility in Moldovan elections

9 o’clock in the evening of the Election Day in Moldova, polling stations are closing. However, the hardest work only starts. Members of the electoral bureaus begin counting the ballot papers. Citizens impatiently wait for the next morning to find out the preliminary results. This was the reality until recently, 2014.

[BLOG] UNDP Moldova is keeping the doctor away from more than 3000 school-age children

The idea of tackling the problem of low fruit intake in Moldova came during a banal lunch. We were intrigued by the paradox that in a country that is a regional “garden”, abundant in fruits and vegetables, the average consumption of these goodies constituted only 60% of the minimum WHO recommended quantity.

[BLOG] Labs as game-changers for governance?

The way the governance process takes place has changed dramatically in the last decade or so. The rise of new technologies, widening democratic space and rise of citizen expert together with our growing understanding of complexity of development challenges, mark the pronounced shift to distributed forms of governance, with governments-enablers and co-creation of solutions at the heart of a such system.