Fiona Katauskas


Cartoonist. Satirist. Political Junkie.

Gadigal country, Eora Nation, Sydney

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  1. "I have nothing left to lose so I will say it: This is white supremacy's last stand." This clip sums up .

  2. The same fear & ignorance tht elected Trump is driving attacks on 18C, immolating asylum seekers, electing Hanson,opposing marriage equality

  3. dems are gonna look themselves in the mirror, take a deep breath and tell themselves 'we gotta get more racist'

  4. People ask why women don't report sexual assault. You got your answer: a man can have double digit accusers & still be elected President.

  5. Anyhow, I was too busy getting my sorrows- drowning/ previous engagement pants on to the watch - how was Trump's victory speech?

  6. All you "Hillary will just be more of the status quo" contrarians, tell me how you feel about the status quo in two years.

  7. It's not just Trump. It's Giuliani, Newt, all those squamous horrors, scuttling to the power of which they've always dreamed

  8. So I went out and got drunk & when I wake up in the morning i'll realise this was all just a bad dream

  9. Do watch this.lasts two mins but is about the next 4 years.

  10. Racism isn't a characteristic of the working class. You'll find the same opinions amongst those rich college muppets at Sydney Uni

  11. Everyone's focussed on the poor whites who voted for Trump but there were heaps of not-poor whites who did too

  12. Oh fuck, there were some hilarious comments from his sons about this. Has to be blind trust. They think his family is one.

  13. So what happens to Trump's various businesses now? What are the rules?

  14. Serious q- Will being President-elect have any effect on Trump’s impeding child rape trial or Trump uni case?

  15. (I love seeing aussies asking how americans can support a racist and bigot)

  16. ah yes good. i love men like this being happy. this is good, make them more confident. everything is great.

  17. me, woke australian: wow. america is just screwed asylum seeker in cage: [muffled screams] me: trying to watch cnn here, shut up man

  18. Fiona Katauskas 关注了 , ,
    • @mollycrabapple

      Artist and author of DRAWING BLOOD. Co-authoring BROTHERS OF THE GUN with . VICE contributing editor. Words: NYT, Paris Review, Vanity Fair


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