  1. Personen Alle anzeigen

  2. vor 8 Stunden

    Trump-Interview 25.01.: " works." Dagegen : "Wer ausübt, geht an ihr zugrunde."

  3. 24. Jan.

    wowsers @ Eileen's trifle!! 😛 😄

  4. vor 7 Stunden

    Man hat an Abu Ghraib gesehen, zu was das führte. Da ging es nur noch um Spaß an der Freude.

  5. vor 14 Minuten
  6. vor 1 Stunde

    TT SCHWEIZ 17:46 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.L'Hebdo 7.Mauer of Warcraft

  7. vor 2 Stunden

    I'm all for if it can induce lunatic bigot Trump to release his tax returns.

  8. vor 2 Stunden

    General PX Kelley & Robert Turner op-ed opposing Bush order Trump wants to reinstate: cc:

  9. vor 2 Stunden

    We wondered how Trump would govern. Conservative? Moderate? Now we know. REGRESSIVE. He wants to drag us back to the Dark Ages.

  10. vor 4 Stunden
  11. vor 4 Stunden

    Liberal tweeters think Theresa May's job is to tick off Trump about etc, not do trade deal Which is why they aren't PM

  12. vor 5 Stunden
  13. No way to sugar-coat this: doesn’t work. It brutalizes societies for generations and must be made taboo.

  14. Waterboarding can cause as much psychological harm as other . It is inhumane and ineffective (from 2010)

  15. The neuroscience of interrogation: doesn’t work, says science

  16. vor 7 Stunden

    doesn't work. The CIA admitted this in 2014 report

  17. vor 7 Stunden

    isn't just's illegal. The and why they matter:

  18. vor 8 Stunden
  19. vor 8 Stunden

    "If we have not all confessed to witchcraft, that is only because we have not all been tortured yet" - Friedrich Spee, 1631

  20. vor 8 Stunden
  21. vor 9 Stunden

    Your baby is tied to a timebomb. You have the terrorist. He tells you you have 1 hour. Do you him to find your baby or let it die?

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