
Palestinian kills four Israeli soldiers in Jerusalem truck attack

By Patrick Martin, 9 January 2017

The attack is the bloodiest incident in Jerusalem since Israeli authorities announced a stepped-up expansion of Jewish housing in the predominantly Arab eastern half of the city.

Israel-Palestine and the “two-state solution”

By Nick Beams, 30 December 2016

John Kerry’s speech defending US abstention on a UN resolution criticising Israel’s expansionist policies was a warning that abandonment of the “two-state solution” could have explosive consequences.

US abstains as UN passes toothless resolution criticizing Israeli settlements

By Jean Shaoul, 24 December 2016

The passage of the resolution followed the intervention of president-elect Donald Trump, who urged a veto and worked with Israel in an effort to delay the vote.

Shimon Peres (1923-2016)

By Patrick Martin, 1 October 2016

The state funeral for Shimon Peres, former Israeli president and prime minister, brought leaders from around the world to pay tribute, not so much to the individual as to the rapacious, land-grabbing, militaristic state he did so much to construct.

Military prosecutor clears Israeli forces in 2014 Gaza war

By Jean Shaoul, 27 August 2016

Israel’s military advocate general concluded that the 2014 shelling of a United Nations school in Rafah in which 10 people died was entirely lawful since “proper procedures had been followed.”

Israel implements collective punishment after the stabbing of teenager

By Jean Shaoul, 4 July 2016

The IDF carried out detention raids in Bani Nai’im and Hebron, as clashes broke out between Palestinian youths and the IDF.

Censored Voices: A snapshot in time reveals war crimes

By Fred Mazelis, 22 June 2016

An Israeli filmmaker has brought 50-year-old tape recordings about the Six-Day War and their implications to life on the screen.

After Tel Aviv attacks, Israel launches police-state crackdown

By Thomas Gaist, 10 June 2016

The Netanyahu government has deployed hundreds of additional troops to the West Bank and imposed punitive travel restrictions on more than 80,000 Palestinian civilians.

Arson attack on witness to murders in Palestinian village of Duma

By Jean Shaoul, 23 March 2016

The fire was clearly aimed at intimidating the witnesses in the forthcoming trial.

Teachers take strike action against Palestinian Authority

By Jean Shaoul, 12 March 2016

The strike by thousands of teachers over miserable pay, one of the largest mass strikes ever seen in the West Bank, has been met with repression from the Palestinian Authority.

Israel’s shoot-to-kill policy against Palestinians

By Jean Shaoul, 12 January 2016

Around 46 Palestinians have been killed during demonstrations and clashes with the security forces by a single shot to the head or chest.

Turkey and Arab states line up with Israel over Syria, repression of Palestinians

By Jean Shaoul, 8 January 2016

Turkish President Erdoğan made a state visit to Saudi Arabia a few days ago, just two weeks after signing an agreement with Tel Aviv to restore diplomatic relations.

Wedding video shows Israeli far-right gathering celebrating arson attack on Palestinians

By Jean Shaoul, 30 December 2015

The couple getting married was well known in the radical right, and guests included friends of the suspects in the arson attack.

George Washington University apologizes for censorship of Palestinian flag

By Isaac Finn, 29 December 2015

The incident at the Washington, D.C university is only one of many similar attacks on free speech rights aimed at suppressing criticism of Israel.

Israel: No prosecutions for firebombing of Palestinian family

By Jean Shaoul, 21 December 2015

The refusal to prosecute the suspects testifies to Netanyahu’s undeclared policy of leniency and conciliation towards the fascistic forces that successive governments have promoted.

Israel: Netanyahu capitalises on Paris bombings

By Jean Shaoul, 19 November 2015

Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu is using the terrorist attacks in Paris to ramp up tensions in pursuit of Israel’s geostrategic interests.

Israeli raid on Hebron hospital sparks new protests

By Bill Van Auken, 13 November 2015

With at least 83 Palestinians killed since the eruption of unrest last month, the hospital raid signals an escalation of Israel’s lawless repression.

Israeli police threaten Palestinians with gas attacks “until you die”

By Jean Shaoul, 3 November 2015

The Israeli government has introduced measures aimed at terrorising and suppressing the Palestinians, stripping them of their democratic rights and driving them out of their homes.

Israel: Racist mob lynches migrant as violence intensifies

By Jean Shaoul, 21 October 2015

Ultra-nationalist Jewish politicians have encouraged the mobilisation of vigilante groups and fascistic mobs that go on the rampage while the police stand and watch.

US military chief pledges increased support as Israel steps up attacks on Palestinians

By Jean Shaoul, 19 October 2015

The pledge of increased military aid comes amid the Zionist state’s increasingly brutal crackdown on Palestinians within both the occupied territories and Israel itself.

Obama backs Israeli crackdown in Jerusalem

By Patrick Martin, 17 October 2015

Israeli security forces have killed 37 Palestinians since October 1, mostly teenage youth shot down for throwing rocks at Israeli police and soldiers.

Israeli army-police crackdown seals off East Jerusalem

By Jean Shaoul, 15 October 2015

The violence was triggered by Israeli efforts to restrict Palestinian access to the al-Aqsa Mosque compound.

Israeli forces step up repression in Jerusalem, West Bank

By Jean Shaoul, 10 October 2015

Nearly 2,000 Palestinians have been wounded in dozens of violent clashes with Israeli troops, police and settlers over the past week.

Mass protests demand release of Palestinian hunger striker

By Jean Shaoul, 19 August 2015

Hunger striker Mohammad Allaan’s defiant stand to protest his detention without trial exposes both the Israeli and the Palestinian authorities.

Clashes erupt on West Bank after child is murdered by Zionist settlers

By Thomas Gaist, 1 August 2015

Friday’s arson attack bears the hallmarks of previous atrocities committed by religious nationalist forces.

UN report details Israeli war crimes in Gaza

By Jean Shaoul, 24 June 2015

The UN commission recognised that the death and destruction carried out by Israel last year followed the atrocities of previous wars on Gaza and Lebanon.

Israeli settlers, soldiers attack Palestinians in East Jerusalem and Nablus

By Patrick Martin, 21 March 2015

The attacks signal a new offensive by settlers encouraged by the election victory of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-wing coalition.

Manhattan terror trial vs. PLO: The hypocrisy of imperialist justice

By Tom Carter, 2 March 2015

If the PA and the PLO can be held liable in US courts for $655.5 million, the bill owed by the United States and Israel should run into the trillions.

Syria strike caps Israel’s provocations in Middle East

By Chris Marsden, 21 January 2015

Israel’s air strike follows its denunciations of the International Criminal Court’s decision to launch a preliminary investigation into possible war crimes in Palestine.

Israel blocks funds of Palestinian Authority

By Jean Shaoul, 6 January 2015

The Israeli moves are designed to bully into submission the cash-strapped PA, upon which many Palestinians depend for their livelihoods.

Palestinian Authority signs up to International Criminal Court

By Jean Shaoul, 3 January 2015

The move by Abbas and his Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority, backed by the Arab regimes, is a last-ditch attempt to preserve their credibility.

Murder of Palestinian minister is latest Israeli provocation

By Jean Shaoul, 13 December 2014

The killing of Palestinian Authority Minister Ziad Abu Ein took place just days after Prime Minister Netanyahu called an early election for next March.

Netanyahu’s “Jewish nation” bill enshrines an apartheid-style constitution

By Jean Shaoul, 1 December 2014

The “Jewish nation” bill sets the scene for far greater discrimination against the Palestinian population within Israel.

Israel’s Netanyahu threatens clampdown after synagogue killing

By Jean Shaoul, 19 November 2014

The attack and Israel’s response portend a wider conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.

Israel committed war crimes in Gaza, Amnesty International finds

By Jean Shaoul, 10 November 2014

Amnesty detailed eight instances in which people’s homes were attacked with large aerial bombs without warning, resulting in the deaths of at least 104 civilians, including 62 children.

UN envoy: Destruction in Gaza “truly shocking”

By Jean Shaoul, 25 September 2014

Following Israel’s 50-day war against a defenceless civilian population, most of Gaza’s 1.8 million inhabitants are now dependent on food aid.

The witch-hunting of Steven Salaita and the new McCarthyism

By Bill Van Auken, 23 September 2014

The political victimization of Salaita in the name of “democracy” is another chilling warning that core democratic rights, including academic freedom, are incompatible with a society dominated by social inequality and the drive to war.

Netanyahu indicates Gaza ceasefire paves way for wider war

By Jean Shaoul, 1 September 2014

Netanyahu has faced criticism from within his Likud party and his coalition government for calling off military action short of his declared intention of obliterating Hamas and without consulting his security cabinet.

Gaza truce sets stage for deepening of crisis in Israel

By Barry Grey, 28 August 2014

The indecisive manner in which the latest Gaza war has apparently concluded—leaving a horrific toll of death and destruction among the Palestinians and an unusually high number of dead Israeli soldiers—has left large sections of the Israeli population questioning what the war was all about and why it was waged.

Israel resumes assault on Gaza

By Bill Van Auken, 20 August 2014

Netanyahu ordered the Israeli delegation to withdraw from truce talks in Cairo.

Gaza truce extended but Israel refuses to end blockade

By Mike Head, 14 August 2014

Backed by the Obama administration, the Israeli government is insisting on the continuation of the ghetto-like conditions it has imposed in Gaza.

The use of archaeology in Jerusalem as a political weapon

By Matthew MacEgan, 14 August 2014

The actions taken by some Israeli archaeologists operating in East Jerusalem have been heavily criticized for using a selective view of history in order to marginalize local Palestinian communities and drive them from their homes.

Israel rejects calls to lift Gaza blockade

By Peter Symonds, 12 August 2014

A month of Israeli attacks has compounded the hardships confronting the Palestinian population of 1.8 million.

Israel resumes indiscriminate killings in Gaza

By Patrick Martin, 9 August 2014

Israeli air strikes and artillery fire killed at least five Palestinians Friday, including a child.

Oppose the Israeli assault on Gaza!

Resolution of the SEP Third National Congress

By , 9 August 2014

This resolution was adopted unanimously by the Third National Congress of the Socialist Equality Party in the United States.

Gaza death toll climbs over 1,800

By Peter Symonds, 5 August 2014

The latest 72-hour ceasefire could evaporate just as quickly as the last.

The slaughter in Gaza: A warning to the international working class

By Peter Symonds, 4 August 2014

The war crimes being carried out in Gaza today are the most brutal expression of what is being prepared against the international working class.

Israel intensifies Gaza slaughter after ceasefire collapses

By Peter Symonds, 2 August 2014

Confident of Washington’s backing, the Israeli government was never serious about abiding by the ceasefire or entering talks with Palestinian factions in Egypt.

Israel calls up more troops to join Gaza slaughter

By Patrick Martin, 1 August 2014

The death toll among Palestinians is nearing 1,500, including more than 300 children.

Gaza braces for new onslaught as Israel vows to expand war

By Bill Van Auken, 29 July 2014

Netanyahu brushed aside UN and US appeals for an unconditional ceasefire, vowing to escalate and prolong the slaughter in Gaza.

Thousands in Israel protest against Gaza bombardment

By Nick Barrickman, 29 July 2014

The protests against war give the lie to the Israeli government claims that its actions are supported by the vast majority of Israeli society.

Israel resumes its onslaught on Gaza

By James Cogan, 28 July 2014

Netanyahu’s government has refused to even entertain Hamas’s terms for an end to the carnage.

Israel rejects Kerry’s Gaza ceasefire

By Bill Van Auken, 26 July 2014

The unanimous vote of the Israeli security cabinet signaled that Tel Aviv intends to expand the massacre of Palestinians.

The Gaza war crimes and the bankruptcy of nationalism

By The WSWS International Editorial Board, 25 July 2014

What is required is a political perspective that can unite the working class of all religious and ethnic backgrounds in a common struggle for socialist internationalism.

Israeli bombs kill nearly 600 Palestinians

Gaza death toll doubles in four days

By Patrick Martin, 22 July 2014

Entire family groups have been slaughtered by indiscriminate Israeli bombing and shelling of the densely populated territory.

UK: Leeds protest against Gaza war condemns BBC blackout

By our reporters, 22 July 2014

Demonstrators on the protest in Leeds, West Yorkshire carried placards saying “BBC=British Brainwashing Channel” and shouted “We are all Palestinians now.”

The assault on Gaza: A historic crime

By Patrick Martin and Barry Grey, 21 July 2014

In its long and bloody history of aggression, Israel in the past four days has crossed a fundamental line. Its actions in Gaza are those of a society in a state of political and moral disintegration.

Israeli forces slaughter hundreds in weekend blitz in Gaza

By James Cogan, 21 July 2014

Large numbers of civilians in Shuja’iya were caught in the shelling and fighting.

Protests in Israel against Gaza war

By Jean Shaoul, 21 July 2014

More than 400 people have been killed in Gaza, many of them children, and another 3,000 injured while thousands more have been forced to flee their homes.

US-backed Israeli invasion of Gaza unleashes death and destruction

By Bill Van Auken, 19 July 2014

The operations of armored columns and tens of thousands of troops in the densely populated Gaza Strip have sent the numbers of dead and wounded soaring.

US networks remove reporters critical of Israeli attack on Gaza

By Barry Grey, 19 July 2014

On two consecutive days this week, journalists reporting from the Gaza war zone who evinced less than unquestioning support for Israel were removed by US television network executives.

Oppose the Israeli invasion of Gaza

By Statement of the International Committee of the Fourth International, 18 July 2014

The aim of the offensive is to carry out mass killings and inflict mass destruction, leaving Gaza a smoking ruin.

Backed by Obama, Israeli leaders threaten Gaza invasion

By Mike Head, 17 July 2014

The Israeli government is preparing a full-scale ground assault, confident of Washington’s full support.

After phony cease-fire, Israel vows to intensify Gaza bloodbath

By Bill Van Auken, 16 July 2014

The Netanyahu government has seized on Hamas’s failure to immediately observe a cease-fire about which it was never consulted as the pretext for escalating its one-sided war against Gaza.

Israeli war crimes in Gaza provoke global outrage

By Patrick Martin, 15 July 2014

The Israeli government admits to deliberately targeting mosques, hospitals, schools and private homes in its war against the Palestinian people.

Detroit protesters oppose Israeli assault on Gaza

By Tom Hall, 15 July 2014

Hundreds marched through downtown Detroit demanding an end to the Israeli bombing of Gaza.

Israel escalates attack on Gaza

By James Cogan, 14 July 2014

Israel is openly targeting the private homes of officials and leading members of the Islamist Hamas organisation, regardless of who is residing in them.

The toxic crisis of Israeli society

By Barry Grey, 12 July 2014

There is a close connection between the violence being carried out by the Israeli government in Gaza and the emergence of fascistic elements within Israel capable of brutally murdering an innocent Palestinian youth.

Israel warns of imminent ground invasion of Gaza

By Mike Head, 11 July 2014

The Israeli offensive is being intensified with the clear backing of the Obama administration.

New York protesters demand end to Israeli assault on Gaza

By a WSWS reporting team, 11 July 2014

Thousands marched in front of the Israeli Mission to the UN as the Israeli bombardment intensified.

Death toll mounts in Israeli attacks on Gaza

By Patrick Martin, 10 July 2014

At least 63 Palestinians have been killed since Sunday, the vast majority of them civilians, including more than a dozen children.

Air strikes kill civilians as Israel prepares new Gaza bloodbath

By Bill Van Auken, 9 July 2014

The Israeli blitz against the densely populated neighborhoods of Gaza has been politically prepared by weeks of anti-Palestinian incitement.

Family of Tariq Khdeir denounces beating by Israeli police

By Matthew MacEgan, 8 July 2014

At a press conference on Monday, the family of the 15-year-old US citizen denounced the Israeli police beating and the American government’s failure to secure Khdeir’s return home.

Palestinian unrest spreads across Israel

By Patrick Martin, 7 July 2014

Police have arrested six right-wing Israeli Jews, including several residents of illegal West Bank settlements, in the gruesome murder of 16-year-old Muhammad Abu Khudair.

Israeli police savagely beat Palestinian-American youth

By our reporter, 7 July 2014

The videotaped beating is an irrefutable demonstration of official Israeli violence and racism.

Thousands demonstrate at funeral of slain Palestinian youth

By Barry Grey, 5 July 2014

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu said he would delay any major military escalation for 24 hours while cease-fire talks with Hamas continued.

Murder of Palestinian youth sparks unrest in Jerusalem

By Patrick Martin, 3 July 2014

When the murder of Muhammad Khudair became public knowledge Wednesday, Palestinian youth took to streets of the Shuafat and Beit Hanina neighborhoods of East Jerusalem.

As thousands mourn murdered teenagers

Israeli government prepares onslaught against Palestinian people

By James Cogan, 2 July 2014

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has seized on the tragic death of the young men as the pretext for escalating Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people.

Israel stoking conflict in Iraq, Iran, Syria and the Occupied Territories

By Chris Marsden, 25 June 2014

In an interview with NBC’s “Meet the Press” Sunday, Netanyahu gave a frank insight into the politically criminal thinking of the Israeli ruling elite.

Australian shift on East Jerusalem provokes diplomatic furore

By Peter Symonds, 25 June 2014

The Abbott government’s stance may well point to a wider shift taking place in ruling circles, particularly in the US, on the status of occupied Palestinian territories.

Israel halts peace talks over Palestinian reconciliation deal

By Jean Shaoul, 29 April 2014

The rival Palestinian bourgeois parties, Fatah and Hamas, announced a “reconciliation” agreement to form an interim government and hold elections.

Australian documentary reveals Israeli torture of Palestinian youth

By Will Morrow, 13 February 2014

The policy is aimed at terrorising the Palestinian population and suppressing any opposition to the Israeli occupation.

The assassination of Yasser Arafat

By Jean Shaoul, 16 November 2013

The Bush administration backed Israel to the hilt, vetoing a United Nations Security Council resolution condemning Israel’s decision to get rid of Arafat.

Tests show Yasser Arafat was poisoned with polonium

By Jean Shaoul, 8 November 2013

After Israel’s bombing of his offices in Ramallah in 2002, Arafat was kept a virtual prisoner until his strange and sudden illness.

Lancet report supports accusation that Yasser Arafat was poisoned

By Jean Shaoul, 21 October 2013

The exhumation of the body of Arafat, came after longstanding rumours that he had been poisoned.

New settlements on West Bank as Israeli-Palestinian talks begin

By Jean Shaoul, 15 August 2013

The US-sponsored talks serve to cover Israel’s ever more rapacious land grab.

Israeli-Palestinian talks a cover for US aggression in Middle East

By Jean Shaoul, 29 July 2013

The talks offer nothing to the Palestinian working class except more suffering and misery.

UN report documents Israeli regime’s abuse and torture of Palestinian children

By Jean Shaoul, 25 June 2013

A new report by the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child documents the Israeli regime’s physical and mental abuse of Palestinian children, including the systematic trying of children before juvenile military courts.

Israel bombs Gaza, shoots down West Bank youth

By Bill Van Auken, 5 April 2013

Israel placed its military on “high alert” Thursday as anger erupted following the deaths of a prominent Palestinian prisoner and two young protesters in the occupied West Bank.

US, Arab allies call for intervention in Syria after bombing of Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp

By Jean Shaoul, 20 December 2012

All media reports of the bombardment of Yarmouk stress that the Syrian government is guilty of a crime and must pay a price.

Israel to expand settlements after UN vote on Palestine

By Bill Van Auken, 1 December 2012

In a provocative response to the UN’s recognition of Palestine as a nonmember state, the Netanyahu government is pushing ahead with 3,000 new housing units in East Jerusalem and the West Bank.

Israeli forces break Gaza ceasefire as Netanyahu outlines his political calculations

By Jean Shaoul and Chris Marsden, 24 November 2012

The ceasefire that brought to an end Israel’s eight-day blitzkrieg against Gaza is already under strain, after Israeli forces killed a Palestinian man on the border.

Bombardment of Gaza portends further criminal wars in Middle East

By Chris Marsden, 23 November 2012

For eight days, the Israel Defense Forces rained down devastation on Gaza that has left it in ruins. More than 150 Palestinian lives were lost, including 40 children.

US and Egypt announce ceasefire in Israeli assault on Gaza

By Jean Shaoul, 22 November 2012

After supporting a ceaseless bombardment for the last eight days of densely populated Gaza neighborhoods, the US was concerned that the conflict could threaten its broader agenda in the Middle East.

Israel continues blitz against Gaza amid truce talks

By Bill Van Auken, 21 November 2012

Israeli warplanes continued to pound Gaza Tuesday, inflicting mounting civilian casualties amid predictions that an Egyptian-brokered ceasefire would soon take effect.

Stop the massacre in Gaza!

By Bill Van Auken, 20 November 2012

The Israeli leadership, the Obama administration and the corporate media all invoke the “right of self-defense” to justify the onslaught against Gaza that has already killed and maimed hundreds of Palestinian civilians.

Death toll mounts from Israeli air strikes in Gaza

By Patrick Martin, 19 November 2012

Israeli warplanes and gunboats intensified their attacks on Palestinian homes and institutions throughout the Gaza Strip over the weekend, bringing the death toll to more than 75.

Israel calls up 75,000 troops as bombing continues in Gaza

By Bill Van Auken, 17 November 2012

The Israeli military boasted of carrying out more than 500 air strikes against densely populated Gaza since launching its offensive on Wednesday.

Israel masses troops on Gaza border as bombardment intensifies

By Bill Van Auken, 16 November 2012

Israeli warplanes carried out hundreds of air strikes against the densely populated Gaza Strip Thursday as Israel mobilized troops on the Palestinian territory’s border.

Israel launches offensive against Gaza

By Bill Van Auken, 15 November 2012

In its most intense attack on Gaza since the Operation Cast Lead invasion of 2008-2009, Israel carried out a bombardment of the Palestinian territory, beginning with the assassination of a top Hamas leader.