Pet Coke Cloud Blows Across Detroit River (VIDEO)...

Jul 31, 2013 Posted by

A newly surfaced video showing a large black cloud of petroleum coke…

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Paradise Lost in Oil Spill in Gulf of Thailand...

Jul 31, 2013 Posted by

An oil spill that has marred a tourist island in the Gulf of Thailand…

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Exploitation of Peru’s ‘miracle’ oil deposits in the Amazon is delayed...

Jul 31, 2013 Posted by

Operations by company Perenco behind schedule…

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You get my drift? Pesticides cause big problems when they go where they’re not wanted...

Jul 31, 2013 Posted by

Too many crop dusters are accidentally missing their targets …

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$100 million worth of natural gas goes up in flames every month in North Dakota...

Jul 31, 2013 Posted by

Amidst an oil and gas drilling boom in North Dakota….

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We are consigning hundreds of coastal cities to destruction. Who cares?...

Jul 31, 2013 Posted by

Humanity’s difficulties dealing with climate change trace back to a simple fact..

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New antibiotic that attacks MRSA found in ocean microbe...

Jul 31, 2013 Posted by

A completely new and unusual antibiotic compound…

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The Top 10 U.S. Companies With Ginormous Sums Of Cash Parked Overseas...

Jul 31, 2013 Posted by

Yesterday, President Obama talked up corporate tax reform.

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Why the GOP can’t win millennials with GIFs...

Jul 31, 2013 Posted by

Hint: It’s the policy, stupid

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Top 10 Ways Bradley Manning Changed the World...

Jul 31, 2013 Posted by

Bradley Manning will be sentenced today…

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Consumer Alert: Most Common Vitamins, Including Children’s Vitamins, Found to Contain GMOs...

Jul 31, 2013 Posted by

A Natural News investigation reveals that an alarmingly large number of multivitamins

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New York Is Pretending Factory Farms Aren’t An Environmental Problem For The Sake Of Greek Yogurt...

Jul 31, 2013 Posted by

Environmental groups are suing over New York’s recent deregulation of dairy farms…

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How Maryland’s New Climate Plan Could Actually Lower Energy Costs...

Jul 31, 2013 Posted by

Maryland’s Climate Action Plan could actually lower electricity prices…

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GOP Nihilism Fully Revealed in Current Paralysis...

Jul 31, 2013 Posted by

By their refusal to even consider President Obama’s latest proposal, Republicans show…

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John Oliver: ‘Halliburton Can Eat a Bag of D*cks’...

Jul 31, 2013 Posted by

Oliver weighed in on Halliburton’s role in covering up the BP oil spill—

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Nation on Fire: Climate Change and the Burning of America...

Jul 31, 2013 Posted by

Since 2006, more than 9 million acres have burned;

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The Mystery of Bee Colony Collapse...

Jul 31, 2013 Posted by

What’s tipping honeybee populations into huge annual die-offs?

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Missouri Republican Pushes To Override Governor’s Veto, Ban UN Program Agenda 21...

Jul 31, 2013 Posted by

A Republican Missouri state legislator with ties to the birther movement…

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Boulder City Council Wants 80 Percent Greenhouse Gas Reduction By 2050...

Jul 31, 2013 Posted by

Boulder should pursue an aggressive goal of reducing its greenhouse gas emissions…

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Pesticides are blowing into California’s mountains, poisoning frogs...

Jul 31, 2013 Posted by

Pesticides sprayed over farms in California’s Central Valley…

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EPA chief: Stop saying environmental regs kill jobs...

Jul 31, 2013 Posted by

Tuesday, in her first speech as EPA administrator..

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Thai tourist paradise wrecked by oil spill...

Jul 31, 2013 Posted by

What could be lovelier than a vacation at Thailand’s Coconut Bay?

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Major opinion shifts, in the US and Congress, on NSA surveillance and privacy...

Jul 31, 2013 Posted by

Pew finds that, for the first time since 9/11…

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Save the economy; visit a park

Jul 31, 2013 Posted by

In these post-recessionary, economically sluggish times..

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Why the Peak Oilers are still right...

Jul 31, 2013 Posted by

The piece is excerpted from the new book Snake Oil:

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Listen to Van Jones talk about Tar Sands...

Jul 30, 2013 Posted by

Help this video go viral:

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Bye-Bye to My Postal Service — The March of Privatization Continues...

Jul 30, 2013 Posted by

Soon a postman will become an automaton to be watched….

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