WA News

Barnett government pledges $140 million for Joondalup Health Campus upgrade

The Joondalup Health Campus is set to get a "significant" spruce up with the Barnett government pledging $140 million to deliver 90 more beds at the northern suburbs hospital if it wins the March election.

The redevelopment which will be done with the operator of the campus, Ramsay Health Care, will also see 25-30 new mental health beds plus new eight operating theatres and an expansion of the emergency department.

The 90 extra beds will increase the capacity at the hospital, which underwent a $393 million upgrade in 2013, to almost 600 beds.

Even though Liberal deputy leader Liza Harvey has previous said the party would not hit the election trail until after Australia Day, the hospital pledge before WA goes to the poll in March, clearly shows the government has started its campaign early.

Premier Colin Barnett said with the northern suburbs bursting at the seams, a "significant expansion" of the campus was crucial to cater for the population explosion.

He said if the Liberal government won the election in two months time, he expected the redevelopment of the campus to be finished in 2021.


"It's one of Australia's busiest hospitals and one that is getting increasing pressure from population growth," he told reporters on Friday.

"With more than 98,000 presentations a year, Joondalup is one of the busiest emergency departments in the nation. In the past five years, Joondalup ambulance presentations have doubled and hospital admissions have increased almost 60 per cent.

"A significant expansion of the ED, bed capacity and eight new operating theatres are part of our state-wide plan to bring quality care as close to home as possible, making life easier for patients and families and boosting our health system's sustainability.

"The expansion of mental health beds also reflects the Liberal National government's unparalleled support for people with mental health conditions."

Health Minister John Day wouldn't say if John Holland - the builder behind the besieged Perth Children's Hospital - would be given the contract for the extension.

"John Holland did do the last major expansion here which was about four years ago," he said.

"They have some significant reputational repairing to do after the experience we had with the Perth Children's Hospital. As I've said on many occasions they have to get it right."