
Why we can’t achieve work-life balance

We spend a lot (actually all) of our day helping clients achieve some kind of work-life balance, but really we help them save time - which pot they choose to put it in, i.e. the work pot or the life pot is out of our hands.

Sadly I think we need to let that idea go, it just won't happen, not in 2017 anyway.  

I could dig deeper here and ask why we are all trying to achieve this goal of work-life balance, do we think that is the nirvana of happiness? Happiness is a state of mind, not a destination, people.

So why do I think achieving work-life balance is impossible.

Our overwhelming desire to say yes to everything because we are so caught up in what people will think of us if we just say no.

We are being asked to do more with less at work which means working well beyond our allotted nine hours each day.


Our children are exposed to as many opportunities and we want them to have amazing experiences, often at the expense of our time and money. God-forbid they miss out on how to learn macrame, they have the entire lives to learn.

We are seeking the home lifestyle of mid-last century but want all the opportunities and modern advances available in 2017. Can't happen.

The ability to have instant-everything has ramped up our pace of living as well as leaving no space for a line between our work and life - it is now blurred - it is all just life.

Our life is not binary, it has multiple components (partner, parent, professional [insert career], sibling, friend, carer, the list goes on) so the goal is to find a place of harmony among these.