Photo by kenstein on Flickr.
27 Jan 2017

American Muslims Stop More Terror Attacks Than The NSA

Trump’s “extreme vetting” order will be seen by American Muslims as discriminatory and may undermine a major counterterror asset: Muslims themselves.

Photo by Michael Fleshman (fleshmanpix) on Flickr.
26 Jan 2017

Repealing Obamacare: The Push To Eliminate The Individual Mandate

The Trump team has made it clear they are going after the highly unpopular individual mandate in the Affordable Care Act.

"Obama at Healthcare rally at UMD." Photo by Daniel Borman (dborman2) on Flickr.
05 Jan 2017

How Two Constraints Made Obamacare A Political Disaster

To understand how the Affordable Care Act never became popular, we need to understand two artificial constraints imposed by Obama that doomed it.

DoD photo by Sgt. Russell Gilchrest, U.S. Army. (Released)
09 Dec 2016

Obama’s Legacy: Human Cost Of Eight Years Of War

Nearing end of second term, Obama administration maintains it has waged warfare legally irrespective of the toll it has taken on numerous countries

Screen shot from Human Rights Watch's report on Saudi coalition's bombing of Yemen, "Bombing Businesses"
27 Oct 2016

U.S. Behind Huge Weapons Shipments To Saudi Arabia Prior to Yemen Funeral Attack

The United States shipped hundreds of millions of dollars in weapons to Saudi Arabia just weeks prior to the Saudi-led coalition’s funeral bombing in Sanaa, Yemen, according to a new analysis of U.S. government data conducted by Shadowproof. The October 8 bombing killed 140 and wounded over 500. It was

Still from CSPAN broadcast of 2016 presidential debate.
19 Oct 2016

Documents Show How Secret Corporate Money Funds Presidential Debates

Documents obtained by Shadowproof show secret corporate money has fueled presidential debates since they became a quadrennial affair decades ago.

Professional Staff Congress President Barbara Bowen speaks at a public meeting at Hostos Community College. (Photo by Brandon Jordan)
11 Jul 2016

CUNY Responds To BDS Activism On Campuses With Move To Control Free Expression

The proposal would establish a policy on what constitutes free speech and prohibits not only disruptions against people, but at the 24 CUNY campuses as well.

The People's Summit. Photo by Kevin Gosztola.
22 Jun 2016

People’s Summit Missed Opportunity To Match Strong Movement Politics With Bold Electoral Politics

The People’s Summit largely avoided discussing the US two-party political system and how those who made the Sanders campaign a success should confront it.

US Secretary of Defense Visiting Goa, India 
GOA, India (April 10. 2016) - Defense Secretary Ash Carter, left, walks with U.S. Ambassador to India Richard Verma, right, as he arrives in Goa. Carter is visiting India and the Philippines to solidify the U.S. rebalance to the Asia-Pacific region. (DoD photo by Air Force Senior Master Sgt. Adrian Cadiz on Flickr)
14 Jun 2016

US Agreement With India Will Greatly Expand Terrorist Watch List

U.S. Ambassador to India Richard Verma signed a memorandum of understanding with India, significantly expanding sharing of terrorist screening information.

Hillary Clinton speaks to supporters after conceding to Bernie Sanders in New Hampshire (Photo by Ted Eytan)
18 Feb 2016

The Problem With The Bourgeois Feminist Defense Of Hillary Clinton

After all, how distressing can the financial establishment be to those unaffected by its destruction?