Posts Tagged ‘Typhoon Yolanda’

Initiatives, projects and some anarchist news… (Philippines)

Friday, August 12th, 2016

Recently the anarchist comrades of Etnikobandido uploaded several posts about their recent activities in Philippines, check out their blog here.

Art, Ecology, Resistance 2016

2015 was recorded to be the hottest year in the history of mankind. Meanwhile the recent typhoon Yolanda was tagged to be the strongest storm, which has already been exceeded by other storms from other countries. Changes in weather patterns has become unexplainably irregular. These are the symptoms of Climate Change, which is for the most part caused by human activity.

People had invented technology that rely on limited sources such as minerals from underground. The act of taking and processing materials like these causes substantial amount of carbon, which heats up the planet at a faster rate. This heat affects the whole world. A cold place snows up easier, while hot places dry up more more easily. It also storms more often in places where rain usually falls. Sadly, this kind of deluge hits developing countries often. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Report about continuing autonomous Typhoon Yolanda disaster relief initiatives by anarchists (Philippines)

Friday, January 3rd, 2014


Mobile Anarchist School volunteers and its immediate network have no time to rest; right after our first mission, we came back to Manila just to complete the requirements for “Climate Crises and Direct Action Forum” where we shared the details of our initiative in Leyte.

We able to gather resources enough to support six volunteers for 15 days action. We discussed the details of our second mission and carefully outlined our plan based on our experience.



More than a month after super typhoon “Yolanda” pummeled Visayas, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) reported on Thursday morning that the death toll has slightly increased to 5,982 from 5,959 reported Wednesday. The number of people injured and missing remained at 27,022 and 1,779, respectively.

Affected cities: 57; affected provinces: 44. Number of people/families affected: 12.191 million people/ 2.582 million families number of people displaced: 3.98 million people/ 869,742 families in evacuation centers: 21,669 families/ 93,814 people.

The number of damaged houses decreased to 1.192 million, nearly half of which were totally destroyed. To date, power outage is still being experienced in some provinces and municipalities of Mimaropa, Bicol, Western Visayas, Central Visayas, and Eastern Visayas. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Yolanda’s aftermath and Autonomous Initiative (Philippines)

Friday, November 29th, 2013

Yolanda is one of the most destructive typhoons to have visited the Philippine archipelago. It pummeled the Visayas region, particularly Leyte and some parts of Cebu and Panay areas. Super typhoon Yolanda left the archipelago with thousands of dead people, commercial and residential structures destroyed, power knocked-out; agriculture and livelihoods are washed-out that caused billions of losses. Destruction is so extensive that it caused unimaginable effect to the survivors.

Government’s Response caused more devastation to the people

The Philippine archipelago is in the frontline of calamity brought by storms. It is a common knowledge impossible to miss especially by the government which is supposed to be the authority in terms of preparation and rehabilitation. The huge number of dead people scattered in Leyte is attributable to the incapacity of the government to install preparatory mechanism to lessen casualties, the Philippine government did not learn from our past experience of havoc due to storm surges. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Appeal from anarchist comrades concerning Typhoon Yolanda (Philippines)

Thursday, November 14th, 2013

On November 8, 2013, typhoon Haiyan or Yolanda (local name) shot its landfall in the Philippines. Typhoon Yolanda is one of the strongest typhoons which struck Philippines on a record. It has sustained winds of 235 kph (147 mph) with gusts of 275 kph (170 mph) when it made landfall. By those measurements, Yolanda can be compared to a strong Category 4 hurricane in the U.S, nearly in the top category, a 5.

People dead, missing. Houses, every single building is wrecked. No food, water, medicine, a good place to stay. People are starting to loot, steal. Children are sick, hungry, cold. For 5 days, all that we have to see and hear are how Yolanda has damaged us. No amount of words to exactly describe what it has done. But we are never hopeless. We will stand again and WE NEED YOU. (more…)

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