Posts Tagged ‘Philippines’

Critical Mass Baliuag – “Bikes against Coal and Fossil Fuels” (Philippines)

Sunday, November 27th, 2016

Bulacan is one of the major industrial and agricultural center. It is strategically located between the commercial center of Manila and the industrial and trading centers of Northern Luzon.  One of the traditional rice granary of the Philippines. Despite the great challenge posed by El Niño on agriculture, this province pulled off a bountiful harvest that has propelled it to being recognized by the Department of Agriculture as a Hall of Famer in the Agri-Pinoy Rice Achievers Award.

All of a sudden this claim progressively changing due to land conversion for real estate development, mall culture and consumerism. The food production in this area are now getting low because vast agricultural land are now becoming a low-cost housing project, supermarkets and malls. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Solidarity Funds Appeal for Forever21 Workers (Philippines)

Sunday, September 4th, 2016

Image above is a photo of Forever21 garment factory workers on their two year long boycott of the said company. Presently Forever21 is seeking to investigate who is agitating and identify the struggling workers and campaigners to harass and sue them. Despite this the workers are not scared and will not back down. Help spread this appeal and the previous article in solidarity to their fight. Strike, sabotage, boycott, flames to corporate leeches.

Six Forever21 workers (three which has their employment ended) is currently on an on-going court case against Forever21. Please help cover:

1. Court expenses.

2. Personal necessities to those who’s currently finding new work which wont have them paid for a month or two.

3. Medical expenses for the father of one of our folks who’s currently confined in the hospital and don’t have healthcare to cover cost as Forever21 denied them this benefit.


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Posted in Autonomy

Initiatives, projects and some anarchist news… (Philippines)

Friday, August 12th, 2016

Recently the anarchist comrades of Etnikobandido uploaded several posts about their recent activities in Philippines, check out their blog here.

Art, Ecology, Resistance 2016

2015 was recorded to be the hottest year in the history of mankind. Meanwhile the recent typhoon Yolanda was tagged to be the strongest storm, which has already been exceeded by other storms from other countries. Changes in weather patterns has become unexplainably irregular. These are the symptoms of Climate Change, which is for the most part caused by human activity.

People had invented technology that rely on limited sources such as minerals from underground. The act of taking and processing materials like these causes substantial amount of carbon, which heats up the planet at a faster rate. This heat affects the whole world. A cold place snows up easier, while hot places dry up more more easily. It also storms more often in places where rain usually falls. Sadly, this kind of deluge hits developing countries often. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

International call to boycott ‘Forever21’ by its call center workers (Philippines)

Sunday, August 7th, 2016

Forever21 has a long history of labour lawsuits (aside from gender and discrimination, copyright violations) filed against them by their own employees. In early June this year, six employees (from an initial dozen holding meetings) from its outsourced call center in the Philippines have finally decided to take the necessary steps to hold the company accountable for its unfair labour practices.

History speaks for itself—these are the same old practices that Forever21 has already been sued for: exploitative scheduling practices where employees are made to work overtime (unannounced or announced two minutes before the end of their shifts), where anyone who refuses are threatened to be fined for insubordination; delaying lunches and breaks due to staff shortages and eventually shortening the allotted lunch time from an hour to 45 minutes; delayed salary; unfiled paperwork for employee dependents’ medical benefits; threats and harassment towards employees who speak up (sometimes resulting in termination). (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Call out for contributions – ‘Autonomous Spaces: Why is it important & why do we need them?’

Tuesday, April 5th, 2016

Call out from Greenhouse Infoshop Project, Philippines.

Email: emmagold_man [at] yahoo [dot] com


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New Book : ‘Anarcha-Feminists in the Philippines’ launched at Equality Fest 2016

Monday, March 28th, 2016

We just collectively organized recently a one week event called “Equality Fest” March 6, 2016- March 13, 2016. This event was our solidarity activities in celebration of women’s month. There was a book launched/discussion and presentation about Anarcha-Feminists in the Philippines, there were also art exhibition, film screening, skill-sharing/workshops, free market and Food Not Bombs, interpretative dance and gig.

The Anarcha-Feminists in the Philippines Book was made by three entities, Mobile Anarchist School Project who conceptualize the book making project, Die Media who made the research studies, Etniko Bandido Infoshop who print and publish the book in English. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Manila: Anarchist intervention against APEC Summit (Philippines)

Tuesday, November 24th, 2015

Local Autonomous Network or LAN is a network of autonomous activists and anarchists that has multiple activities in relation to their various campaigns and initiatives. Most of the affiliated activists whether groups or collectives are active since 1990s which sustained activities such as skills and information sharing through independent publications, video and audio/music recording, workshops, forums and conferences. Urban gardening and application of solar generator system in households and art workshops are one among consistent interests of the activists that are being implemented, improved and shared to their immediate communities. LAN has hosts of network from Manila South to North and nearby provinces of Cavite and Bulacan (Sapang-Palay and Baliwag). During early processes of LANS’s formation autonomous activists from Davao and Leyte were present and actively participated the activities and discussions.

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Posted in Direct Action

'Panggayaw' for Lumad self-determination and autonomy for other Indigenous Communities (Philippines)

Tuesday, November 10th, 2015

There is quite a number of cultures existing and continuously practiced by different indigenous communities in the islands. It is estimated that there is 110 languages in the archipelago and the concept of “Manggayaw” or “Panggayaw” is commonplace. The said word is being used by indigenous communities in different areas in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. It corresponds with attacking from the waters or land on specific targets considered to be “enemies”.

Manggayaw or Panggayaw could be due to various reasons such as revenge, protection, raiding for marriage or pillaging for its own sake and slave trading in certain places.

Barbaric could be the first thing which comes to minds. Others consider it an uncivilized act based on how we were raised and brought up by our society. This could only be the case if the institutions like the government, market, school or church shaped our consciousness the way it did.

Therefore it is so much better to be familiar with this part of our culture which our ancestors are proud and considered to be positive in regards to marriage, blood pact, trade and even warfare. It is an imperative for many Lumads in the archipelago to engage in Panggayaw or “Panggagamot.” These practices are imbedded in our belief system which resonates also with marriage, planting, hunting, exchange and ritual offerings to indigenous spirits.

According to the colonizers (republican government, communists and the church) these practices which emanated from our ancestors are backward and needed to be replaced. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Solidarity to the fight of the Lumad people (Philippines)

Sunday, November 8th, 2015

We are currently supporting a campaign of the Lumad, an indigenous people who are victimized by atrocities of three institutions : the corporations, government military/para-military and left-wing insurgents (New People’s Army – NPA).

Our call is:

The Lumad comprise the indigenous people living in Southern Mindanao. They have become refugees in different parts of the country as they flee from escalating violence, rape and harassment.

Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP)
Public Statement

4 September 2015
– AIPP strongly condemns the continued brutal killings of Lumads in Mindanao of the Philippines at the hands of paramilitary groups and security forces. At least 13 Lumad human rights defenders and community members, including two children, have been killed in five incidents of extrajudicial killings and four massacres in the past eight months, with the recent killings of Emerito Samarca, Executive Director of a tribal school, and two other Lumad leaders in Surigao del Sur on 1 September. In the aftermath of the killings, more than 4000 Lumads evacuated to a neighboring village due to fear for their safety, and schools have been closed down. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Radyo Itim – Anti-Authoritarian Pirate Radio (Philippines)

Thursday, October 29th, 2015

Radyo Itim FM107.9mhz


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Candies and Whims: Call for solidarity and assistance (Philippines)

Saturday, January 17th, 2015

An anarchist project in Philippines called Candies and Whims recently sent an email to us about their project and request solidarity/help in the form of books, zines, financial contributions for printing, resources etc. If you want to send zines, posters, books etc to Candies and Whims, contact us for postage details and also if you want to help with a financial donation – contact us for more details.

My name is Honey and I’m from the Philippines.
I’m writing this letter to you all to ask for your solidarity with my projects.

To introduce a bit about me, I’ve been working personal efforts to contribute within the Anarchist Community here. I’ve been doing several projects, which has more to do with readings and actions about and for anarchism and wom*n and gender fluid people.

One of my projects Ive called Candies and Whims is a translation project of any anarchist readings, which from English Language, I translate to Filipino language, have them posted on my page, but the aim is to have the translated texts printed out and handed over to people for FREE. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Manila: Feral Crust Autonomous Space (Philippines)

Monday, October 13th, 2014


Friend and anarchist community organizer who runs Balay Tuklasan Likhaan Infoshop generously offered his other space (previously vacant and unused) to establish a community-based autonomous center called Feral Crust. The Feral Crust space is located in Mabato Road Brgy. Ibayo, Tipas Taguig, Metro Manila, Philippines in a squatted public road near industrial factories (cement, steel, livestock etc.). About 33 families squat Mabato Road to become a residential area since 1989. Feral Crust came to Mabato road last March 2014. (more…)

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Flyposter: Infoshop & Autonomous Spaces Conference (Philippines)

Friday, July 11th, 2014

Contact 325 to arrange to send financial solidarity to the comrades in Philippines.

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Report about continuing autonomous Typhoon Yolanda disaster relief initiatives by anarchists (Philippines)

Friday, January 3rd, 2014


Mobile Anarchist School volunteers and its immediate network have no time to rest; right after our first mission, we came back to Manila just to complete the requirements for “Climate Crises and Direct Action Forum” where we shared the details of our initiative in Leyte.

We able to gather resources enough to support six volunteers for 15 days action. We discussed the details of our second mission and carefully outlined our plan based on our experience.



More than a month after super typhoon “Yolanda” pummeled Visayas, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) reported on Thursday morning that the death toll has slightly increased to 5,982 from 5,959 reported Wednesday. The number of people injured and missing remained at 27,022 and 1,779, respectively.

Affected cities: 57; affected provinces: 44. Number of people/families affected: 12.191 million people/ 2.582 million families number of people displaced: 3.98 million people/ 869,742 families in evacuation centers: 21,669 families/ 93,814 people.

The number of damaged houses decreased to 1.192 million, nearly half of which were totally destroyed. To date, power outage is still being experienced in some provinces and municipalities of Mimaropa, Bicol, Western Visayas, Central Visayas, and Eastern Visayas. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Yolanda’s aftermath and Autonomous Initiative (Philippines)

Friday, November 29th, 2013

Yolanda is one of the most destructive typhoons to have visited the Philippine archipelago. It pummeled the Visayas region, particularly Leyte and some parts of Cebu and Panay areas. Super typhoon Yolanda left the archipelago with thousands of dead people, commercial and residential structures destroyed, power knocked-out; agriculture and livelihoods are washed-out that caused billions of losses. Destruction is so extensive that it caused unimaginable effect to the survivors.

Government’s Response caused more devastation to the people

The Philippine archipelago is in the frontline of calamity brought by storms. It is a common knowledge impossible to miss especially by the government which is supposed to be the authority in terms of preparation and rehabilitation. The huge number of dead people scattered in Leyte is attributable to the incapacity of the government to install preparatory mechanism to lessen casualties, the Philippine government did not learn from our past experience of havoc due to storm surges. (more…)

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