Posts Tagged ‘Paint bombs’

Tampere: Dairy and meat companies paintbombed 11th of April (Finland)

Monday, April 18th, 2016

In a cold world,
in the cold north,
our hearts still always have warmth to share for those
who’ve had to sacrifice their freedom in the struggle for freedom for all.

On the night of Monday 11th of April, 2016, in Tampere, Finland, milk company Valio’s dairy plant got a paintbomb on its facade, as did meat company Saarioinen.

Happy birthday Abdul “Lone Wolf“!!

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Warsaw: Solidarity attack against Greek Embassy (Poland)

Thursday, April 2nd, 2015

In spontaneous response to the call from the Network of imprisoned social fighters we have performed a symbolic solidarity action – which took the shape of devastating the facade of the Greek embassy in Warsaw, Poland, on the morning of April 1st. Symbolic, because real solidarity is shown in everyday struggle against our enemies. Reputation of the Greek State is already stained so only facades were clean.

Revolutionary greetings from Warsaw!

Freedom to CCF relatives, and all prisoners in the world!

Two Anarchists

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Posted in Direct Action

San Francisco: Attack on Nazi Publishing company (USA)

Sunday, March 16th, 2014

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Last night the nazi publishers at counter currents got the message.
Bricks and paint bombs.

We got close.

We will get closer.

For antifascists in Ukraine, Sweden, and the world.

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

Seattle: Department of Corrections Office Vandalized (USA)

Wednesday, March 5th, 2014

On Saturday [1 March 2014] the Department of Corrections Office in Seattle was paint bombed and had graffiti written on it with the message, “Destroy All Prisons (A) FTP (A)”. The office is a site of the prison society we all live in. The grand jury in Seattle has for the last year and a half embodied that prison society we struggle against. This action is meant as a small gesture against that repression and in solidarity with those who struggle against it. Fuck the DA, the FBI, and the grand jury.

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Posted in Direct Action

Seattle Bank Targeted in Solidarity with Grand Jury Resisters (USA)

Tuesday, February 25th, 2014

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Last Thursday night a Seattle Bank of America had its windows and walls paint bombed. This was done in solidarity with those grand jury resisters who remain in forced exile or on the run. Fire to the prisons and the borders!

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Posted in Direct Action

Amsterdam: Autonomen nihilist group attacks police station with paint and smoke bombs (Holland)

Wednesday, January 1st, 2014

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[December 22, 2013] in the early hours of last week, group of people attacked police station with paint bombs and smoke bombs in AMSTERDAM. This modest action is in solidarity with Monica and Francisco and to all comrades in prison.

Autonomen nihilist group, Amsterdam

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Posted in Direct Action