Posts Tagged ‘Paint attack’

Tampere: Dairy and meat companies paintbombed 11th of April (Finland)

Monday, April 18th, 2016

In a cold world,
in the cold north,
our hearts still always have warmth to share for those
who’ve had to sacrifice their freedom in the struggle for freedom for all.

On the night of Monday 11th of April, 2016, in Tampere, Finland, milk company Valio’s dairy plant got a paintbomb on its facade, as did meat company Saarioinen.

Happy birthday Abdul “Lone Wolf“!!

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Valence: Anarchist tags on two churches (France)

Monday, March 21st, 2016

Translated by Act for freedom now!, via Cette Semaine

Dauphiné Libéré, 13/03/2016 17:01

Funny discovery this morning for the parishioners of Our Lady of the Annunciation, at the Grand Charran and Notre Dame, rue Berthelot in Valence. During the night one or more individuals had doused the facades of the two religious buildings with red paint, not without also writing phrases with anarchist connotations. The council has decided to lodge a complaint.

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Posted in Direct Action

Solidarity actions against French consulate and VINCI owned companies (Australia)

Friday, January 22nd, 2016

Disruption of VINCI and French Consulate

To the defenders of the ZAD,
Solidarity from anarchists in so-called ‘Melbourne, Australia’- the never-ceded indigenous land of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation, stolen and occupied by the genocidal settler-colonial state.

In response to recent threats of violent eviction by the French State, actions were taken at several locations in Melbourne, the city built on the stolen lands of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation, in colonised Australia. The actions targetted the French consulate and offices of companies of the VINCI corporate-family linked to the proposed destruction of land at the Zone-A-Defendre.

The French consulate was attacked with paint and its locks were stuffed and glued.
The Offices of Menard-Bachy and Fressynet (both companies owned by VINCI), had their windows broken and slogans in support of the ZAD painted on the facade.

The Melbourne office of Electrix (a company owned by VINCI) was redecorated with a number of slogans celebrating resistance to VINCI’s plans.

For information see http://zad.nadir.org

(photos and text)



(or clearnet links ):



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Posted in Direct Action

Melbourne: Attack against BAE Systems for Black December (Australia)

Saturday, January 2nd, 2016

In the final hours of December 2015 we attacked the offices of the
defense contractor BAE Systems on River Boulevard in Richmond with paint
and sledge hammers.

BAE Systems make billions from war and their technology is responsible
for countless civilian deaths worldwide.

This action was carried out as part of Black December, a month of
anarchist direct action that was initiated by the anarchist prisoners
Nikos Romanos and Panagiotis Argirou in Greece.

We also carried out this action in solidarity with anarchist prisoners
held hostage by states worldwide and in solidarity with Indigenous
prisoners held hostage by the colonist ‘authorities’ here in so-called
‘Australia’ – all of whom are political prisoners.

Black December is everywhere!

Anarchist Office Refurbishment Cell

Check the pics.

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Posted in Direct Action

Warsaw: Solidarity attack against Greek Embassy (Poland)

Thursday, April 2nd, 2015

In spontaneous response to the call from the Network of imprisoned social fighters we have performed a symbolic solidarity action – which took the shape of devastating the facade of the Greek embassy in Warsaw, Poland, on the morning of April 1st. Symbolic, because real solidarity is shown in everyday struggle against our enemies. Reputation of the Greek State is already stained so only facades were clean.

Revolutionary greetings from Warsaw!

Freedom to CCF relatives, and all prisoners in the world!

Two Anarchists

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Posted in Direct Action

Action against the Spanish ambassador’s mansion in Quito (Ecuador)

Monday, September 8th, 2014

from contrainfo, transl. waronsociety:

In the early hours of Friday August 29, 2014 the ambassador of the Spanish state’s mansion walls in Quito were painted in solidarity with Mónica Caballero, Francisco Solar and the rest of the State’s prisoners. This action was framed inside of the International Week of Solidarity with anarchist prisoners. Although the damage was not much and due to logistical problems the actions was not carried out in all of its splendor, any attack against the State’s institutions and its representatives should be celebrated.The same night the Israeli embassy was attacked as well, tearing down its dirty flag in support of the Palestinian people and the “Anarchists against the wall” organization.

Their mansions will be converted into their gallows, our prisons into their death sentences. From the city of Quito all support and solidarity with imprisoned compas.

Long live the vandal nights!
Long live the insurrection!

Dissident Individuals Occasionally Organized for Subversion

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Posted in Direct Action

Seattle: Department of Corrections Office Vandalized (USA)

Wednesday, March 5th, 2014

On Saturday [1 March 2014] the Department of Corrections Office in Seattle was paint bombed and had graffiti written on it with the message, “Destroy All Prisons (A) FTP (A)”. The office is a site of the prison society we all live in. The grand jury in Seattle has for the last year and a half embodied that prison society we struggle against. This action is meant as a small gesture against that repression and in solidarity with those who struggle against it. Fuck the DA, the FBI, and the grand jury.

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Posted in Direct Action

Seattle Bank Targeted in Solidarity with Grand Jury Resisters (USA)

Tuesday, February 25th, 2014

325 receives and transmits:

Last Thursday night a Seattle Bank of America had its windows and walls paint bombed. This was done in solidarity with those grand jury resisters who remain in forced exile or on the run. Fire to the prisons and the borders!

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Posted in Direct Action

Sydney: Antifascist Actions (Australia)

Monday, February 24th, 2014

On the 26th of January in Brisbane, a few members of a fascist sect called the ‘Australia First Party’ attempted to disrupt the annual invasion day march held by the local indigenous community. On the same day in Canberra the fuehrer of the party, Jim Saleam (former leader of ‘National Action’ and ’Australian Nazi Party’) gave a podium speech at a protest against the new Bikie laws in Queensland. Back in December the party held a small rally outside the Greek consulate in Sydney in support of the ultra-nationalist Golden Dawn party. (more…)

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

Amsterdam: Autonomen nihilist group attacks police station with paint and smoke bombs (Holland)

Wednesday, January 1st, 2014

325 receives and transmits:

[December 22, 2013] in the early hours of last week, group of people attacked police station with paint bombs and smoke bombs in AMSTERDAM. This modest action is in solidarity with Monica and Francisco and to all comrades in prison.

Autonomen nihilist group, Amsterdam

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Posted in Direct Action

Rotterdam: Van Omme & De Groot construction contractors attacked during No Border camp (Holland)

Sunday, August 18th, 2013

On 10th August under cover of darkness we targeted the construction contractors Van Omme & De Groot for their involvement in the building of Rotterdam detention centre. The slogan ‘Fuck Deportation!’ was sprayed upon the shutters covering the windows and paint bombs filled with generous amounts of bright paint were thrown, ruining the ever so posh wooden door of the arrogant planners of incarceration. This action was an autonomous action taken upon by ourselves separate from the planned No Borders camp during the same week.

It is one thing to shout “no borders, no nations, stop deportation” but an entirely more effective act to physically attack those who make such a hell for migrants exist. We are also aware that our action alone will not bring an end to the detention/deportation profiteers, but it is a retaliation against those involved in such torturous places that think they can operate with impunity. Our action is in solidarity with all those dwelling in detention centres in fortress Europe, be it Rotterdam, Calais, UK, Italy or Greece. You are never forgotten. To those who make such places of violence possible, you are not forgotten either, we know of you and what you do.


Destructors of Borders

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Posted in No Borders

Lublin: Two banks attacked by 'Felicity Ryder Anarchist Cell' (Poland)

Saturday, July 27th, 2013

More FOTOs from action: http://grecjawogniu.info/?p=15905

Our shoes are worn out from all the boring peace walks we have joined. Not only have we noticed holes on the shoe soles, but we have also realised that we are stuck in one place and our inner ferocity is now lulled into gentleness. Demonstrations are not a good outlet for our anger, which cannot be satisfied with mere tramping the streets, all under the watchful eye of the police. Thus, we feel forced to seek new paths of action.

This is why, on the 1st of May we went for a walk without informing the authorities. We took with us a few litres of paint and made a resolution that we need to do something for our comrades. We painted windows of two banks located in two different parts of the city. Their owners should know that not every potential visitor will have peaceful intentions and will beg for a loan.

We dedicate the operation to Felicity Ryder, an anarchist from Australia, who has been hiding for months from the watchdogs, as well as to those arrested in Greece, Italy and other parts of the world.

Banks are a perfect target for anarchist attacks. Behind their rehearsed smiles, the clerks hide everyday tragedies. Banks play the role of blood vessels of this fucked up system, they back up armies and multinational corporations, they help to concentrate the capital in the hands of very few, they protect business of the rich, and speculate with the money of the poor. Banks are the very institutions on which financial market dictatorship rests. Through banks’ throats there runs a monstrous assembly tape of contemporary civilisation, which covers the globe with chains of wage labour causing exploitation, alienation, and eco-catastrophe. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Some thoughts on recent events in Munich (Germany)

Monday, July 9th, 2012

From Linksunten Indymedia:

– plus an incomplete chronicle of the last three years of actions.

As one might have read in the media, in the last weeks multiple attacks on various state institutions and symbols of the capitalist exploitation machine took place in Munich. Besides the actions which are now over inflated by police and media there have been yet other attacks which took place without public notice. As one can read read on linksunten.indymedia.org 3 cars of the Office for Housing and Migration were set on fire in February of this year. On another night numerous vending machines of the MVG (Munich Public Transport Authority) were sabotaged. These are just two examples of rage expressed against the ruling order which are consciously ignored and silenced by the media and cops. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Stockholm: Direct actions during the No Border camp (Sweden)

Wednesday, June 27th, 2012


From IMC:

19 & 24 June 2012

In the night of June 19, we targeted the office of Commuter Security Group situated in Solna (north of Stockholm)

We accuse CSG for providing « security » in Detention Centers in Sweden, participating in repression against migrants, especially in Marsta Detention Center, which has a capacity of 100 detainees.

By helping Swedish Migration board organizing imprisonment and deportation, CSG are involved in a global racist machine which every day murders and makes suffering thousands of people. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action, No Borders

Paint Bomb Attack against Indonesian Embassy (Philippines)

Friday, May 25th, 2012

325 receives and transmits:

24 May 2012

Solidarity Action For Eat and Billy

A paint bomb attack against the Indonesian Embassy happened May 24,
2012 in the vicinity of Makati, Philippines. Around 1am a group of people started to throw a black paint to the wall and inside the perimeter of the said embassy. After that they left leaflets on the scene stating “FREEDOM TO EAT AND BILLY, FREEDOM TO ALL THE VICTIMS OF STATE REPRESSION, STOP THE ENVIRONMENTAL DESTRUCTION, INDONESIAN STATE IS THE REAL TERRORIST.”

This was an act of solidarity for Eat and Billy….

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