Posts Tagged ‘Natalia Collao’

Letter from imprisoned compañera Natalia ‘Tato’ Collado in memory of Sebastián “Angry” Oversluij (Chile)

Thursday, December 29th, 2016

For my part I did not know Angry, but his death (to which I was not indifferent) brought him close to me via his writings, drawings, songs and the memories of other people that they relived with great affection and that allowed me and allows others to go beyond the day of December 11 and take a deeper meaning from the memory of a compañero and also of others. A sense of recognition of the person himself, of a being who took the step of defying himself, the society and this civilization of domination by compelling himself to live another life that was not established or pre-fabricated. With the ups and downs, contradictions and successes that come from rebellious decisions and wills.

The memory of which I speak comes from a feeling of affinity with the compañero and certain experiences, practices, desires, feelings and ideas that fill our life with a sense of self, pride and the impulse to walk along a similar path of struggle and confrontation, of desires and creation. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Letter from imprisoned anarchist comrades Tamara Sol and Natalia Collado (Chile)

Thursday, August 25th, 2016

Comrades Tamara Sol and Natalia Collado have sent this statement on the occasion of the following initiatives: Anti-authoritarian Day for comrades Tamara Sol, Natalia and Nataly at the Libertarian Library Manuel Rojas. Sunday, July 17; 1st Antiauthoritarian Café Literario at the Kanno Suga and Denjiro Kotoku library. Saturday, July 30.

To the comrades, those in affinity, to those present. We were surprised to learn of this initiative, and we consider it very highly knowing that it is an initiative that comes from people whom we do not know or with whom we have no ties, who as individuals and as a group feel the desire to come together in an act of solidarity and affinities, which we greet with the affection and strength that we receive and which gives us the energy to face the prison context as we would like to.

Three weeks have passed since we found ourselves in the maximum-security section of the prison where, unlike the rest of the prison population (the other pavilions), we cannot get out of the section unless handcuffed and with a guard at our side to control us. Likewise we are prevented from participating in learning or recreational activities apart from going out a couple of days to play women’s football at the field. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Santiago: Acción en el marco del mes por la tierra y contra el capital (Chile)

Thursday, July 7th, 2016

English translation

5 de Julio. Camufladxs por la ciudad nos dirigimos a unas improvisadas instalaciones de maquinarias retroexcavadoras junto a varios container donde dormían algunxs custodixs. Dos bombas de ruido lanzamos a la infraestructura como ataque contra quienes devastan la tierra sin cuestionamientos amparadxs por el Poder.

¡Fuerza Natalia Collado! Tus palabras nos llenan de frenesí y nos inspiran para contribuir de alguna manera (por mínima que sea) a la lucha contra el Dominio.

No olvidamos a Sebastián Oversluij a más de dos años de su muerte en combate en una tentativa de expropiación. Abrazamos sus ideas y actos que en vida defendió fieramente. La defensa de la tierra, lxs animales y la guerra contra toda inmunda autoridad.


Frente de Liberación de la Tierra – FLT

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Posted in Eco Struggle

“From the land of the forgotten against oblivion…” by Olga Ekonomidou, imprisoned member of CCF (Greece)

Friday, September 11th, 2015

Inter Arma received and translated:

The condition of captivity in which I find myself in for 4,5 years now as a vindictive and exemplary punishment has created a distance between me and outside reality, action. Besides, the purpose of imprisonment for those who fight against the existent is separation, deprivation, political isolation, moral annihilation. But there are always bars to break, either you walk in the monotonous sterile corridors of a “penitentiary” or you cross the decorated streets of consumption of prison-society. Now, within the prison cells of democracy, my need for freedom continues to give breath to each of my days. It’s my moving force, to think, to imagine, to organize, to act. The decision of total conflict with the existent, the power of individual choice enriched by experiences of collective action, are the ingredients that can penetrate the prison bars and high walls. Why in prison you don’t give up… you go on. You reorganize yourself and you fight. For 4,5 years I wake up in a bed in prison always a little after sunrise, although many times I liked sleeping more when I was out, I organize my every move, although outside the spontaneous often moved me, I analyze and judge the data (political and personal) of yesterday’s day alone, although outside I always shared them with comrades. For 4,5 years I wake up every morning feeling sure that I alone defined my participation in the war against any form of authority and that freedom is not given away… you conquer it yourself. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Evi Statiri to commence hunger strike on September 14th, 2015 (Greece)

Wednesday, September 9th, 2015

Evi Statiri, held hostage by the Greek state at Korydallos Prison for no other reason than being the life companion of imprisoned Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (CCF) member Gerasimos Tsakalos, has announced that she will commence a hunger strike on September 14th.

The announcement came not long after Evi’s latest appeal to be released was rejected by the judicial council.

Here are some roughly translated excerpts from a text by Evi announcing her hunger strike that was posted on Athens Indymedia website…

“The latest refusal from the judicial council in consideration of my release has only confirmed what I already knew from the first day that I found myself in the cells of counter-terrorism. My imprisonment is not just a personal matter. My imprisonment is the reflection of an overall repressive strategy aiming to dominate via fear and to satisfy the vengeful fury of law enforcement against political prisoners and all those whose values are not consistent with the culture of power.”

“I still find myself in prison for the unique ‘incriminating’ element that I am the wife of political prisoner and member of the CCF, Gerasimos Tsakalos. I am still in prison because I refused to sign their ‘certificate of social conscience’ and refuse to disown my partner and our relationship.”

“Anybody standing beside political prisoners may find themselves in the adjacent cell… Anybody who refuses to bow their head, silence their voice or lower their gaze towards the idols of power can be dragged in handcuffs and detained by the courts and their investigation offices. But the solidarity actions carried out last week showed that fear can rule, but it cannot reign in the hearts and minds of free men and women. I send a big thank you to all those who by their actions expose the dictatorship of lies and hypocrisy of justice that keeps me locked in it’s cells. Now a new battle begins… The dismissive ultimatum of the judges leaves me only one answer – the last resort of the captive human – a hunger strike for my release.”

“Monday September 14 I begin a HUNGER STRIKE against fear and injustice.”


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Posted in Prison Struggle

Update on anarchist prisoner Natalia 'Tato' Collado (Chile)

Friday, August 21st, 2015

On August 15th anarchist prisoner Natalia ‘Tato’ Collado was transferred from the S.A.R (High Security Section – the isolation module) back to the ‘Public Connotation’ module where anarchist comrade Nataly Casanova is also held. Tato had been in the isolation module since July 27th as punishment for her rebellious and defiant stance against the prison guards.

At this stage Tato has not been able to share a cell again with Nataly however she is out of isolation now and back in a module where the conditions are a lot less suffocating and restrictive.

Let’s not forget that the comrades Natalia and Maria Paz are still being held in the S.A.R., accused of the arson attack against a barracks of the Homicide Investigation Police.

Solidarity and insurgent affinity with the imprisoned comrades!

(via Publicacion Refractario, modified translation by Insurrection News)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Dark Nights #42 : ‘In Cold Blood’, 'The Fleas and the Jackal' – August 2015 (ACN)

Thursday, August 13th, 2015

PDF: Dark Nights #42

1. ‘In Cold Blood’ by CCF/FAI-IRF.
2. ‘The Fleas and the Jackal’ by L.
3. International Solidarity Week for Imprisoned Anarchists – August 23-30 2015.
4. Direct Action Chronology.
5. Letter from anarchic nihilist comrade Sergio Alvarez.
6. Letter from Anarchist prisoner Claudio Lavazza.
7. Vatan Budak, wounded in Suruç bombing died.
8. Anarchist Ignacio Munoz Delgado detained for carrying an explosive device.
9. Update about imprisoned comrades Javier Pino and Natalia Collado.
10. Solidarity with Evi Statiri, Athena Tsakalos and Nikos Romanos.

Resist / Organise / Replicate


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Posted in Library

Update on the case of the comrades Javier Pino and Natalia Collado ($hile)

Monday, July 13th, 2015

Now that the investigative period is over and we await the hearing date for Javier Pinto and Natalia Collado, as a close group of friends we wanted to inform and disclose how our comrades were accused of burning a Transantiago bus three months ago and were taken from us.


In the early morning of April 7, at the corner of Ecuador and Concon, located in the community of Estación Central, the darkness was interrupted with the scene of a burning route 210 Transantiago bus that was completely consumed by fire.

Minutes later Natalia Collado (Tato) and Javier Pino were arrested in Alameda, outside USACH (University of Santiago Chile) and detained on suspicion as their appearance allegedly coincided with descriptions given to the police by the bus driver who reported the fire.

The comrades were taken to Central Police Station 21 where they were told that the bus driver recognized them as two people who boarded the bus without paying at the corner of Alameda and Cumming and left a bag in the back seat before exiting from the rear door of the bus. Tato and Javier were then transferred to the BIPE (Police Brigade of Special Investigations) where they both had DNA samples forcibly taken from them. By now relatives, close friends and comrades who had heard about the arrest began to demonstrate out the front in solidarity with both comrades. Also as usual, the press began to appear in order to caputre the faces of our comrades for the television cameras. The following morning as they were taken to court Javier yelled at the press “Down with anthropocentric patriarchal society!” (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

PDF: Palabras desde la prision para la actividad "Hermosamentx Violentx" – Mayo 2015 – ($hile)

Wednesday, May 27th, 2015

PDF: folletohermosamenteviolentx

Saludos queridxs compañerxs… a continuación publicamos las palabras
enviadas y leídas para la actividad “Hermosamentx Violentx” del 17 de
Mayo en la Okupacion La Kolera, ademas del diptico repartido para
aquella jornada.

Buscamos difundir y expandir la insurrecta memoria, esa que construimos
entre todxs. Hoy distintas palabras en distintos idiomas y desde
distintas aristas llegan buscando acuchillar el olvido junto con la
multiplicacion imparable de gestos y actividades en recuerdo del Mauri.

Agradecemos a cada compañerx que participo y colaboro con esta actividad
y en las expansiones de otras que contribuyen a traer al presente al
punky mauri. Saludamos las distintas iniciativas que se han organizado
durante estos dias en recuerdo y combate. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Santiago: Two comrades arrested for arson attack on a bus ($hile)

Sunday, April 12th, 2015

[Translated by Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras from Refractario]

On April 7, 2015, a bus was set on fire. Near the action, the bastards of police arrested comrades Natalia Collao (24) and Javier Pino (22).

When the journalistic carrion arrived to police station, both Natalia and Javier walked with head up. Javier shouted out loud: Down with the patriarchal and anthropocentric society!

On Friday 10, the judge decreed three months of preventive detention on charges of incendiary device installation in a public transport bus. Outside the Tribunal, comrades in solidarity stayed with banners and slogans.

Javier is now detained in Santiago 1 prison, and Natalia is in San Miguel prison.

All our solidarity with the comrades!

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Posted in Social Control