Posts Tagged ‘Etnikobandido infoshop’

Initiatives, projects and some anarchist news… (Philippines)

Friday, August 12th, 2016

Recently the anarchist comrades of Etnikobandido uploaded several posts about their recent activities in Philippines, check out their blog here.

Art, Ecology, Resistance 2016

2015 was recorded to be the hottest year in the history of mankind. Meanwhile the recent typhoon Yolanda was tagged to be the strongest storm, which has already been exceeded by other storms from other countries. Changes in weather patterns has become unexplainably irregular. These are the symptoms of Climate Change, which is for the most part caused by human activity.

People had invented technology that rely on limited sources such as minerals from underground. The act of taking and processing materials like these causes substantial amount of carbon, which heats up the planet at a faster rate. This heat affects the whole world. A cold place snows up easier, while hot places dry up more more easily. It also storms more often in places where rain usually falls. Sadly, this kind of deluge hits developing countries often. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Report from Solar power workshop, Beehive Collective art presentation and Testament of Test their Logik performance/Crimethinc collective (Philippines)

Saturday, January 5th, 2013

Jan.6,2014 Monday
EtnikoBandido Infoshop

The kick starter of the info-tour and performance of the Beehive collective and Test their Logik/Crimethinc collective was happen at EtnikoBandido Infoshop last January 6,2014.

Approximately, at 2pm we started the event by introducing solar power alternative energy initiated by Mobile Anarchist School. We had a basic and actual workshop/seminar on this kind of technology to almost 15 participants that we invited. The solar power workshop were intended for the four individuals who will be volunteering themselves for the new found Solar Guerilla Autonomous Responds Team so a clear information on this solar power equipment need to demonstrate and discuss. Because we see the importance of this solar power technology, we also open this to other interesting individual who wants to know and get a practical knowledge on how solar power works. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

3rd Anarchist Series of Gatherings happened at Etniko Bandido Infoshop (Philippines)

Sunday, February 12th, 2012

3rd Anarchist Series of Gatherings happened at Etniko bandido Infoshop is quite a success. Almost 20 people came to participate in this event from freelance artist to the volunteers of Food Not Bombs and some close friends. Even some foreign visitors who are in the Philippines for a holiday gave their time to witness this small but informative activity.

Some artist who made an 5”x7”inches artwork display their magnificent master pieces on the wall of the space for public viewing so the people will have a chance for a free look and appreciate art at its best.

A couple from Marinduque Indymedia Center gave a workshop and present a film/documentation about their travel in three different side of Asia such as Thailand, Indonesia and Japan as part of their ASIA INDY TEST Project. The film interview that their document in one of the Anti-Authoritarian Gathering in Medan,
Indonesia which they show to us was a bit inspiring. They share their experiences on this supposedly one week activity and made a lot of comments regarding the event. Also a film about their talk in one of the conference in Thailand was also good. After the film presentation a video/photography workshops takes place. The workshop did not go any further but still it was nice that somehow we learn so much despite of a short time workshop.

After all of this informative presentation and skill sharing activity, an awaiting party heads on till midnight.

check this site: dissentingvoices.org/etnikobandido/

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Posted in Autonomy

Defend Ecology Network presents Abolish APECO (Philippines)

Wednesday, May 18th, 2011

Defend Ecology Network


Abolish APECO – Awareness Night Against APECO

& release of Punkista Zine and Infested Mind Zine

An Open Jam Session

May 28 2011
Sat. 6PM

157 E.Mendoza St.Buting Pasig City Philippines 1600
Trade of zine and donations for anti-APECO campaign are welcome.

Note: APECO = Aurora Pacific Economic Zone and Free Port, a huge capitalist industrial development threatening the lives and environment of a large number of people, animals, fish and nature, whilst being promoted as an ‘ecological development’ by the insidious ‘green-wash’ public relations of professional advertising companies.

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Posted in Eco Struggle