Posts Tagged ‘Earth Liberation Front’

Santiago: Acción en el marco del mes por la tierra y contra el capital (Chile)

Thursday, July 7th, 2016

English translation

5 de Julio. Camufladxs por la ciudad nos dirigimos a unas improvisadas instalaciones de maquinarias retroexcavadoras junto a varios container donde dormían algunxs custodixs. Dos bombas de ruido lanzamos a la infraestructura como ataque contra quienes devastan la tierra sin cuestionamientos amparadxs por el Poder.

¡Fuerza Natalia Collado! Tus palabras nos llenan de frenesí y nos inspiran para contribuir de alguna manera (por mínima que sea) a la lucha contra el Dominio.

No olvidamos a Sebastián Oversluij a más de dos años de su muerte en combate en una tentativa de expropiación. Abrazamos sus ideas y actos que en vida defendió fieramente. La defensa de la tierra, lxs animales y la guerra contra toda inmunda autoridad.


Frente de Liberación de la Tierra – FLT

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Posted in Eco Struggle

End of the legal prosecution against eco-anarchists Silvia, Costa & Billy who attempted to blow up an IBM nano-facility under construction (Italy)

Thursday, March 24th, 2016

Note of Instinto Salvaje: We joyfully salute from a distance the news of the closure of the proceedings against our comrades Billy, Silvia and Costa, who will not be prosecuted in Italy. For now we publish the news complied from TG Magddalena and enemy sources. We send all our love and solidarity to the three comrades.

Finally, on the morning of March 23, 2016, the trial of Billy, Silvia and Costa was completed. A little before 12:00 am in court room 47, where the reading of the process was given.

“Ne bis in idem” (The fundamental right not to be judged twice for the same offense), the court ruled that prosecution was “not applicable for lack of jurisdiction” since our comrades were already condemned in Switzerland for possession, transportation and handling of explosives during the attempted attack on an IBM nano-technology research center in Zurich claimed by the Earth Liberation Front, where they served sentences of more than three years. So this “fundamental right” applies to not be judged twice for the same act. Therefore, the three anarchists will not be judged in Italy.

Billy, Silvia and Costa were not present in the court room, but were informed of the results of the procedures and the support and solidarity of our comrades who were present.

Soon we will be updating with more depth about case of the three comrades.

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Statement from Eco-Prisoner Marius Mason for the Trans Prisoner Day of Action and Solidarity January 22nd 2016 (USA)

Thursday, January 21st, 2016

Happy New Year, Family and Friends! Many, many thanks for so much support and care over this year from both long-standing friends and new pen pals. I feel very grateful and am always humbled by the encouragement and resources sent my way by folks who are doing so much already to increase our collective chances for survival. The news has been full of stories about someone winning the big money pool that has accumulated for the US Lotto – but the most important “win” has nothing to do with money. I am betting on the movement to win big this year: in getting more control over their communities and defending against police brutality and racial inequality, in winning more victories for animal and in the defense of wild spaces, in creating social relations based on respect, dignity and compassion for all people… irregardless of their race, orientation, creed or gender presentation. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Athens: The Earth Liberation Front takes responsibility for an incendiary attack against a poultry company in solidarity with the prisoners struggle (Greece)

Sunday, April 19th, 2015


Inter Arma received and translated:

On the evening of the Easter day, 12 to 13 of April, we attacked using 3 incendiary devices with time delay, aiming to destroy the building’s entrance and 3 vehicles (1 truck and 2 vans) belonging to a poultry company in Agios Pavlos Str. in Peristeri, as an action of solidarity with the imprisoned hunger strikers in Greek prisons.

Strength to all those who continue, to the imprisoned members of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and those who are recovering, having stood with dignity and consistency against the state and in this specific timing, against the left administrators and exponents of authority – who (and this is clear for all those who don’t connive) since the first day they gripped the governmental seats have made their intentions clear, with highlight, so far, the tactical administration of the hunger strike and the eviction of the occupied University’s of Athens deanery.

IMMEDIATE satisfaction of the hunger strikers’ demands:

Abolition of paragraphs 187 and 187A of the counter-terrorist law

Abolition of the hood-law

Abolition of type C prisons

Immediate release of the heavily handicapped Savvas Ksiros

Restriction of DNA use

We chose this specific target as we believe that practical opposition to the non-human animals commercialization industry cannot be excluded from the fight against the state, the capital and every kind of authoritarian superstructure. The practice of detention is the same, equally rejectable whether it has to do with human prisons – “correctional institutions”, concentration camps or if it concerns structures of the meat and animal products industry .

The timing of our attack was no coincidence. It was a moment while the human-mass was still sunk in sloth, having done the previous days their bit towards the Church and the holy ghosts that haunt and define their very existence. Every temple of society, physical or mental, every mold, every stereotype, every habit that reproduces, feeds or just reflects the numerous faces of power, is worth nothing more than being crushed.

Such a habit is the meat eating which has been established the exact same way that the practice of nature looting is established as “normal”, as we notice it taking place in Skouries, Chalkidiki, Italy (NO-TAV) and every place in the world.

Through this action of ours we respond to the call of Chilean comrades, whose actions have given us smiles so many times. Strength to Nataly Casanova, Juan Flores and Guillermo Durán, who are on hunger strike since April 14th.

At the same time, we are sending our own signal of solidarity and complicity to all those charged, imprisoned and suffering repression, having found themselves on the attack lines of ELF and ALF.

We’re sending out a call to every rebelling individual, every affinity group, every direct action cell, in order to intensify the attacks on all fronts, in any way they think suitable, by all means available.

Synapses of Ignition for the polymorphous anarchist struggle – ELF

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Posted in Direct Action

Taglia e mandato di cattura per un compagno anarchico – Reward and arrest warrant for anarchist comrade (UK)

Saturday, December 6th, 2014


3 dicembre 2014-Dai mass-media britannici si legge del mandato di cattura, con taglia di 10.000 sterline per chiunque offra informazioni su di un compagno anarchico, già libero/latitante da 3 anni in seguito alla repressione seguita all’esplosione di guerriglia urbana del 2011 a Bristol ed ad una serie di attacchi, anonimi e firmati ELF, FAI.

I media fanno riferimento a più di cento attacchi avvenuti nel Regno Unito negli ultimi negli ultimi tre anni che hanno prodotto più di 20 milioni di sterline di danni,a vari obiettivi tra cui tralicci per le telecomunicazioni, banche, auto di lusso ed un centro di addestramento della polizia integralmente distrutto durante un attacco, tra cui l’ultimo in solidarietà a Nikos Romanos avvenuto pochi giorni fa.

Il compagno ricercato, Huw Norfolk, è accusato di alcuni di questi attacchi.

Di seguito un suo scritto dalla latitanza, tratto da Since the Bristol Riots

Noi siamo i “ragazzi perduti”, arrabbiati e disillusi da false promesse, la “gioventù incontrollabile” nsoddisfatta del misero futuro che ci viene offerto, i “componenti inutili” che rifiutano o sono in ogni caso esclusi dalla schiavitù salariata o gli “elementi di rottura” che combattono per distruggerla dall’interno, la “minoranza di guastatori” degli schemi della normalità obbediente-gerarchica-razzista-patriarcale, “gli incappucciati” in rivolta costante contro tutto questo ed oltre. Siamo i vostri figli, e quelli della vostra società.
Ed oggi è venuto il tempo per i componenti di quella società di decidere se saranno la mano che cerca di fermarci,o la mano che accende la propria cospirazione per l’auto-determinazione.

Huw ‘Badger’ Norfolk
Solo un’ altro in fuga.
Ottobre 2011



December 3, 2014 – According to the British mass-media, there is an arrest warrant, with a size of £10,000 to anyone offering information about an anarchist comrade, already free / fugitive for three years following the repression that followed the explosion of urban warfare 2011 in Bristol and a series of attacks, anonymous and signed ELF, FAI.

The media refer to more than one hundred attacks that occurred in the UK in the last three years, that have produced more than £20 million of damage, at various targets including pylons for telecommunications, banks, luxury cars and a center of police training completely destroyed during an attack, including the latest in solidarity with Nikos Romanos, which occurred a few days ago.

The comrade sought, Huw Norfolk, is accused of some of these attacks.

The following pamphlet was written by persons unknown: Since the Bristol Riots

“We are the “lost kids” angry and disappointed by false promises, the “uncontrollable youth” unsatisfied with the paltry futures offered to us, the “useless components” who reject or are excluded anyway from wage-slavery or the “disruptive elements” who fight to destroy it from within, the “minority of trouble-makers” within the constructs of obedient-hierarchical-racist-patriarchal normality, the “hooded rioters” within the constant revolt against all that and more. We are your children, and those of your society. And it is time today for the components of that society to decide if they will be the hand trying to stop us, or the hand lighting their own conspiracy for self-determination.”

Huw ‘Badger’ Norfolk
just another fugitive.
October 2011


More from ABC Bristol:



ABC Hurricane:


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Posted in Social Control

İstanbul: ‘ELF/Insurrectionary Solidarity Faction’ sabotaged a road roller for Nikos Romanos (Turkey)

Friday, December 5th, 2014

In the night of 1st of December, we broke down windows of a road roller and cut its cables in the Kocasinan district of Istanbul, with the intention to show our solidarity to anarchist prisoner Nikos Romanos, who is on hunger strike since 24 days and then to Yannis Michailidis, Andreas-Dimitris Bourzoukos, and Dimitris Politis who have started a hunger strike in support of Nikos Romanos in the Greek prisons.

Then we spray-painted some slogans on a wall close to the target: “Nikos Romanos” and “Fire to the prison cells“.

With this small action, we also salute the warriors who have fallen while not giving way to ISIS butchers, we salute rebels who refuse to stay as protestors, then fight
against cops and attack to the targets of repression and exploitation in Mexico, France, Ferguson and Santiago, we salute ALF-ELF cells who increase actions and attacks in Istanbul and around, we salute the insurrectionaries who got bored of being armchair revolutionaries, who got bored of insurrectional vaporings and Fetishism of Organisation and who got bored of losing their anarchic imagination in
the swamp of liberal opposition.

Until freedom of Nikos Romanos and all anarchist prisoners of war around the world…
Solidarity… Attack… İnsurrection…

Until Total Liberation…
Social War!

Earth Liberation Front (ELF) / Insurrectionary Solidarity Faction


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Posted in Direct Action

BK/NY – October 25th – US Out of my Living Room: The Case of Leslie James Pickering, the Earth Liberation Front Press Office & Burning Books (USA)

Tuesday, October 21st, 2014

WHAT: A talk with Leslie James Pickering
WHEN: 8:00pm, Saturday, October 25th, 2014
WHERE: The Base – 1302 Myrtle Avenue Brooklyn, New York 11221 (directions below)
COST: Free, but donations are appreciated.

A decade after being under heavy federal surveillance for exercising free speech in support of the underground Earth Liberation Front, Leslie James Pickering discovered that his associates were being questioned by the FBI, the US Post Office is copying his incoming mail and he was put on a secret list for maximum security screening at airports. Not only that but a federal grand jury subpoena was issued for records on him, his family and his bookstore, Burning Books. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

"Luddites" conduct solidarity sabotages in southeast Quebec / Des "Luddites" font des sabotages solidaires dans le sud du Québec (Canada)

Thursday, October 2nd, 2014

via antidev:

‘We retransmit this message sent to us from visitors… On retransmet ce message qui nous a été envoyé par des lecteurs-rices…’

So the other night on September 21, we’ve set fire to a railroad telecomm cable linking Brigham to Sherbrooke (Qc) to the US, thinking about the Algonquins people recently evicted from a resistance camp and detained in Gatineau. We took the time to select a railway bridge in the middle of nowhere near Waterloo, so we’d not have to dig to get to the cables or attract too much attention. Some fuel was dropped through an opening in the steel casing of the cables, then set on fire. Nothing fancy. It worked better than we’d guessed, as a few seconds later it already smelled of burning rubber a few meters away. The enclosed air in the conduit apparently turned the fire into something like a blow torch. Kind of an easy game to be reproduced elsewhere by others, we told ourselves… so that’s a reason to let others know.

Of course it didn’t cause the whole techno-industrial system to collapse! Society is still pretty much functional today. But you gotta start attacking it somewhere. Though it did feel as if an important nerve deep below society had been severed. And this felt good getting off our asses in the middle of the night for this. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

PDF: After Prison Zine- Words from Former Earth & Animal Liberation Front Activists (USA)

Tuesday, September 30th, 2014

20 pages B&W: After Prison Zine

The ‘After Prison’ zine is a project which aims to share stories of life after prison from former earth & animal liberation prisoners in the hope that people will develop a more thorough understanding of what former prisoners face on the outside. This project is also for those former prisoners still facing restrictions on who they can interact with, so they can read of others’ experiences.

The current contributors are:

Jeff Luers

Jordan Halliday

Josh Harper

Rod Coronado


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Posted in Library

PDF: Setting Fires With Electrical Timers- An Earth Liberation Front Guide

Tuesday, September 30th, 2014

37 pages B&W: Setting Fires With Electrical Timers- An ELF Guide

From the introduction:

Electrical timers are superior to delays that use candles, incense or cigarettes. Electrical timers have significantly longer delay times. When electrical timers are carefully constructed, they are more reliable. Each one can be tested repeatedly until you are certain that it will work. Electrical timers are easily protected from wind and
rain, whereas even a mild breeze can be a problem for candles and incense.

This guide has recipes for two electrical timers, the Old-Fashioned Kitchen Timer and the SCR Digital Timer. Both recipes have been greatly expanded to give extremely clear and detailed instructions. Our goal has been to eliminate ambiguity from the directions and to provide as many helpful tips as possible. You don’t need prior experience with electronics. You need only practice some with a soldering iron. As long as you pay attention to details and do the proper testing, you’ll be able to construct highly reliable timers.

The Old-Fashioned Kitchen Timer is relatively quick and easy to construct. The SCR Digital Timer takes much longer to build, especially the first few times, but it is worth the effort. At the target, it can be positioned and activated with unparalleled speed and safety. In addition, the SCR Digital Timer is extremely precise – down to the minute, and even down to the second, depending on the timepiece. With that level of precision, you can guarantee that multiple incendiary devices will ignite at the same time. Simultaneous ignition is especially important in situations where you expect firefighters to arrive quickly. If ignition is not simultaneous, the first fire may bring firefighters onto the scene before the other fires have a chance to do damage.

There are two other timer recipes that have been passed around. Both have serious drawbacks and should no longer be used. One recipe uses the hour hand on a wind-up wristwatch to push two wires together. It is terribly imprecise and most wristwatches are unable to perform the job. The other recipe uses an alarm clock that plugs into an electrical outlet. (It must be an alarm clock with a battery backup.) This type of alarm clock shuts off its display when unplugged, creating complications for the saboteur. Another problem is its reliance on a REED relay, which is not a solid state component and not as resilient as an SCR. The SCR Digital Timer is more foolproof and easier to use.

We hope you find many good uses for these timers. Enjoy.

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Posted in Library

Earth Liberation Front take responsibility for an attack on the National Parks and Wildlife Service (Australia)

Sunday, September 28th, 2014

via biteback:

We claim responsibility for the attack on the National Parks and Wildlife Service on the morning of Thursday 18th September.

NPWS were targeted for their part in the war on wildlife, with an extended history, and a continuing habit of dumping 1080 poison (sodium fluoroacetate) into wild places, all under the public guise of ‘conservation’. Killing and destroying indiscriminately, how many more lives and lands must be destroyed by this groups insane, ecocidal visions and experiments?

To express our outrage, under the cover of night, we entered their depot on Darug/Gundungurra Country (Blackheath, NSW). During our short visit, two vehicles were set upon leaving tyres slashed, windscreens smashed and a little additive into the fuel, just to sweeten the deal.

If you choose to continue to use this land as your dumping ground, you will encounter us again. Our rage will only burn bigger and stronger.

In defense of predators. In defense of wildness.


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Posted in Direct Action

Cartago: Incendiary attack against butcher shop by 'Savages of the Earth – ELF/ALF/FAI/FRI' (Costa Rica)

Saturday, September 27th, 2014

via contrainfo:

Various cells have initiated a series of small acts of sabotage in Costa Rica for months now, yet we really didn’t expect that our action would have such a strong impact. It is the first action of this type in this filthy country in many, many years…

For this reason we saw the need to claim responsibility for this action, thinking that many more people would gain strength and shake off the fear that torments us every day, this fear that doesn’t let us go any farther…

The technological control is steadily increasing, that’s why we decided to take control of our lives for a few moments and carry out this action, which is not an end in itself but the means by which we get revenge for our slavery. On Thursday, June 19th, 2014 we particularly attacked a butcher shop in Cartago with an incendiary device. The fire exceeded our expectations, and according to reports in the Press the total damages were more than 40,000 dollars. The meat industry is a clear reflection of this society: domestication, minimum respect toward nature, and money as a sacred god behind every move. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Interview with the Assembly for Antispeciesist Action, Athens, by comrades in Spain (Fiera)

Friday, September 26th, 2014

The following interview was given by the Assembly for the Antispeciesist Action in May 2013 and published by comrades in Spain in October, in the 2nd volume of the anarchist animal liberation zine “Fiera”.

In which context did the Assembly for the Antispeciesist Action in Athens arise? Which are your goals and what are the difficulties you are facing in realizing these goals?

The Assembly for the Antispeciesist Action was formed in 2010 on an individual initiative. We are an anarchist collective whose goal is to spread the word on total liberation. We feel it is important to note that by using the term “total liberation” we do not only refer to the struggle against any form of domination upon humans. We do not recognize any form of human superiority against other species and therefore the struggle for animal self-determination is an integral part of our political identity, as well as the struggle against nature’s exploitation. Our enemy is not only the core of the state mechanism but also the whole technological-industrial complex that considers human, animals and nature to be nothing more than raw material and production resources. (more…)

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Posted in Interviews

Santiago: 'Abyssal core of action' seals the locks of 19 doner meat shops in liberationist rememberance of Avalon (Chile)

Wednesday, September 24th, 2014

325 receives and translates:

This day at dawn [18/9] we organized to sabotage, sealing locks with steel liquid, many branches of one of the industries with the highest presence of death in the metropolitan region; Doner meat. Local places sabotaged were the following:

General Balmaceda #231

J.J. Perez
J.J. Perez #7275

La Florida Avda.
La Florida #10301

Macul 1
J.P. Alessandri #2054

Macul 2
J.P. Alessandri #4185

Maipu 1 (Local con Mayorista)
Avda. 5 deAbril#157

Maipu 2
Pinochet Lebrun #86

Maipu 3
Chacabuco #99

Melipilla (Local con Mayorista)
Ortuzar #899

La Estrella
La Estrella #1035

Pte. Alto 1
Avda. Concha y Toro #480

Pte. Alto 2
Jose Luis Coo #084

Santa Rosa 1
Santa Rosa #8151

Santa Rosa 2
Santa Rosa # 8069

Alameda (Local con Mayorista)
Chacabuco #1 D

La Vega (Local con Mayorista)
Los Artesanos # 711 local 15

Pte. Alto 3
Avda. Concha y Toro # 225

Plaza Egaña (Local con Mayorista)
Larrain #5707

Gran Avenida
Gran Avenida #8522

We dedicate and remember with integrity, through this action and these words Comrade Avalon*, direct action activist of earth and animal liberation.

For now no more to say … that’s all friends.

Abyssal core of action

* Avalon, ‘William C. Rogers’, was a comrade of the Earth Liberation Front in the United States who suicided during the investigation of the FBI Operation Backfire, known as the ‘Greenscare’. Avalon made a statement of escape on the night he died, mailing it to several friends, and asphyxiated by a plastic bag over his head. He defended his choice as a return to the heart of life and death, and from where the agents of the law can never reach us. Honor and dignity to Avalon, who through his example showed courage and determination in the face of the enemy, he who refused the trial and prison process and made his choice in an impossible situation of betrayal. Let the blood shed from the snitches and the collaborators who still live, those who ratted on their comrades of the Earth Liberation Front. Fire and rage against each and every cage.

“To my friends and supporters to help them make sense of all these events that have happened so quickly: Certain human cultures have been waging war against the Earth for millennia. I chose to fight on the side of bears, mountain lions, skunks, bats, saguaros, cliff rose and all things wild. I am just the most recent casualty in that war. But tonight I have made a jail break — I am returning home, to the Earth, to the place of my origins.” Bill, 12/21/05 (winter solstice)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Intervista CCF & Alfredo Cospito / Nucleo Olga FAI-FRI (Greece, Italy)

Wednesday, August 27th, 2014


via radioazione:

L’aggiornamento continuo di un sito fa si che le pagine scorrono veloci, e questo fa che i testi, come questo che reputo interessante, finiscono negli archivi informatici. Questa intervista era apparsa già quasi due mesi fa su questo sito ed oggi, nonostante si possa andarla a ritrovare e rileggere, preferisco ripubblicarla visto che erano avvenute lamentele, per un “mancato dibattito”, da parte di chi aveva visioni diverse su alcune tematiche affrontate ora anche da Alfredo. Un altro motivo è perché la stessa intervista non è stata pubblicata da nessun’altra parte se non su questo sito e quello di CroceNeraAnarchica.

Sarà…ma a me mi torna in mente una canzone…la citazione con cui apre il testo di rivendicazione di Nicola…

Di seguito la lunga e approfondita intervista fatta dai compagni greci delle CCF al compagno Alfredo Cospito:


Dalle carceri greche all’ AS2 di Ferrara: Quattro parole in “ libertà”.

Intervista delle Ccf a me medesimo.

Prima di rispondere alle vostre domande voglio sottolineare che quel che dirò è la mia verità. Uno tra i tanti punti di vista, sensibilità e sfumature individuali all’interno di quel crogiolo di pensiero ed azione che va sotto il nome di Fai-Fri.

Federazione informale che, rifiutando qualsiasi tentazione egemonica, rappresenta uno strumento, un metodo di una delle componenti dell’anarchismo d’azione. Anarchismo d’azione che solo quando si fa informale, non costringendosi in strutture organizzative (specifiche, formali, di sintesi) quando non è all’ assillante ricerca di consenso (quindi rifiuta la politica) si può riconoscere in un più largo caotico universo che va sotto il nome di ’’internazionale nera’’.

Per capirci meglio la Fai-Fri è una metodologia d’azione che solo una parte delle sorelle e fratelli dell’internazionale nera praticano, non un’organizzazione né tanto meno una semplice firma collettiva, ma uno strumento che tende all’efficienza, che ha come obiettivo quello di rafforzare i nuclei e i singoli compagni/e d’azione attraverso un patto di mutuo appoggio su tre punti: solidarietà rivoluzionaria, campagne rivoluzionarie, comunicazione tra gruppi /singoli: (more…)

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