Posts Tagged ‘Critical Mass’

Critical Mass Baliuag – “Bikes against Coal and Fossil Fuels” (Philippines)

Sunday, November 27th, 2016

Bulacan is one of the major industrial and agricultural center. It is strategically located between the commercial center of Manila and the industrial and trading centers of Northern Luzon.  One of the traditional rice granary of the Philippines. Despite the great challenge posed by El Niño on agriculture, this province pulled off a bountiful harvest that has propelled it to being recognized by the Department of Agriculture as a Hall of Famer in the Agri-Pinoy Rice Achievers Award.

All of a sudden this claim progressively changing due to land conversion for real estate development, mall culture and consumerism. The food production in this area are now getting low because vast agricultural land are now becoming a low-cost housing project, supermarkets and malls. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Call for solidarity with arrested activist of critical mass (Belarus)

Thursday, May 12th, 2016

Critical Mass on 29 April in Minsk ended up with 6 people detained and a criminal case against one of the participants. Dmitry Polienko is accused of violence against a policeman and others are charged with minor offences. The trials for minor offences are scheduled for 12 and 16 May. Dmitry is now in pre-trial prison and requires solidarity from comrades in form of solidarity actions and money for food parcels. The maximum penalty for the article he is accused of is 6 year in prison.

In social networks a flash mob was started
#iamcriticalmass / #якритическаямасса to show solidarity with arrested.
Apart from that you can send us your solidarity actions at belarus_abc@riseup.net.

You can also donate through paypal with the same address
belarus_abc@riseup.net. Please specify the cause for transfer –
“critical mass”

Till all are free!

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Posted in Social Control

Critical Mass in solidarity with the cyclist killed by an Olympic bus (GB)

Saturday, August 4th, 2012

From IMC UK:

Meet 6.30pm Southbank by Waterloo Bridge Friday 10th August.

This is a mid month Critical Mass to show solidarity with the cyclist killed on the road on 1st August by an Olympic bus. The headlines continually ignored the death and concentrated on the gold medals – particularly the one won by British cyclist Bradley Wiggins. All cyclists including Olympians, are invited to join us as well as wheelchairers, skateboarders, roller bladers, roller skaters and other self-propelled people.. This Critical Mass will be huge – spread the word.

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Posted in Direct Action

Olympic repression begins – Mass arrest for Critical Mass last night (UK)

Saturday, July 28th, 2012

According to London Indymedia there was a mass arrest against the monthly Critical Mass bike demo last night, with many people detained (over 180) and bikes seized. Some of the people have been released, whilst today, 12 noon Sat 28 July, there takes place a demo backed by various leftist protest groups, social activists and London anarchists ALARM.

Full story about the mass arrest here:


Follow-up story on IMC UK here:


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Posted in Social Control