Posts Tagged ‘Climate Chaos’

Initiatives, projects and some anarchist news… (Philippines)

Friday, August 12th, 2016

Recently the anarchist comrades of Etnikobandido uploaded several posts about their recent activities in Philippines, check out their blog here.

Art, Ecology, Resistance 2016

2015 was recorded to be the hottest year in the history of mankind. Meanwhile the recent typhoon Yolanda was tagged to be the strongest storm, which has already been exceeded by other storms from other countries. Changes in weather patterns has become unexplainably irregular. These are the symptoms of Climate Change, which is for the most part caused by human activity.

People had invented technology that rely on limited sources such as minerals from underground. The act of taking and processing materials like these causes substantial amount of carbon, which heats up the planet at a faster rate. This heat affects the whole world. A cold place snows up easier, while hot places dry up more more easily. It also storms more often in places where rain usually falls. Sadly, this kind of deluge hits developing countries often. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

‘Heathrow 13’ eco-activists get suspended sentence for airport blockade (UK)

Thursday, February 25th, 2016

February 24 2016: The eco-activists known as the ‘Heathrow 13’ were today sentenced to six weeks suspended for 12 months for aggravated trespass at Heathrow Airport in July 2015. The eco-activists had made a direct action blockade of the runway to highlight the destructive effect of man-made climate-change, particularly against the ongoing effect of emissions at Heathrow Airport, which led them to occupy the airport’s north runway on 13 July 2015 causing up to 25 flights to be cancelled.

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Heathrow 13 found guilty of aggravated trespass and unauthorized access to airport (UK)

Friday, January 29th, 2016

25 January 2016

The Heathrow 13 were today found guilty at Willesden Magistrates’ Court of
aggravated trespass and being in an unauthorised area of Heathrow Airport in summer
2015. Sentencing has been adjourned until Wednesday, 24th February and the
defendants bailed until then.

The defendants were taking direct action against the ongoing effect of emissions at
Heathrow Airport and occupied the airport’s north runway on 13 July 2015 causing up
to 25 flights to be cancelled.

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Paris: COP21 – Tear gas, grenades and hundreds of arrests (France)

Monday, November 30th, 2015


From The Acorn:

Tear gas and grenades were fired by French riot cops against brave activists who defied martial law in France – and more than 200 people were arrested.

Thousands took to the streets of Paris against the hypocrisy of the industrial capitalist system and its phoney COP21 climate summit.

For their pains they were kettled, intimidated, attacked and gassed by the cops. “The state of emergency is a police state, a fascist state!” they shouted in defiance of the brutal force deployed by a state which has been so busily depicting itself as a victim, rather than a perpetrator, of violence.

Activist media reported several hundred arrests, with the police taking arrestees away in buses. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Chaos Communication Camp: 3 activists talk about being targeted by undercover cop Mark Kennedy and more (Germany)

Tuesday, August 25th, 2015

Video featuring 3 activists, talk filmed at Chaos Communication Camp, Germany. Also read article on undercoverinfo.

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Posted in Social Control

Report about continuing autonomous Typhoon Yolanda disaster relief initiatives by anarchists (Philippines)

Friday, January 3rd, 2014


Mobile Anarchist School volunteers and its immediate network have no time to rest; right after our first mission, we came back to Manila just to complete the requirements for “Climate Crises and Direct Action Forum” where we shared the details of our initiative in Leyte.

We able to gather resources enough to support six volunteers for 15 days action. We discussed the details of our second mission and carefully outlined our plan based on our experience.



More than a month after super typhoon “Yolanda” pummeled Visayas, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) reported on Thursday morning that the death toll has slightly increased to 5,982 from 5,959 reported Wednesday. The number of people injured and missing remained at 27,022 and 1,779, respectively.

Affected cities: 57; affected provinces: 44. Number of people/families affected: 12.191 million people/ 2.582 million families number of people displaced: 3.98 million people/ 869,742 families in evacuation centers: 21,669 families/ 93,814 people.

The number of damaged houses decreased to 1.192 million, nearly half of which were totally destroyed. To date, power outage is still being experienced in some provinces and municipalities of Mimaropa, Bicol, Western Visayas, Central Visayas, and Eastern Visayas. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Demo for Global Day of Action on Climate Justice (Philippines)

Thursday, November 22nd, 2012

14 November 2012

Global Day of Action on Climate Justice

A group of almost 20 anarchists with Guy Fawkes mask participate in a global day of action on climate justice. In coordination with other local progressive group the Local Autonomous Network gave solidarity to the climate justice issue stating “corporation and government are the direct perpetrator” so we need “system change not climate change”. The problem of global warming and the earth’s destabilizing climate are caused by the emission of heat trapping greenhouse gases (GHGs), from the historical accumulated pollution of different corporations, not only by the industrialized countries but the whole capitalist magnate. There is already a massive and destructive impact on human in terms of food security, drinkable water, health and livelihood. The miserable thing is the governments are not taking any action about this matter because of the benefit they can get from the corporations.

Destroy corporation before it destroys you!

Smash the state before they smash your community!

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Posted in Eco Struggle

COP15 Call out – 12th December, Copenhagen (Denmark)

Saturday, November 21st, 2009

Join us in Copenhagen on the mass protest on the 12th of December, 2009!

The catastrophe is real and climate change is one of its many symptoms. The COP15s inevitable talk of saving the world from the climate crisis is an elaborate hoax to disguise the COP15s true purpose: to restore the legitimacy of global capitalism by inaugurating an era of green capitalism. A new rhetoric of saving the climate will exist to justify their repression, their fortified borders, their colonial resource wars. To give the Emperor new clothes. Our response to this astounding lie is an uncompromising and absolute NO to their system.

More has to be shaken than our holiday habits to sustain the world for times to come. It would be foolish to pin our hopes upon the very people who continue to kill off the planet for money. At Copenhagen, they will argue over how to properly create a market to commodify and so pollute the biosphere, dispossessing millions of people from their land to profit from destroying what remains of our earth. Governments and corporations will not sacrifice their growth to reduce carbon emissions, or only do so in order to create a new authoritarian regime for themselves.

The entire rhetoric of the climate crisis and the financial crisis is a cynical maneouvre by the state spin-doctors to deny the all-encompassing crisis of self-declared civilization. The COP15 will only attempt to hide the war that capitalism is waging against all life on the planet, a war that has spread across the entire globe for the last five hundred years, a war that encompasses the totality of even the oceans and atmosphere. In the midst of war, one does not talk of management and technical solutions. You cannot fight a war by pretending the war does not exist, by blinding yourself to repression and becoming complicit in accepting the false-promise of a petit bourgeois tranquility. Instead, one recognizes the enemy. One chooses a position. One fights.

Only by ridding ourselves of those who claim to be representing us and by defeating the ideology of endless economic growth, industrial production and consumption can we take control of our lives and planet. It is time to state: we are going to consciously attack the structures supporting the COP15: we will break through the lines of their police; we will refuse to negotiate with warmongering governments and the embedded media; we will refuse to side with sell-out NGOs and all the would-be managers of protest; we will refuse all governments and governance and not just de-legitimize the present ones.

It is time to state why we think that insurrection is needed to actually begin the change everybody is so desperate for. Acting together in fundamental opposition to those in power we might get a first glimpse of the richness and opportunities possible when ideas, experiences and concepts are shared amongst people from all over the world.

Further information:

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Posted in Direct Action, Eco Struggle