‘Eco Struggle’ Archives

Self-Determination and Self-Defense in Cherán, Michoacán (Mexico)

Thursday, January 10th, 2013

From El Enemigo Comun – by Simòn Sedillo / via anarchistnews

On December 11, 2012, the US Justice Department announced that banking giant HSBC was immune from prosecution despite overwhelming evidence that they consistently failed to implement controls against money-laundering. Assistant attorney general Lanny Breuer said: “Had the US authorities decided to press criminal charges, HSBC would almost certainly have lost its banking license in the US, the future of the institution would have been under threat and the entire banking system would have been destabilized.”

The entire banking system would have been destabilized?

The Department of Justice opted rather to charge HSBC a record-breaking 1.9 billion dollar fine, and ordered the bank’s activities monitored for five years. The 1.9 billion is equivalent to five weeks’ worth of HSBC earnings, in other words, a drop in the bucket. The saddest part of the story in the mainstream media, is the focus on money laundered and money fined, as opposed to lives lost and crime legitimized in one of the most grotesque admissions of complicity with organized crime in the so-called war on drugs. Basically what was announced to the world by the US Justice Department was that the money ran too thick, and the criminals were too powerful. The global economic impact of prosecuting a bank where the dirty money has been going, was too dangerous to risk. “Sorry kids, but we guess the bad guys win.” (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Call for solidarity actions against the Pacific Trails Pipeline (Unist’ot’en territories)

Saturday, November 24th, 2012

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Call for solidarity actions on Tuesday November 27th

Raising Resistance: Solidarity with the Unist’ot’en.
Call for actions on Tuesday November 27th

In inspiring resistance this past week, the Unist’ot’en and Grassroots Wet’suwet’en have, yet again, evicted pipelines from their territories!

On November 20th, Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chief Toghestiy intercepted and issued an eagle feather to surveyors from the Can-Am Geomatics company who were working for Apache’s proposed natural gas Pacific Trails Pipeline (PTP). In Wet’suwet’en law, an eagle feather is used as a first and only notice of trespass. The surveyors were ordered to leave the territory and the road leading into the territory has been closed to all industry activities until further notice. The materials that were left behind by the work crew are being held until Apache and PTP agree to open up appropriate lines of communication with the Unist’ot’en and grassroots Wet’suwet’en according to the Free Prior and Informed Consent protocol and laws of their unceded territories. The Unist’ot’en are against all pipelines slated to cross through their territories, which include Enbridge Northern Gateway, Kinder Morgans northern proposal, Pembina, and Spectra. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Demo for Global Day of Action on Climate Justice (Philippines)

Thursday, November 22nd, 2012

14 November 2012

Global Day of Action on Climate Justice

A group of almost 20 anarchists with Guy Fawkes mask participate in a global day of action on climate justice. In coordination with other local progressive group the Local Autonomous Network gave solidarity to the climate justice issue stating “corporation and government are the direct perpetrator” so we need “system change not climate change”. The problem of global warming and the earth’s destabilizing climate are caused by the emission of heat trapping greenhouse gases (GHGs), from the historical accumulated pollution of different corporations, not only by the industrialized countries but the whole capitalist magnate. There is already a massive and destructive impact on human in terms of food security, drinkable water, health and livelihood. The miserable thing is the governments are not taking any action about this matter because of the benefit they can get from the corporations.

Destroy corporation before it destroys you!

Smash the state before they smash your community!

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Posted in Eco Struggle

TAMPAKAN MASSACRE: International solidarity requested against SMI-Xstrata corporation (Philippines, Switzerland)

Sunday, November 4th, 2012

SMI-Xstrata is a Swiss corporation which has a mining application in south Cotabato, Mindanao. despite the resistance of the community the Philippine government is backing-up the said application.

In order to silence the resistance the government use the military. 13 people were killed including an 8 years old boy and 3 months pregnant woman. The culprit is based in Switzerland where the biggest anarchist gathering was held. We are asking for your support to put pressure on the corporation to stop the destruction of natural resources and to seek justice for the victims.

For more details, please click this link:


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Posted in Eco Struggle

Tver: 'Wild Hogs, ALF-FAI' sabotage a hunt with various actions (Russia)

Thursday, November 1st, 2012

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28-29 October 2012

Russia, Tver. ALF torch electricity station and sabotage a hunt. Some words of solidarity with imprisoned eco-anarchist comrades

We send our fiery greetings to anarchist comrades in prison: Yana Terenina and Aleksandra Dukhanina. We take this opportunity to remind about Yana Terenina and her fate. She was put to prison after an incident near the “Atrium” shopping mall in Moscow. A fight broke out between Yana and a lady enamored with furry coats. During the fight lady’s husband chose to join the action, while the lady herself used scissors as a weapon. After the trial judge decided Yana and her friend Maksim fitted “armed robbery” charges. The fur-enamored lady rejected all offers of peaceful resolution of conflict.

Aleksandra Dukhanina is awaiting trial in regards with public disobedience during mass protests of 06/05/2012, when police forces provoked violence.

In the night of October 28-29 we destroyed a power substation that gave power to a hunting resort under Tver. We used bolt-cutters to cut through locks and gain access to the station’s interior. We planted two incendiaries (5l of gasoline each) and set the fuse on fire, retreating into the woods.

While moving through the forest we kept encountering hunting parties with dogs. We did our best to avoid them. Then we happened upon a hunting decoy (feeding facility for boars and elks). We vandalized it at first, but after a brief discussion decided to torch it to the ground. Soon the place was sound ablaze.

Wild Hogs, ALF-FAI

Source: blackblocg.info

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Video and communique from the arsonists in Khimki forest (Russia)

Tuesday, August 7th, 2012

20 July 2012

On the night of 20-21 July, after having received news of new tree-cutting activity in Khimki forest, we decided to visit the workers. We aimed for 2 trucks and excavator parked on the clear cut. They were completely destroyed.

Our solidarity goes out to eco-activists who broke the arm of private guard who was guarding the clear cut (this piece we learned from news).

Enough of pseudo-legalism!

Do like us, do better than us.
Autonomous autonoms

video footage of the action:


Via: blackblocg.info

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Greece: Banner over the Aegean Sea, in solidarity with the fisherfolk’s fight in the Manado Bay (Indonesia)

Sunday, August 5th, 2012

From contra-info:

In the context of Contra Info call for propaganda actions against repression, in the first days of August we placed a banner close to a coast and a crossroad on Kalymnos, an island where the traditional way of fishing and sponge diving has been performed for too many decades. This was our small token of solidarity with the ongoing struggle of the Malalayang traditional fisherfolk, who proudly resist a mega-project along the Manado coast, in Indonesia. We thus wanted them to know they are not alone.

Read and spread the call for solidarity and resistance against the mega-project of Coastal Reclamation in Manado (June 2012): in English / Spanish

The banner reads in Greek-English-Indonesian:

From Greece to Indonesia, sabotage against Capital/Power
Strength, fisherfolk of Manado
Solidarity with the fight in Manado-Indonesia
Long live sporadic direct action

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Eco-activists attack highway construction site in Khimki forest causing $2,000,000 damage (Russia)

Friday, July 27th, 2012

19 & 21 July 2012

Russia. Khimki forest (north of Moscow). Construction vehicles torched, tree-cutter assaulted, his arm broken.

Unknown activists have torched several construction vehicles and assaulted tree-cutter at the new toll highway construction site in Khimki forest. These news appeared in joint declaration, published by state enterprise “Avtodor” and “North-Eastern concession” (subsidiary of Vinci). The accidents happened on nights of 19.07 and 21.07. “Avtodor” representatives stated that an assault on tree-cutters took place on 19.07: one of the workers tried to prevent eco-activists from entering the construction site. In the following fight his arm broke.

On the night of 21.07 special construction vehicles were torched: several brand new harvesters and hydraulic excavator were completely destroyed by fire. Material damage is estimated to be over $2,000,000.

Earlier the same companies filed a complaint about unknown people opening fire on construction vehicles (supposedly from “Saiga”, a civil 12-mm carbine) and torching workers sheds with molotovs.

Eco-activists present at the site of an eco-camp near the construction site failed to provide police with evidence or ideas about the nature of perpetrators.

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Technological Slavery: The Collected Writings of Theodore J. Kaczynski, a.k.a. "The Unabomber"

Monday, July 16th, 2012

The ideas and views expressed by Kaczynski before and after his capture raise crucial issues concerning the evolution and future of our society. For the first time, the reader will have access to an uncensored personal account of his anti-technology philosophy, which goes far beyond Unabomber pop culture mythology. The book includes a corrected edition of the “Unabomber Manifesto,” and Kaczynski’s critique of Anarcho-primitivism, and essays regarding “The Coming Revolution.”

“This book was first published by Editions Xenia under the title The Road to Revolution. Unfortunately, the Xenia edition was riddled with errors, most of which were not my fault. In this second edition, if the publisher has done his work properly, the errors have been corrected and the book has been improved in other ways.
I want to make clear that I have no control over the cover design of this book and no control over the way it is advertised and promoted. I expect it to be advertised and promoted in ways that I will find offensive. Moreover, I do not like the new title of the book.
Nevertheless, I have cooperated in the creation of this new edition and consented to the change of title because I think it is important to make the book available in its present corrected and improved form.”

Ted Kaczynski
December 8, 2009

PDF: Technological Slavery: The Collected Writings of Theodore J. Kaczynski, a.k.a. “The Unabomber”

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Posted in Eco Struggle, Library

The Black Fish free hundreds of endangered bluefin tuna in the Adriatic Sea (Croatia)

Sunday, July 15th, 2012

The Black Fish have been working on the ground in Croatia for several weeks investigating the country’s controversial tuna industry. It was three days ago when our crew members witnessed the slaughter of several tuna fish and decided to intervene. Members of our diving team were able to pass by security and entered the water late at night to free the fish.

Bluefin tuna are one of the world’s largest and fastest fish as well as the most endangered of all tuna species. In recent years the bluefin tuna has been heavily overfished in the Mediterranean Sea to meet the demand for prized sushi, mostly destined for the Asian market. The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) is the international body tasked with the conservation of bluefin tuna populations but has proven ineffective in its attempts to combat illegal fishing and poaching of the threatened species. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Call for Solidarity with the Malalayang Traditional Fisherfolk’s Struggle Against Coastal Reclamation in Manado (Indonesia)

Wednesday, July 11th, 2012

Coastal Reclamation, a megaproject that began in the early 1990s, continues along the length of Manado Bay. New land is being created in the sea to host big business, such as the establishment of new shopping palaces, the mushrooming of the banking industry, and assorted entertainment spots for the weary workers. The area of new land created in the reclamation zone stretches to thousands of hectares, spread over several major developments.

During the course of this development, there has been sporadic resistance from traditional fisherfolk along the Manado coast. Then in 2009, fisherfolk resisting in different parts of the bay began discussions to create a network of communication and started to show direct solidarity each time a group of fisherfolk was faced with conflict. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Osaka: Demo against Nuclear Energy (Japan)

Tuesday, July 10th, 2012

Rage against the pro-nuke electric power ltd!

These are the pix of the protest-action against a pro-nuke electric power ltd of Kansai electric power (Kanden) on 27 June 2012, Osaka, a western part of Japanese islands. Polizeis and guards, subjects of Kanden prevented our protest as the “loud & noizy voices”. This pro-nuke bastard named “Kanden” will just carry out their evil way with “ok signs” on 16 June 2012 by Jap government. THEY are just interested in making THEIR bloody money. Ja, this selfish decision by pro-nuke bastards is terrible crime for everyone living on this planet. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Mikashevichi: Energy supply sabotaged at granite quarry (Belarus)

Sunday, July 8th, 2012

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On June 11th a booth that provided power to granite quarry in Mikashevichi (Belarus) was burnt by a group of dedicated earth liberation warriors. Resulting short circuit left quarry and nearby village in total darkness. It was a strange feeling to suddenly hear silence where just a minute before there had been constant industrial noise. To see stars in the sky that had been blocked out by quarry lights just moments before.

2 incendiaries (5 liters of gasoline each) were used for this action.

We salute imprisoned Belarus anarchists (Ihar Alinevich, Mikalai Dziadok, Aliaksandr Frantskievich) persecuted for their acts of sabotage against Lukashenko’s regime. This new act of sabotage on territory, occupied by Belarus state, is in your honour.

Words of gratitude to Ted Kaczynski. Your thoughts served as a light-beacon to us in this action.

To every anti-authoritarian and eco-activist: keep fighting, stay strong and free!

Friends of Freedom

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Osaka: Message from anarchist comrade about initiation of Nuclear energy + Appeal for action (Japan)

Thursday, June 21st, 2012

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Japanese pro-nuke bastards drive THEIR nuke power plant.

Comrades & Affinities;

Saluton from osaKKKa, in the western part of the japanese islands. Shamelessly, on 16 jun 2012, at last, fuckin’ “liberal” jap government decided to say “ok” for driving a nuke power plant named “ooi3rd & ooi4th” again. So, kansai electriKKK power ltd is preparing for driving THEIR “safe & economy, and also clean energy” as soon as possible. (about 6 weeks after or less, they will be able to drive ooi3rd/ooi4th) This fuckin’ terrible decision made by the evil organizations of the japanese capitalists (nihon-syoukou-kaigisyo… und so weiter) & jap government, and also so many pro-nuke bastards. THEY always urge kansai electric power ltd (=kanden) to drive the nuke power plants for “stable electric power supplying for their selfish benefits”. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Anarchist and Traditional Fishermen Refuse Coastal Reclamation, 2 People Kidnapped by Police (Indonesia)

Friday, June 8th, 2012

Rough translation from Negasi:

Notes from Negasi: Since 2009, the escalation of resistance in Manado Bay against coastal reclamation intensified. Forefront of this action is a traditional fishing area spread over several points along the Gulf coast of Manado. In addition to fishermen on the beach Tumpaan Sario, Kalasey coastal communities and fishermen who are now on the beach Malalayang II also present persistent denial.

May 4, 2012

Since early morning around 08.00 am, fishermen get the news that the forced seizure of land in plots owned by a doctor named Awalui already stretched to the beach. The fishermen are flocking to the site soon discover that the action has the support of the thugs and the police sector of Malalayang. At 11:00 pm, call for solidarity immediately propagated to other companions in arms. Some anarchists are also involved. (more…)

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