‘Eco Struggle’ Archives

Solidarity with Debbie Vincent, animal liberation prisoner (UK)

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2014

From Corporate Watch:

Today Debbie Vincent, an animal rights activist from the Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC) campaign was sentenced to six years in prison for conspiracy to blackmail after a five week long trial at Winchester Crown Court. She was also given an Anti Social Behaviour Order which means she can be arrested if she protests against or contacts Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) or its business partners for a further five years after her release from prison.

The sentence should serve as a wake up call to anti-capitalists of the need to offer solidarity to those who have been singled out for repression because of their involvement in effective resistance to corporate power.

A press release from the Blackmail 3 support campaign quotes Debbie: “I have been made an example of because I put myself up as a public face of Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty and for believing that such places as Huntingdon Life Sciences should be resigned to the history books.”

“In some ways I’m really not surprised I was found guilty, as I don’t believe anyone can get justice when faced with a political conspiracy charge and the huge resources of the state and multinationals against me. I will always have hope and will always continue to try my best to make the inhabitants of this planet more compassionate to all and try to make the world a better place for all.” (more…)

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Comrades in Skövde sentenced (Sweden)

Tuesday, April 8th, 2014

Today, Monday the seventh of April, our comrades in Skövde, Sweden, were sentenced. The comrade who’s still kept in captivity was sentenced to 2 years and 6 months in prison. One of the comrades who were released last week was sentenced to 1 year in prison. The other, with the more talkative approach in court, who also was released last week was sentenced to a probationary sentence. Yet two comrades, also they being on the outside, were sentenced to suspended sentences.

Even though the prosecutor creep did’nt get its will done, we see no reason to celebrate. Our comrades have still spent half a year – more and less – in the disgusting pre-trial isolation cells and they have still their sentences to either serve or evade.

Prison is and will, as long as this society continues to exist, be one of the worst weapons in the State arsenal. A weapon they are using every day in the social war against us and anybody who doesn’t fit in to their disgusting frames of Normality. Prison is however not an end station but a continuation of our struggle against this reality. To maintain a struggle without including the prison and justice system as targets, is to shoot oneself in the foot.

Fire to the prisons! Strength to our comrades!

Write to our comrades: support_mejl_now_4(at)live.se


-always for the subversion of the existent

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Repression against animal liberation comrades in Skövde (Sweden)

Tuesday, April 1st, 2014

Late 14th and early 15th of October 2013, five comrades were arrested and imprisoned in Skövde, Sweden, suspected for over twenty different attacks on furfarmers and the fur industry as well as liberations of minks. Three of the comrades were later considered to be main suspects and the two others were released, however still being suspects. Close upon the trial startup end of January, yet another person was detained for involvement in some of the suspected attacks but this person was also released, still being a suspect.

During their interrogations the three main suspects kept their mouths shut, besides one comrade who took the responsibility for a suspected arson against a garage belonging to a fur farmer.

Seeing the media potential, the disgusting ex-minister of justice Thomas Bodström, nowadays a populistic lawyer, took it on himself to represent all the fur farmers in the court process. (more…)

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Blackmail3 Court Case Update (UK)

Monday, March 17th, 2014

Here’s a brief update on the court case for one of the ‘Blackmail3’ defendants potentially due to come to a conclusion on Monday. More info and background at www.blackmail3.org [also see previous article].

Court updates about Debbie’s trial at Winchester Crown Court over the past five weeks (so far).

Week 1

Wednesday, 12th February 2014: Debbie’s trial begins at Winchester Crown Court and is expected to last about 4 weeks. Due to prosecution’s failure to disclose information and late service of evidence, the trial was adjourned until Monday 17th February.

Week 2

Monday, 17th February 2014: Debbie’s trial reconvened at Winchester Crown Court. In an interesting development, the defence revealed that the ‘Novartis executive’ who campaigners previously dealt with, was in fact an undercover policeman, working under the alias ‘James Adams’. The prosecution were pushing for another adjournment, but the defence put forward their argument for the trial to continue as planned even though there was a chance of an unfair trial. The judge heard from both sides and called for time to deliberate, with court adjourned until 10.30am tomorrow.

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PDF: New leaflet for long-term eco-prisoner Marie Mason available – Help the comrade get a prison transfer out of FMC Carswell (USA)

Saturday, March 15th, 2014


A new version of the Move Marie brochure is now available. The brochure includes updated information on Marie’s conditions within FMC Carswell as well as an easier to read and print color scheme and format.

We also have pre-printed brochures available to send to folks in bulk. Get in touch at supportmariemason (at) gmail.com



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Statement from NO TAV arrested (Italy)

Tuesday, February 18th, 2014



There are approximately 600 people accused, over a thousand investigated, dozens of people under several restrictions (home confinement, expulsion order), fines for hundreds of thousands of euros, a trial against 53 No Tav protesters, and several comrades who have been under house arrest for months now. These numbers show the repressive fury against the No Tav movement. This August, the Prosecutor of Turin added yet another chapter to their crusade: No Tav rotesters were investigated for “actions aimed at a terroristic attack” for one of the many actions taken against the construction site of Chiomonte – and for this reason subject to restraining measures. (more…)

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Huntingdon Life Sciences: Call out for solidarity statements for the Blackmail 3 (UK)

Tuesday, February 11th, 2014

From Bristol ABC:

A local comrade is facing conspiracy to blackmail charges relating to the animal testing laboratories, Huntingdon Life Sciences. Her trial is set to begin February 12th, while the two others charged in the case are awaiting extradition to the UK from Holland. As you are all probably aware, the state has come down very hard on the animal rights campaign and your solidarity is needed.

Statements of solidarity are really appreciated and can be emailed to: info@blackmail3.org

More info about the case: http://blackmail3.org/index.html


Below is a bit more information about their case:

People believed to be campaigning to close down the world’s third largest animal testing facility; Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS), have repeatedly been subjected to arrest and harassment.

On the morning of 6th July 2012, several teams of police raided the homes and business premises of three people arresting them on suspicion of “conspiracy to blackmail”, in relation to animal testing laboratory, Huntingdon Life Sciences. The person in the UK is accused of committing this between 2001-2011 and the 2 people in Holland between November 2008-December 2010. In recent years this charge has been deliberately used against campaigners due to its good conviction rate and because it carries a maximum sentence of 14 years in prison. This is the third UK conspiracy to blackmail trial involving people accused of campaigning against HLS. (more…)

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Krasnoselsk: 'FAI-FRI / Friends of Freedom' torch quarry excavator (Belarus)

Thursday, January 30th, 2014

During the night of new 2014 year we joined the celebrations of burning symbols of oppression. A quarry excavator was torched in one of the active quarries of Krasnoselsk district in Belarus. 10 liters of gasoline and significant number of rags was used for the act as the thing was huge, the size of country cottage. Security guards invited a streetwalker for the night (this happened in front of our surprised eyes). So in 30 minutes after they started socializing we lighted up the night of passion and happiness with flames of burning vehicle.

Merry crisis and a happy new fear!

Friends of Freedom, FAI-FRI

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Report about continuing autonomous Typhoon Yolanda disaster relief initiatives by anarchists (Philippines)

Friday, January 3rd, 2014


Mobile Anarchist School volunteers and its immediate network have no time to rest; right after our first mission, we came back to Manila just to complete the requirements for “Climate Crises and Direct Action Forum” where we shared the details of our initiative in Leyte.

We able to gather resources enough to support six volunteers for 15 days action. We discussed the details of our second mission and carefully outlined our plan based on our experience.



More than a month after super typhoon “Yolanda” pummeled Visayas, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) reported on Thursday morning that the death toll has slightly increased to 5,982 from 5,959 reported Wednesday. The number of people injured and missing remained at 27,022 and 1,779, respectively.

Affected cities: 57; affected provinces: 44. Number of people/families affected: 12.191 million people/ 2.582 million families number of people displaced: 3.98 million people/ 869,742 families in evacuation centers: 21,669 families/ 93,814 people.

The number of damaged houses decreased to 1.192 million, nearly half of which were totally destroyed. To date, power outage is still being experienced in some provinces and municipalities of Mimaropa, Bicol, Western Visayas, Central Visayas, and Eastern Visayas. (more…)

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Yolanda’s aftermath and Autonomous Initiative (Philippines)

Friday, November 29th, 2013

Yolanda is one of the most destructive typhoons to have visited the Philippine archipelago. It pummeled the Visayas region, particularly Leyte and some parts of Cebu and Panay areas. Super typhoon Yolanda left the archipelago with thousands of dead people, commercial and residential structures destroyed, power knocked-out; agriculture and livelihoods are washed-out that caused billions of losses. Destruction is so extensive that it caused unimaginable effect to the survivors.

Government’s Response caused more devastation to the people

The Philippine archipelago is in the frontline of calamity brought by storms. It is a common knowledge impossible to miss especially by the government which is supposed to be the authority in terms of preparation and rehabilitation. The huge number of dead people scattered in Leyte is attributable to the incapacity of the government to install preparatory mechanism to lessen casualties, the Philippine government did not learn from our past experience of havoc due to storm surges. (more…)

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Appeal from anarchist comrades concerning Typhoon Yolanda (Philippines)

Thursday, November 14th, 2013

On November 8, 2013, typhoon Haiyan or Yolanda (local name) shot its landfall in the Philippines. Typhoon Yolanda is one of the strongest typhoons which struck Philippines on a record. It has sustained winds of 235 kph (147 mph) with gusts of 275 kph (170 mph) when it made landfall. By those measurements, Yolanda can be compared to a strong Category 4 hurricane in the U.S, nearly in the top category, a 5.

People dead, missing. Houses, every single building is wrecked. No food, water, medicine, a good place to stay. People are starting to loot, steal. Children are sick, hungry, cold. For 5 days, all that we have to see and hear are how Yolanda has damaged us. No amount of words to exactly describe what it has done. But we are never hopeless. We will stand again and WE NEED YOU. (more…)

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Notre-Dame-des-Landes (France): Call for decentralised action for the first anniversary of ZAD evictions

Monday, October 14th, 2013

19 October 2013: Protest anniversary of evictions.

We got sent this link to check out solidarity call for the anti-airport struggle

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Portland: 'FAI – Oregon' slash several tires of company vans (USA)

Monday, October 14th, 2013

From Bite Back:

“To continue the momentum of direct action targeting speciesist companies in Portland, we slashed several tires on company vans at Sunshine Dairy Foods, located at 801 NE 21st Avenue. We are happy to see the surge in illegal actions in Portland. Keep fighting.

Until all humyn and non-humyn prisons are destroyed


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3rd Radical Mycology Convergence Call Out for Spring/Summer 2014 (USA)

Sunday, October 6th, 2013

What: The Radical Mycology Convergence (RMC) is a unique gathering of mycologists, mushroom enthusiasts, and Earth stewards coming together to share skills and information on the numerous benefits of the fungal kingdom for humans and the planet. The RMC is a weekend long event consisting of workshops, presentations, and various mycoremediation installations. Beyond the skills shared, the RMC also works to build a community among like-minded mycophiles (aka mushroom lovers) and community-based earth healers to collaborate on remediation and restoration projects during and after the RMC. (more…)

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Phoenix project #7: ELF/FAI burn down sawmill at hunting resort in Bryansk – 'Some thoughts on recent issues with FAI/IRF' (Russia)

Saturday, October 5th, 2013

Received via encrypted mailing oak:

On October the 2nd of 2013, 2 incendiaries 1.5l of gasoline each were placed at the sawmill situated on the land of a hunting resort under Bryansk (western Russia). Tongues of flames rose up to lick the rags left by unfortunate woodcutters right on the device. A nearby hill offered awesome spot to enjoy the night scene: thick smoke was soon gathering under the roof and coiling around the compound in a mist-like fashion.

We suggest this action to count as our input in PHOENIX project (#7), a project for the revival of direct action acts and anarchist resistance after repressions of 2010-2012. We wholeheartedly support our mates from Moscow cells of CCF and ELF when they state the necessity to resume and widen our attacks on state and capital.

Some thoughts about the recent critique by anonymous comrades from Argentina. Without any second thoughts of being self-referential or posting useless bravado:

Interior debates are not always worth it to publish them in English on international sites. Besides we thought that a series of attacks on similar targets still sparks debates in the anarchist community at least on the local level (we can name anti-police campaign of 2008-2011, Khimki and Butovsky forests, recent protests against mining project in Voronezh). Sometimes things go beyond debates.

We also considered it agreed upon that its very hard to coordinate timed hits at the similar structures on the international level (like fur farms, woodcutter industry, cops, prisons, military objects, industry, banks, gas and oil etc.) as this takes more time and we are communicating on a more or less public level here. So our enemies can get the better of us. It is debatable whether we should risk our freedom during next action for a chance to see a communique about similar action taking place 6 months later somewhere else. Besides, one cannot say we do not coordinate to some extent: notice the series of attacks at power supply lines and electricity industry objects in Belarus, Canada and Indonesia, actions taken against banking institutions in the UK, Russia, Germany, Italy, Greece, numerous coordinated acts of hunger strikes performed by our imprisoned comrades throughout the planet.

For our collective the whole FAI-IRF thing is more important because of the feeling of being part to some wider community. In the past that was the “social anarchist” organizations’ exclusive domain. Now anarchists of other inclinations can feel camaraderie and support across the globe. Just several years ago in our country if you wanted to get in touch with anarchists you’d have to suffer through established mainstream anarchists organizations. And if some shit happened they were the first to mumble about police provocateurs and stuff. Now people who feel the same, who are edging towards rebellion and actions as no less valid than anarchist theory, can link up outside the pacifist and reformist anarchist framework. And when we read about hundreds of cars burning in one part of the world, banks going in flames in another and construction vehicles sabotaged somewhere else – so much the better. A short trip in memory: recall the heated discussions over the FAI acronym just a little while ago (or early discussions over the support/denouncement of CCF). We believe it is the achievement every group from FAI-IRF that things have changed.

We understand that your concern is lack of streamlined coordination in our attacks, but we have another issue to discuss as well: new groups to be formed, spreading of information, countermeasures against repressions. If one wants to coordinate her attacks more thoroughly, she needs only to read other people’s communiques better. But to fight the still ongoing repression aimed at direct action groups world wide – this is the task we believe should be addressed asap.

ELF/ FAI, Nestor Makhno Commando

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