‘Eco Struggle’ Archives

Statement/Announcing Beat The Raid: New Source for Info on Anti-Pipelines Graffiti Raid and Repression (Canada)

Thursday, January 29th, 2015

Beat The Raid will be a place to hear up to date info on the repression of anti-pipelines activists and anarchists in so called Vancouver, BC. We are still fundraising and now selling no pipelines patches and t-shirts to help with legal funds. You can contact us at beattheraid@riseup.net for questions and interview requests.

Together we will beat the isolation the state imposes on us.

Beat The raid: https://beattheraid.wordpress.com/

Contact: beattheraid -at- riseup.net


Repression is part and parcel in democracy. In a democracy the rulers require complete control over the people. Revolts are countered with political repression in the form of arrests, armed raids and physical and emotional harassment by the police. Movements are watered downed by mainstream environmental groups such as Forest Ethics and Greenpeace. These groups wish to reform colonialism instead of eliminating it. These groups, much like Enbridge and BP, rely upon capitalism and cooperation with the state to exist. These mainstream environmental organizations frack the rebellion out of people in the form of referendums, voting and waving signs. Meanwhile, they use our radical words only to dilute, co-opt and contribute to polluted deals undermining real grassroots movements and then ensure us that democracy is still drinkable. (more…)

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Santiago: Burning barricades in Solidarity with Taco the Polar Bear ($hile)

Friday, January 16th, 2015

via War on Society:

Street blockade for Taco the polar bear.

In order to speak out about the situation suffered by Taco the polar bear at the Santiago metropolitan zoo, we demand the release of the polar bear.

Blockade carried out December 26, 2014

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National University of La Plata: Animals liberated, research facility set on fire (Argentina)

Tuesday, January 13th, 2015

received anonymously (translation); click here for video from the action:

“Progress and science have been declared enemies of nature and freedom, managed for those who possess power and want to keep it on their side no matter what it takes. A fundamental part of its development is the separation of humans from the rest of nature, and one of the practices to generate its development is the incarceration and use of animals. We decided to start a fierce campaign against animal testing in particular at the National University of La Plata, where they experiment with cats, guinea pigs and other animals. (more…)

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Letter from Eric McDavid about his release (USA)

Tuesday, January 13th, 2015

And now…
i cannot begin this without an over flowingly gushing heartfelt thanks for the amazing support, aid, and solidarity provided by so many people from so many places – seeing me through these past 9 years to bring me home… tears of release and joy will continue to wet my cheeks –

i don’t wipe them away… the folks at Sacramento Prisoner Support have never wavered in going above and beyond while enduring all the pressures that come from moving contrary to what the FBI had considered a closed case – i love you all so dearly. to my habeas attorneys, mark and ben, your work on this process certainly hasn’t changed my view of the legal system – but it has proven to me that humyns can actually survive the bar with their strong and beautiful hearts intact, still connected, and persevering as a guiding force in their lives = ‘thank you’ will never be enough, i love you both… surviving these last 9 years has brought me to a new understanding of patience and how it can be passionate, thereby sustaining the need for a longer view; one that will continue to help me as i move into aiding those still held behind razor wire fences, concrete, and steel… so many others have cases as ridiculous as my own – some much worse, and have been in for decades; a number i met personally and others i dream of meeting upon their release.
thank you all so much for all of your love and support as i begin to move into this next phase of my life.
i’ll be in touch again soon. for now i hope to focus on spending time with my loved ones and reconnecting with the community that i love and have missed for so long.
too much love. find UR joy

Eric McDavid

… If you would like to write Eric or send him care packages, you can send them to: Eric McDavid c/o SPS PO Box 163126 Sacramento, CA 95816 USA.

Find a link at: http://supporteric.org/howtohelp.htm#Fundraising

Thank you all for your continued love and solidarity!
Yours, Sacramento Prisoner Support

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Roma: Blocco del treno ad alta velocità Italo in solidarietà con Chiara, Claudio, Mattia e Niccolò (Italia)

Monday, December 15th, 2014

Oggi a Roma un numeroso gruppo di solidali No Tav ha voluto inviare un concreto messaggio di solidarietà nei confronti di Chiara, Claudio, Mattia e Niccolò, che nella giornata di mercoledì 17 si vedranno giudicati in primo grado al Tribunale di Torino con l’accusa di terrorismo, per la ben nota vicenda del danneggiamento del compressore del cantiere di Chiomonte. Il blocco del treno alta velocità nella stazione Ostiense è servito per imprimere sopra di esso il nostro grido di libertà, in modo che dopo aver attraversato il paese possa raggiungere proprio Torino. Cogliamo l’occasione per rilanciare la mobilitazione anche nella nostra città, in vista del mese di gennaio, in cui arriverà la sentenza nel maxi-processo che vede imputate 53 persone di tutta Italia per le grandi giornate di lotta del 27 giugno e 3 luglio 2011. Sempre negli stessi giorni ci sarà anche la sentenza per i fatti del 15 ottobre 2011 a Roma. Il 17 gennaio un corteo popolare tornerà nelle strade di Roma per rivendicare la libertà di tutti e tutte, e per ribadire che il Tav in Val di Susa non si farà mai. Per parlare di questa ed altre iniziative invitiamo a partecipare ad un’assemblea pubblica venerdì 19 dicembre alle 17 all’università La Sapienza. NO TAV LIBERI/E!!! NO TAV FINO ALLA VITTORIA!!!

Rome: High Speed Train Blocked & Sprayed In Solidarity With Chiara, Claudio and Niccolo, anti-TAV prisoners

Today in Rome a large group of No TAV solidarians wanted to send a concrete message of solidarity with Chiara, Claudio, Mattia and Niccolo, who on Wednesday 17 December will be judged in the first instance at the Court of Turin on charges of Terrorism, for the well-known story of the compressor damage at the [TAV] construction yard of Chiomonte. The blockade of the high-speed train in the station of Ostiense served to impress upon all our cry of freedom, so that it crosses the country to reach Turin. We take this opportunity to revive the mobilization in our city, in view of the month of January, which will come the judgment in the maxi-process in which 53 people are charged from across Italy in the great days of struggle of June 27 and July 3, 2011. On the same days there will also be judgment for the events of October 15, 2011 in Rome. On January 17, a popular parade will return to the streets of Rome to demand the freedom of all and for all, and to reiterate that the TAV in Val di Susa never will pass. To talk about this and other initiatives we invite you to attend a public meeting Friday, December 19 to 17 at the University of La Sapienza. NO TAV – FREEDOM FOR ALL!!! NO TAV – UNTIL VICTORY !!!

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Jake Conroy: "From activist to terrorist" (Anarchistisches Radio Berlin)

Wednesday, December 10th, 2014

Dear all,

As Anarchist Radio Berlin we documented a presentation by Jake Conroy:
“From activist to terrorist”. He is an activist for animal liberation
from the US, who participated in a campaign to close an animal testing
laboratory and was prosecuted and sentenced as a terrorist.

Along with the presentation we recorded an interview as well where he
tells a bit more about the US prison system and his experiences with it.

You’ll find the audios (to listen online or download in different sizes)

The length of the interview is: 11:20 min.
The length of the presentation is: 59:10 min.

Enjoy! And please feel free to share!

A-Radio Berlin

ps.: Please note: We are always looking for people willing to lend us a
hand with transcript translations from Spanish or German into English as
well as people able to do voice recordings – in order to amplify our
international radio work. You can contact us at

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Comrade killed by police defending the wetland of Testet (ZAD, France)

Tuesday, October 28th, 2014

From rabbleldn, reposted from squat.net and contrainfo:

According to a statement from squatters in the ZAD (occupied “zone to be defended”) of Notre-Dame-des-Landes, during the night between Saturday and Sunday the 26th of October 2014 a protester named Remi was killed in clashes that broke out after a rally against the construction of a dam along the Sivens forest in the wetland of Testet in the Tarn department (southern France).

Around 7000 people gathered in the ZAD (zone to be defended) of Testet, after months of police attacks and destruction of the wetland and habitations of those who defend the area. In the late evening and overnight, dozens of people attacked the forces of order that were protecting the dam construction site. Activists expressed their anger trying to delay the resumption of works, originally scheduled for Monday the 27th of October.

The cops fired rubber bullets (known as flash-balls), distraction devices such as stun hand grenades and fragmentation grenades, and tear gases. According to testimonies of protesters from the Testet wetland area, Remi must have collapsed after being hit with a grenade; then his body was reportedly taken by the repressive forces.

Prefectural authorities stated they did not want to comment on the matter before the official autopsy was made public on Monday. The government has already begun to stigmatize the protesters, in addition to trying to divide them in order to cover up what happened. But they know very well that, whatever they do, this death will have explosive consequences.

Calls against state violence and updates on planned actions in Nantes and elsewhere at: zad.nadir.org & nantes.indymedia.org

Photos from revolution-news.com

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Countering the Congress of the Institute of Animal Technology, 17-20th March (UK)

Sunday, October 19th, 2014

Congress 2015 – 17-20th March, Scotland.

“The main purpose of Congress is to introduce Animal Technologists to the latest developments in all aspects of animal based research and technology.”

In the same year that SHAC ceases to exist as a campaign, the Institute of Animal Technology have organised this 3 day event [last year it was held in Blackpool, the year before in the south of England], where people who experiment on animals, in those horrific ways we have all seen from undercover footage, will be able to walk, talk, eat and give lectures freely without any thought to opposition.

The breakdown of the most effective anti-vivisection campaign on the planet appears to have given these people a “free-for-all” mentality, this conference is quite possibly party time for the oppressor. A celebration of animal research, a way to say they have won the war against animal rights campaigners. What else could this openness of a 3 day conference be exactly? (more…)

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Anti-nuclear demo of 16,000 people in Tokyo against plan to restart reactors at Sendai (Japan)

Sunday, September 28th, 2014

Some 16,000 people rallied Tuesday 23/09 in Tokyo against the government’s plan to restart nuclear reactors, more than three years after the Fukushima disaster. It was one of the largest anti-nuclear demonstrations since the state nuclear watchdog on September 10 approved plans to restart two reactors at the Sendai plant in southern Japan.

“Three and a half years has passed since the nuclear accident, but self-examination has yet to be made,” Nobel literature laureate Kenzaburo Oe told the Tokyo rally, according to public broadcaster NHK. “The government is going ahead with the plan to resume operation at the Sendai plant without compiling sufficient anti-disaster plans,” Oe said.

After the rally demonstrators marched through the capital, carrying banners like: “We don’t need nuclear plants”.

As the government tries to convince a skeptical public about the necessity of nuclear power, on Sunday 21/9, new industry minister Yuko Obuchi said the resource-poor nation should be “realistic about its energy needs”. In pre-Fukushima Japan, nuclear power accounted for nearly one-third of the country’s energy needs.

The Nuclear Regulatory Authority has said the two reactors were satisfactory but hurdles still remain, including getting the consent of local communities in a country still scarred by the catastrophe where all 48 viable reactors are offline. Widespread angry anti-government and anti-nuclear sentiment has simmered ever since the earthquake and tsunami in March 2011 caused meltdowns at Fukushima, sparking the worst atomic disaster since Chernobyl.

Tens of thousands of people were evacuated from their homes, many of whom have not been allowed to return. Scientists say some areas might have to be abandoned forever. There have been anti-fascist and anti-government demonstrations taking place, and angry protestors accuse the media and state of hiding the news of them occurring and so trying to stop the people’s rage from being known.

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Santiago: 'Abyssal core of action' seals the locks of 19 doner meat shops in liberationist rememberance of Avalon (Chile)

Wednesday, September 24th, 2014

325 receives and translates:

This day at dawn [18/9] we organized to sabotage, sealing locks with steel liquid, many branches of one of the industries with the highest presence of death in the metropolitan region; Doner meat. Local places sabotaged were the following:

General Balmaceda #231

J.J. Perez
J.J. Perez #7275

La Florida Avda.
La Florida #10301

Macul 1
J.P. Alessandri #2054

Macul 2
J.P. Alessandri #4185

Maipu 1 (Local con Mayorista)
Avda. 5 deAbril#157

Maipu 2
Pinochet Lebrun #86

Maipu 3
Chacabuco #99

Melipilla (Local con Mayorista)
Ortuzar #899

La Estrella
La Estrella #1035

Pte. Alto 1
Avda. Concha y Toro #480

Pte. Alto 2
Jose Luis Coo #084

Santa Rosa 1
Santa Rosa #8151

Santa Rosa 2
Santa Rosa # 8069

Alameda (Local con Mayorista)
Chacabuco #1 D

La Vega (Local con Mayorista)
Los Artesanos # 711 local 15

Pte. Alto 3
Avda. Concha y Toro # 225

Plaza Egaña (Local con Mayorista)
Larrain #5707

Gran Avenida
Gran Avenida #8522

We dedicate and remember with integrity, through this action and these words Comrade Avalon*, direct action activist of earth and animal liberation.

For now no more to say … that’s all friends.

Abyssal core of action

* Avalon, ‘William C. Rogers’, was a comrade of the Earth Liberation Front in the United States who suicided during the investigation of the FBI Operation Backfire, known as the ‘Greenscare’. Avalon made a statement of escape on the night he died, mailing it to several friends, and asphyxiated by a plastic bag over his head. He defended his choice as a return to the heart of life and death, and from where the agents of the law can never reach us. Honor and dignity to Avalon, who through his example showed courage and determination in the face of the enemy, he who refused the trial and prison process and made his choice in an impossible situation of betrayal. Let the blood shed from the snitches and the collaborators who still live, those who ratted on their comrades of the Earth Liberation Front. Fire and rage against each and every cage.

“To my friends and supporters to help them make sense of all these events that have happened so quickly: Certain human cultures have been waging war against the Earth for millennia. I chose to fight on the side of bears, mountain lions, skunks, bats, saguaros, cliff rose and all things wild. I am just the most recent casualty in that war. But tonight I have made a jail break — I am returning home, to the Earth, to the place of my origins.” Bill, 12/21/05 (winter solstice)

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First communique of Reacción Salvaje / Wild Reaction – RS (Mexico)

Monday, September 8th, 2014

from contrainfo, transl wos:

First communique.
Cuernavaca, Morelos
August 14, 2014

“The people who are pushing all this garbage of development and technological progress should be severely punished.”

F. [a]

After a little more than three years of criminal-terrorist activity, the group “Individualists Tending toward the Wild” (ITS), begins a new phase in this open war against the Technoindustrial System, which we explain below:


First of all, we want to explain that during all of 2012 and 2013, various groups of a terrorist and sabotage stripe were uniting themselves with the group ITS, so that now, after a long silence and for purely strategic reasons, we publicly claim:

1) The “Informal Anti-civilization Group,” which on June 29, 2011, took responsibility for the explosion that severely damaged a Santander bank in the city of Tultitlan, Mexico.

2) “Uncivilized Autonomous,” who on October 16, 2011 set off a bomb inside the ATMs of a Banamex, located between the cities of Tultitlan and Coacalco in Mexico State.

3) “Informal Circle of Antagonistic Individualists,” who in September 2009 set several wild horses free from a farm in Aguascalientes.

4) “Wild Indomitables,” who on October 16, 2011 left a butane gas bomb that did not detonate in a Santander bank in the Álvaro Obregón district of Mexico City. The act was never claimed until now.

5) “Terrorist Cells for the Direct Attack – Anti-civilization Fraction,” which in 2010 and 2011 left a fake bomb in front of the IFaB (Pharmacological and Biopharmeceutical Research), and detonated an explosive outside the building of the National Ecology Institute (INE), both in the Tlalpan district of Mexico City.

6) “Luddites against the Domestication of Wild Nature,” who during 2009 to 2011 had taken part in various incendiary attacks in some cities in Mexico State and various districts of Mexico City, claimed or unclaimed.

7) “NS – Fera – Kamala y Amala” which on December 9, 2011, left an explosive package addressed to the director of the National Institute of Psychiatry “Ramón de la Fuente” in the Tlalpan district, Mexico City. It was deactivated by the police bomb squad. On the 15th of this month, the same group warned through email of the presence of a car bomb in the institution’s parking lot, which, although it was a false warning, created terror among the officials of that center of mental alienation.

8 ) “Earth Liberation Front – Bajío”, which on November 16, 2011 set off an explosive charge creating damages within the ATM area of a branch of the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) in the city of Irapuato in Guanajuato.

Likewise, during this year, 2014, two more terroristic groups have united with us who have put the development of the Technoindustrial System in their sights, we refer to: (more…)

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Chronology of Resistance in Rembang City, Jawa Tengah: Street and community conflict against military & police in struggle against the construction of a cement factory (Indonesia)

Wednesday, June 25th, 2014

This is a news report from one of our comrades in Rembang City, Jawa Tengah.

People in Rembang City in Jawa Tengah, Indonesia make a protest because the company PT. Semen Indonesia will build a factory in Rembang City. Why the farmers and people protest to that capitalism is because Jaringan Masyarakat peduli Pegunungan Kendeng (JMPPK) and Semarang Caver Association [farming and local community groups in Rembang City] found 109 springs, fountains or wells, as well as 49 caves and 4 underground rivers that make a great amount of pure water there.

And this is different news from Analisa Dampak Lingkungan (AMDAL) which is an organisation, or an ‘Non-Government Organisation’ that is a bullshit organisation that belongs to the government and PT. Semen Indonesia. They say they only found 20 fountains.

If PT. Semen Indonesia still make their factory and cement production in Rembang City, it will destroy nature and the water supply in Rembang City, because that water is directly produced from Watuputih mountain.

That’s why we must boycott PT. Semen Indonesia and AMDAL.

Feed the fire… burn baby burn….!!!! (more…)

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Towards the trial against Gianluca and Adriano on 26 May in Rome (Italy)

Sunday, May 18th, 2014

Also, check out the latest letter and drawings of Gianluca. International solidarity to the two anarchists against all systems of domination – War to the techno-industrial complex and the immiseration of life.

Gianluca and Adriano, anarchists, were arrested 19 September 2013.

The operation was co-ordinated by the deputy prosecutor Giancarlo Capaldo of the anti-terrorism unit and the general commander of Mario Parente Ros, and considered the anarchists authors of a number of various kinds of damages that occurred in the province of Rome : Thirteen acts of sabotage committed against some banks, a fur shop, and branch offices of ENI and ENEL (energy companies) and the Roncigliano landfill.

The authorities impose upon them the charges of association for purposes of terrorism or subversion of the democratic order, as well as those of fire and theft, aggravated by the circumstances of competition, disfigurement and contamination of other people’s property. (more…)

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Zurich: SHAC History & Repression Infonight – Solidarity with the Blackmail 3 & SOCPA 7! (Switzerland)

Thursday, May 8th, 2014

15 years of SHAC – 10 years of repression:
Solidarity with the Blackmail 3 & SOCPA 7!

Wednesday 14th May @ Autonomer Beauty Salon
Hohlstrasse 481, Zurich. Food @ 7pm, Info @ 8pm

An infotalk & presentation from a UK ABC comrade providing a history of the global campaign to close HLS; the tactics used to bring a multinational corporation into $120 million of debt, and the five cases in the USA & UK so far imprisoning 19 activists to over 96 years (collectively) for their involvement in the grassroots movement.

Since 1999 Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC) have campaigned for the closure of Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS), Europe’s largest animal testing
facility; exposed numerous times for animal cruelty and malpractice. (more…)

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Support the SOCPA 7 (UK)

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2014

From StopUKRepression:

Over recent years there have been many attempts to stop UK activists protesting against Europe’s largest animal testing laboratory; Huntingdon Life Sciences. Activists have been arrested, raided, imprisoned and banned from taking part in the campaign.

Despite these attempts, SHAC (Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty) has been a groundbreaking campaign which has succeeded in almost bankrupting the multi-national corporation. Hundreds of companies have refused to deal with HLS after learning about the horrors happening to animals inside the torture lab – including some of the world’s largest business and financial institutions.

There is an ongoing battle taking place in the UK, with SHAC trying to shut down HLS and vested business and state interests trying to shut down SHAC. The desperation on the part of the state has lead to the introduction of new laws criminalising legitimate protest and the harassment and targeting of peaceful and lawful campaigners. (more…)

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