‘Eco Struggle’ Archives

Comrade from Hamburg in custody in Copenhagen (Denmark)

Tuesday, December 15th, 2009

Our comrade Christian was arrested by civil cops at the resistance against the climate summit (COP15) in Copenhagen. He was sentenced to 3 weeks custody because he’s accused of §119 (violence against police), §134a (public unrest), §245 (violence of dagerous kind) and §291 (damaging of property). (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle, Prison Struggle

COP15 Call out – 12th December, Copenhagen (Denmark)

Saturday, November 21st, 2009

Join us in Copenhagen on the mass protest on the 12th of December, 2009!

The catastrophe is real and climate change is one of its many symptoms. The COP15s inevitable talk of saving the world from the climate crisis is an elaborate hoax to disguise the COP15s true purpose: to restore the legitimacy of global capitalism by inaugurating an era of green capitalism. A new rhetoric of saving the climate will exist to justify their repression, their fortified borders, their colonial resource wars. To give the Emperor new clothes. Our response to this astounding lie is an uncompromising and absolute NO to their system.

More has to be shaken than our holiday habits to sustain the world for times to come. It would be foolish to pin our hopes upon the very people who continue to kill off the planet for money. At Copenhagen, they will argue over how to properly create a market to commodify and so pollute the biosphere, dispossessing millions of people from their land to profit from destroying what remains of our earth. Governments and corporations will not sacrifice their growth to reduce carbon emissions, or only do so in order to create a new authoritarian regime for themselves.

The entire rhetoric of the climate crisis and the financial crisis is a cynical maneouvre by the state spin-doctors to deny the all-encompassing crisis of self-declared civilization. The COP15 will only attempt to hide the war that capitalism is waging against all life on the planet, a war that has spread across the entire globe for the last five hundred years, a war that encompasses the totality of even the oceans and atmosphere. In the midst of war, one does not talk of management and technical solutions. You cannot fight a war by pretending the war does not exist, by blinding yourself to repression and becoming complicit in accepting the false-promise of a petit bourgeois tranquility. Instead, one recognizes the enemy. One chooses a position. One fights.

Only by ridding ourselves of those who claim to be representing us and by defeating the ideology of endless economic growth, industrial production and consumption can we take control of our lives and planet. It is time to state: we are going to consciously attack the structures supporting the COP15: we will break through the lines of their police; we will refuse to negotiate with warmongering governments and the embedded media; we will refuse to side with sell-out NGOs and all the would-be managers of protest; we will refuse all governments and governance and not just de-legitimize the present ones.

It is time to state why we think that insurrection is needed to actually begin the change everybody is so desperate for. Acting together in fundamental opposition to those in power we might get a first glimpse of the richness and opportunities possible when ideas, experiences and concepts are shared amongst people from all over the world.

Further information:

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Posted in Direct Action, Eco Struggle

Under night-time's lovely coat- Solidarity with anarchist Jonatan (Sweden)

Friday, November 20th, 2009

This is the call for Revolutionary Solidarity with our Swedish anarchist comrade Jonatan and for all fighting prisoners! Please spread it and publish it on your websites, blogs and lists.


On the 14th of October 2008 the Swedish secret police SAPO raided 3 houses in different places in Sweden. They arrested the anarchist Jonatan and took different tools, political pamphlets, his computer and other personal stuff with them. After two months in custody he had his trial and was sentenced to about 15 Months in Prison, which he begins in October ’09. He is accused of three ELF-Actions. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle, Prison Struggle

Sabotage of Apex Drilling (UK)

Friday, November 6th, 2009

3 November 2009 : Solidarity action in Brigend against eco-destruction in Mainshill, Scotland. Here is the claim: “In the early hours of tuesday 3rd november, anti-opencast activists visited Apex Drilling based near Bridgend. They are integral to the expanding opencast monster and are currently active at Mainshill in Scotland. Cameras were disabled, containers and vehicles had their locks glued, windscreens were etched with ‘No opencast’, wires and pipes were cut on heavy vehicles, fuel systems were contaminated, anti opencast graffiti sprayed all over the compound and the main site gate locked shut. This company and others will be repeatedly targeted until they are put out of business. No compromise in defence of mother earth.”

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Posted in Direct Action, Eco Struggle

We're not Victims – We are Fighters (Kulon Progo, Indonesia)

Wednesday, November 4th, 2009

For more background on the community of Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia and their resistance to the planned Iron Mine on their land see: 325 #7 and this article.

We hope that comrades from abroad can make a solidarity action for the farmers of Kulon Progo and make a presence to the nearest Indonesian Embassy regarding this case. Our dear comrades of Kulon Progo are in one spirit with us. They are our friends in struggle and daily lives. A recent statement from the Sultan of Yogyakarta dictates that they will continue this megaproject and so the consequences are more repression to come. But for sure, from recent gathering and since the beginning of resistance, the Kulon Progo’s peasants remained determined in their resistance and ready for the next social war. This is just a beginning.

We’re not Victims, we are fighters and yes we’re all provocateurs: video chronology and riot footage of Kulon Progo Peasants Resistance

1. August 23, 2007

2. October 23, 2008

3. October 20, 2009

4. October 20, 2009

Soli website – with English translation


Posted in Eco Struggle

Against the Hallmark Nickel Project (Philippines)

Wednesday, October 28th, 2009

Information about destructive mining project in Mati, Davao, Philippines.

From anarchists in Philippines involved in resistance:

“Autonomous resistance against eco-destruction and social turmoil carried out by capital needs to develop unbounded and analyzed upon creating a revolutionary plight in reclaiming direct control towards freedom- liberatory space and unconstrained desire and capacity beyond the bondages of imagination to put into action -without compromise. The struggle against domination, the enemy- state, capital and religion acquiring and exploiting the earth landscape as extractable resources manifests the ever-growing contagious outbreak of various oppositional elements and social conventions concealed within the legal framework and morality of lobbying, servitude and pacifism until natural life is mechanically being reduced and controlled into the hands of conservation experts, scientists and sustainable management schemes as a means of reaction to such atrocious events. Ideological dogma, reformism and centralized administrative structures often becomes the product of deeds and academic indoctrination consequently suppressing the burning rage of defiance and revolt against the social order and ecological havoc maintained by the ruling forces. Such logic is inflicting coercion over other life forms- a totalitarian mindset taking place within the driving stages and development of social experimentation and control”.

The Hallmark Nickel Project is one of the 23 priority mining projects that are part of the Philippines government’s 2004 Minerals Action Plan. Spearheaded by President Arroyo, the plan aims to revitalize the Philippine mining industry and encourage foreign investment as a driver for national development. Hallmark demonstrates the complexity of international mining projects and the challenges in ensuring sufficiently high social and environmental standards are met by international mining companies and their joint venture partners. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy, Eco Struggle

Eco-Struggle in Kulon Progo – Solidarity Needed (Indonesia)

Wednesday, October 28th, 2009

For more background on the community of Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia and their resistance to the planned Iron Mine on their land see: 325 #7

We hope that comrades from abroad can make a solidarity action for the farmers of Kulon Progo and make a presence to the nearest Indonesian Embassy regarding this case. Our dear comrades of Kulon Progo are in one spirit with us. They are our friends in struggle and daily lives. A recent statement from the Sultan of Yogyakarta dictates that they will continue this megaproject and so the consequences are more repression to come. But for sure, from recent gathering and since the beginning of resistance, the Kulon Progo’s peasants remained determined in their resistance and ready for the next social war. This is just a beginning.

For a video from the news media, see this video

Thousands of Kulon Progo Farmers Resist Corporate Evil, Fighting the Police.

This morning (Monday, 20th October 2009), around 2000 coastal farmers connected to PPLP (Paguyuban Petani Lahan Pantai = Shoreline Farmers’ Association), took to the street in front of the office of the mayor of Kulon Progo, in the town of Wates. Twenty-eight trucks full of farmers, who wanted to convey their wholehearted rejection of the planned project to mine iron sands, arrived to demonstrate at the public consultation event. They were in the mood for action, just as they had already carried out many times before. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy, Eco Struggle

Earth Liberation Front hits in Butovo (Russia)

Tuesday, October 13th, 2009

9 October 2009 : Earth Liberation Front claims action in the night of 9th of October, where one escavator and one tractor were torched in Butovo, very South of Moscow. Currently the “Internal Intelligence Bureau” is cutting the forest down to make a road to their infrastructure there.

Original claim in Russian

Legal campaign to save the forest: http://www.spasiteles.ru

Posted in Direct Action, Eco Struggle

Support Nicole Vosper – Green Anarchist / SHAC Prisoner

Monday, June 1st, 2009

Nicole is a green anarchist with an irrepressible love for the wild. She has been fighting for animal communities since she was a child, starting her first animal rights group at school aged 10. Nicole has been vegan since she was 14 years old to nourish her body, revitalize the land, rivers and forests and end the mass domestication and exploitation of animals of which modern-day meat eating is based upon. (more…)

Posted in Eco Struggle, Prison Struggle

Solidarity with imprisoned eco-struggle farmers in Java, Indonesia

Tuesday, May 26th, 2009

Once again we have to face another obstacle in stopping the corporation from destroying our environment, cultural and economy. Together with the plan to built the cement factory in Pati, Central Java that caused lots of conflicts and problems among local people because the factory will be built on the North Kendeng mountain where are most rivers and lakes are located, the authorities has arrested nine farmers and activists that join the protest. (more…)

Posted in Eco Struggle

Legal process against Nazi-skin eco-camp attack (Russia)

Monday, May 18th, 2009

The case of the nazi-skinheads’ attack of the environmental protest camp
in Angarsk was passed to the juvenal court

Special juvenal court will consider the criminal case about attack by
Nazi-skinheads of the environmental protest camp near Angarsk town (in
Eastern Siberia) which happened summer 2007. The anti-fascist from
Nachodka (Far East) Ilya Borodaenko perished after being seriously
injured. The court will consider 45 volumes of the criminal case on a
charge of 20 young men, 11 of which were not 18 years old at the moment
of attack. (more…)

Posted in Anti-Fascist, Eco Struggle