Drive-by barricade – End of dialogue at Pyhäjoki (Finland)

Fennovoima-Rosatom tries to build a new nuclear power plant in Pyhäjoki, Finland. Nuclear energy is by every standard outdated technology, financially unprofitable, it increases the centralization of energy production and produces hazardous nuclear waste for generations to come.

On top of it all, Fennovoima-Rosatom is destroying unique nature as we speak and messing up the Bay of Bothnia. The chosen location is a crappy one for a nuclear power plant by any means. Close to sea, close to groundwater. For example, the builders need to lift the ground level with meters to even get to start the constructions.

On Tuesday 12/04 at 6 in the morning we blocked the traffic of the only road leading to the construction site, and the landfills from continuing, by burning a crappy car filled with car tires etc. In the middle of that Fennovoima road.

The paintjob on the car said “Dialog Devil”. That’s our dialogue and that’s what we have to say to everyone demanding dialogue with Fennovoima-Rosatom.

We also want to send our solidarity to Hambach forest occupation where comrades are battling against the climate killing energy giant RWE despite heavy repression against them. One struggle!

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This entry was posted on Monday, April 18th, 2016 at 12:02 pm and is filed under Eco Struggle.