

In the time of fake news, we cannot be silent about the truth

As Australian summer passes, half of us have headed to the beach, many watch the Tests and the men's and women's Big Bashes, followed by Roger Federer's beautiful arc of a forehand as he heads to grand slam No.18. And on the quiet news days, a former minister packs up an office littered with the ashes of travel receipts, while numerous politicians are found to have inappropriately claimed travel entitlements, including to attend the tennis and the cricket.

In a media environment where "fake news" is king, these stories of parliamentary rorting are easy to roll out, but beyond a few scalps they do little to improve the real accountability of our political leaders. True accountability is seemingly getting more difficult in this "post-truth" era of sound bites, social media and these "gotcha" moments.

However, the truth still matters. Facts still count, even when we are watching the cricket and the tennis. In a democratic society like ours, accountability matters. As Martin Luther King reminded the world many years ago about civil rights, "we begin to die the day we are silent about the things that matter".

You may have missed it, as it disappeared so promptly, but the Australian National Audit Office last week found the Department of Immigration and Border Protection had failed to appropriately authorise or report on $2.3 billion worth of our money. That's $2300 million – a lot of money by any standards. It matters.

Our independent national auditors found the government's management of the garrison support and welfare services at these offshore processing centres fell well short of good practice, with contracts established "in circumstances of great haste to give effect to government policy decisions".

As President Donald Trump's right-hand woman said on the first day of his presidency, we now live in a world of "alternative facts". What will this mean for actual facts, for accountability, for respect and trust in our institutions? It's difficult to say.


What too will it mean for the other areas in our lives and in our country that already remain contested despite the facts.

It is clear for instance that Indigenous Australians were the owners of our country. Yet we continue to deny them this basic right.

It is clear, too, that when Captain Arthur Phillip arrived to claim what would become "our" country on January 26, 1788, it was called New South Wales; what would become "Australia" was not a glimmer in his eye. Yet we continue to celebrate Australia Day on this anniversary. It must change.

It is no longer appropriate for a modern democratic nation to celebrate its national day on the anniversary of when conflict and dispossession began. And as evidenced by incarceration rates, deaths in custody, and the denial of basic rights for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, that conflict continues.

All of this goes to the basic issue of fairness, our sense of the "fair go". It is not fair that if you are born black in Australia you will live at least a decade less than the rest of us. It is not fair that at the same time pensioners and welfare recipients are being billed for false debts, essential social services to the most vulnerable are cut, some politicians rort their travel entitlements, whilst billions of dollars are found by the National Auditor to be unauthorised or improperly spent by the Immigration Department.

And it is not fair that our neighbours in Pacific countries like Kiribati and Tuvalu see the very existence of their nations' future threatened by climate change, whilst others removed from their daily reality debate whether the issue is real or not.

In a climate devoid of accountability, the most vulnerable in our world are the biggest victims. A lack of accountability means that the powerful say and potentially spend whatever is desired, and cause harm to entire population groups, who will remain without recourse. It is made worse by the spread of alternative facts that seek to trump the truth.

It is very easy in times like this to turn cynical. To do so, however, would be a mistake, for I have long held that cynicism is simply an elegant form of surrender. These are not days to surrender. These are days to be vigilant, mobilise, engage and take action.

As we witnessed last weekend in a movement across the world, millions mobilised in support of the rights of women and to protest the misogyny and abuses of Donald Trump. Transforming that moment into a sustainable movement will be a challenge, but it will be essential if we are to stay true to Martin Luther King's civil rights call to find our voice about the things that matter. We cannot afford to be silent.

In Australia, the consequences of this culture vacuum of accountability are clear: four deaths in offshore detention, including one unresolved murder, thousands of asylum seekers suffering from physical, psychological and sexual harm, 30,000 left in limbo, and many left without adequate social, legal and community support.

For our first peoples, incarceration rates, now higher than they were 25 years ago, ultimately represent the canary in the coal mine for all of us who live in this nation. This is the unfinished business of our history. Perhaps we treat the last to arrive, those on Nauru and Manus, so cruelly because we have not justly dealt with the original and continuing dispossession of Aboriginal people.

I remain proud to be an Australian, and I am proud to accept recognition on behalf of the work of so many on these issues for so long, but we must also recognise that this work is not finished. The new world we are entering is testament to the fact that we are not done. We must commit to working together to overthrow injustice, strive for rights of the most vulnerable and keeping our leaders accountable to the facts. These are the things that matter, about which we must never be silent.

Phil Glendenning is president of the Refugee Council of Australia, director of the Edmund Rice Centre and a 2017 recipient of an Order of Australia.

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