'Ridiculously high' marks no longer enough to get into UNSW law school

Sanjay Alapakkam, a UNSW law and commerce student.
Sanjay Alapakkam, a UNSW law and commerce student. Peter Braig

Future lawyers may no longer be able to rely solely on exceptional HSC results to get into a law course, with one of Australia's top law schools using its own admission test for prospective students in order to attract a wider range of students.

The University of NSW's law school used a combination of HSC results and law admission test (LAT) score to select this year's candidates. Successful entrants have a median LAT score of 74 out of 100 and a median ATAR of 98, which is lower than last year's 99.7 ATAR cut off. 

The LAT is a two hour written test and generally consists of two questions: the first question asks candidates to analyse the strengths and weaknesses of arguments presented in an opinion piece and the second one asks candidates to present their point of view on an issue using materials such as quotes, graphs, interview transcripts, opinion pieces and cartoons. The LAT works on a sliding scale, which means the higher the ATAR the lower the LAT score is required.

UNSW law school dean George Williams said that the school overhauled its admissions system after speaking to 60 different employers about what the qualities they are looking for in future lawyers.

ATAR is blunt measure

"It's become increasingly clear ATAR by itself is not the best indicator of who will make a great lawyer. The legal profession is in the midst of a historic change and this means we need to emphasise a broader set of skills that ATAR does not adequately test for," he said.

He said the ATAR cut off - 99.7 last year - was "ridiculously high" and has the potential to exclude many people who did not attend prestigious high schools.

"ATAR often is a blunt measure when it comes to equity and diversity, and it's geared to going to particular schools. At that point you are cutting out many people who will make brilliant lawyers but may not get there and went to a regional school that didn't have the same options," he said.

Professor Williams said the ATAR score still remained the "most important indicator" in gaining admission, with candidates generally achieving an ATAR of a least 95.

​"95 is still extremely high but it's not something you need to go to the most elite school to get," he said.

Mainstream pathway

He said LAT was now part of the mainstream pathway to gaining admission at UNSW.  This year the UNSW law school made 303 offers in its main round, of which 289 sat the test.

"Almost everyone who got in sat the LAT, it's how you get to study with us. If you didn't sit the LAT it would be unusual now to get into UNSW law," he said.

The new admission criteria comes as law graduates are facing fierce competition in a tough legal job market and top firms such as PwC have started to blank out university academic transcripts in order to focus on candidates' commercial skills.

Sanjay Alapakkam, who got into UNSW law school with an ATAR of 98, said the LAT tested different skills from the HSC, which is focused on learning the curriculum.

"It's different to what I did at school - I did maths and science subjects and it's about learning the content," he said. He said with English being the only compulsory HSC subject, HSC marks was not always a good indication of success at law school.

Elizabeth Laurie from Coffs Harbour said the test provided a level playing field for students who attended regional schools. She gained admission to law school with an ATAR of 95 and a LAT of 79.

Under the HSC system, students from regional areas can be disadvantaged by scaling when their peers do not perform as well. 

"In HSC there were circumstances where I felt as though it can be influenced by other people's work in previous years. Whereas in LAT students from metropolitan schools and people from regional schools were effectively on an equal footing going into the exam," she said.