Víctor Alberto Trujillo Matamoros (born July 30, 1961), is a Mexican host, comedian and political commentator. He is best known for his character Brozo el Payaso Tenebroso (Brozo the Creepy Clown), a green-haired, unkempt, obscene and aggressive clown (an anti-clown).
Trujillo was born in Mexico City. In 1987, after appearing in a variety show called En tienda y trastienda (Front Store and behind the counter), Trujillo created a new program called La caravana (The caravan), alongside his Tienda y trastienda partner Ausencio Cruz. La caravana was a successful show with skits protagonized by characters created by Trujillo and Cruz, it was reminiscent of the years of comedy in carpas in México. It featured characters such as Estetoscopio Medina Cháirez, played by Trujillo, representing a low-class Mexican guy with a funny accent, who spoke ironically of the way of life of the poor; also, it was the first time that Brozo appeared on air, where Brozo told fairy tales in front of the camera, freely changing the story to fit raw city realities of crime and poverty in the Mexican ghetto, meant as teen and adult oriented entertainment. Trujillo later had a night show as another character, "La Beba Galván" and this time without his partner Ausencio Cruz.