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Small businesses scammed out of $2.2 million: ACCC figures

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Scammers and unscrupulous businesses continue to target small businesses with data released by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission today showing small businesses have been scammed out of $2,284,798 over the last six months.

The watchdog received 4932 complaints over the last six months relating to small businesses, slightly down from the 5020 it recorded in the first half of the year. 

The main gripe of small business is misleading conduct and false representations followed by consumer guarantees, product safety and unsolicited goods and services. 

Bogus workplace safety and advertising claims

Some of these complaints have led to prosecutions like the watchdog's successful Federal Court action against Safety Compliance which scammed small businesses by claiming workplace safety laws required them to purchase the workplace wall charts and first aid kits it sold when there is no such requirement.   

"The government is going to enforce the legislation and fines will definitely be issued to those not displaying the required materials," one small business owner was told. 

Safety Compliance was ordered to pay penalties of $515,000 by the Federal Court although the company has collapsed. 


The ACCC continues to pursue Multimedia International Services, which trades as The Community Network, and sells digital advertising to small businesses which is shown on branded LCD screens at fitness centres, newsagencies and shopping centres.

The watchdog has issued Federal Court proceedings claiming the Community Network refused to release small businesses from contracts for advertising services even when it was not providing those services, then pursuing them for non-payment, threatening legal action and, in one case, engaging debt collectors.

Whistle blowers

ACCC deputy chair Dr Michael Schaper​ says conduct which results in substantial small business detriment is priority for the ACCC.

"The two groups we get [making complaints] are businesses complaining about each other and a number of individual staff members who ring up and tell us 'Our boss is doing X and I'm not sure if that's allowed'. We do get a number of whistleblowers," Schaper says.  

Schaper says new laws offering small businesses protection against unfair contracts which take effect on November 12, 2016 are likely to impact the complaints received by the ACCC this year. 

"At the moment if someone rings up with an unfair contract complaint there is not much we can do so it will be interesting to see what happens there with the new legislation," Schaper says.   

Melissa Monks, special counsel at law firm King & Wood Mallesons, says while the overall level of complaints in relation to small businesses remains stable, complaints from small business about competition issues have sharply increased, representing the greatest jump. 

"The extensive airplay given to the Harper Review recommendations, particularly the very public and extensive debate over the misuse of market power provisions, could be a factor in the increase," she says. 

"It will be very interesting to watch the numbers in the next one to two years to see whether the extension of the protection of the unfair terms regime to small business and the Supermarket Code of Conduct lead to any increase in complaints."

Spike in franchise complaints

The ACCC data also shows a spike in complaints in relation to franchising with 441 complaints in the second half of 2015 in comparison to 249 complaints in the first six months of the year. 

These complaints were primarily from franchisees but include a small number from franchisors.

Jason Gehrke​, director of the Franchise Advisory Centre, says he is not surprised by the figures as they relate to the period during which the disclosure provisions of the new franchising code came into effect.

The Franchising Code commenced on 1 January 2015 but franchisors were given until the end of October to update their disclosure documents. 

"There has been an increase in complaints from the franchising sector but not necessarily about franchising," Gherke says.

"The awareness of the new code has increased peoples awareness of their rights under competition law but that hasn't translated into an avalanche of complaints that can be handled under the code."   

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